warn (1).sk

Created by DiamondDom15

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Skript made by DiamondDom15 Please Do not copy and resell the code # 

# warns a player can be online or offline
Command /warn <offlineplayer=%player%> <text>:
    permission: essentials.kick
    permission message: &c&lHey! &r&8you dont have access to warn members!
        add 1 to {warns.%arg-1%}
        send "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&bYou, &c%arg-1% &bhave been warned for &6%arg-2% &bBy &6&l%player% &r&bYou have &5%{warns.%arg-1%}% &bwarning!" to arg 1
        message "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&bYou Have successfully warned &c%arg-1% &bfor &6&l%arg-2% &r&bThey have &5%{warns.%arg-1%}% &bwarnings!"     
# Checks your own warnings
command /warnings:
        message "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&dYou have &5&l%{warns.%player%}% &r&dwarning(s)"
# Checks other peoples warnings        
command /plwarnings <offlineplayer=%player%>:
    permission: essentials.kick
    permission message: "&c&lHey! &r&bYou dont have access to look at other peoples warnings!"
        message "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&d%arg-1% has &5&l%{warns.%arg-1%}% &r&dwarning(s)"

# Resets players warnings works for offline players too
command /resetwarnings <offlineplayer=%player%>:
    permission: essentials.kick
    permission message: "&c&lHey! &r&bYou dont have access to remove peoples warnings!"
        set {warns.%arg-1%} to 0
        message "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&bAll warning for &c%arg-1% &bhave been &breset"
        send "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&dall of your warning have now been reset you are very welcome!" to arg 1
# Removes one warning from a player        
command /unwarn <offlineplayer=%player%>:
    permission: essentials.kick
    permission message: &c&lHey! &r&8you dont have access to Remove a warning from members!
        subtract 1 from {warns.%arg-1%}
        message "&4&l[TheDiamondSMP] &r&ba warning for &c%arg-1% &bhas been removed they now have &5&l%{warns.%arg-1%}% &r&bWarnings"