Welcome to the SkriptTools API

Just so you're aware - with the launch of the latest version of SkriptTools, the API version will remain at v4. In the future, there the SkriptTools API will be merged into the skUnity API. There is no ETA as to when this will happen.
You can do a POST or GET request to any endpoint, the API doesn't check. There are no differences in the structure of the returned content compared to the previous SkriptTools site. When accessing specific information about an addon or script, you can use the file name or access hash.
NOTICE: The SkriptTools API will cache responses for 24 hours. Content is only updated every 24 hours. There might be short delays between new content and it appearing on the API. Responses will return a cached value which will be true or false respectively.

Addon API

Get a list of all available addons

Returns a list of addons known by SkriptTools including their version information

⚠️ This returns a lot of data! Please use it sparingly.

Get information about an addon

Returns specific information about an addon, including version information and download links

Supports a file name, access hash, or addon name.

https://api.skripttools.net/v4/addons/{FILE NAME}
Search addons

Searches all addons by file name (extension not required)


Script API

Get a list of all available scripts

All the scripts that SkriptTools has indexed.

⚠️ This returns a lot of data! Please use it sparingly.

Get information about a script

Returns specific information about a script, including version information and download links

Supports a file name or access hash.

https://api.skripttools.net/v4/scripts/{FILE NAME}
Search scripts

Searches all scripts by file name (extension not required)


Skript API

Get a list of all available Skript versions

Versions of Skript that have been indexed by SkriptTools. Majority are SkriptLang's fork.

Get information about a version of Skript

Returns specific information about a version of Skript, including version information and download links

Supports a file name or access hash.

https://api.skripttools.net/v4/skript/{FILE NAME}

Documentation API

Sorry, this endpoint is no longer available

SkriptTools will no longer proxy documentation. Please use the skUnity Docs API instead