
Created by sirSkript

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

    prefix: &8│ &cDropEditor&8│
    DropEdior.entitys: "Bat" or "Blaze" or "Cave Spider" or "Chicken" or "Cow" or "Creeper" or "Donkey" or "Elder Guardian" or "Enderman" or "Endermite" or "Evoker" or "Ghast" or "Guardian" or "Horse" or "Husk" or "Llama" or "Magma Cube" or "Mooshroom" or "Mule" or "Ocelot" or "Parrot" or "Pig" or "Polar Bear" or "Rabbit" or "Sheep" or "Shulker" or "Silverfish" or "Skeleton" or "Skeleton Horse" or "Slime" or "Spider" or "Squid" or "Stray" or "Vex" or "Villager" or "Vindicator" or "Witch" or "Wither Skeleton" or "Wolf" or "Zombie" or "Zombie Horse" or "Zombie Pigman" or "Zombie Villager"
command /DropEditor:
    permission: DropEdior.GUI
    permission message: {@prefix} &7No Permissions!
        open chest with 6 rows named "&cEntity - Drops" to player	
        wait 1 tick
        set {_s} to 45
        loop 9 times:
            format slot {_s} of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
            add 1 to {_s}
        format slot 49 of player with minecart with chest named "&bAdd Entity" to close
        unformat slot 49 of player 
        format slot 53 of player with anvil named "&cClear List" to close
        unformat slot 53 of player
        if {dropeditor.entitys::*} is not set:
            format slot 22 of player with gray dye named "&cNo entity added" to be unstealable
            set {_s} to 0
            loop {dropeditor.entitys::*}:                  
                format slot {_s} of player with chest named "%loop-value%" with lore "&7Entity: &e%loop-value%" and "&7Drop Items: &e%size of {dropeditor.entity.%loop-value%.items::*}%" and " " and "&7Rightclick: &eAdd Drop Item" and "&7Leftclick: &eSettings" to close
                unformat slot {_s} of player
                add 1 to {_s}
on inventory click:
    name of current inventory is "&cEntity - Drops":
        cancel event
        name of clicked item is "&cClear List":
            loop {dropeditor.entitys::*}:
                clear {dropeditor.entity.%loop-value%.items::*}
            clear {dropeditor.entitys::*}
            wait 1 tick
            execute player command "/dropeditor"
        name of clicked item is "&bAdd Entity":
            close player's inventory
            send "{@prefix} &7Write the name of the entity in the chat"
            set {dropeditor.chat.addentity.%player%} to true
        loop {dropeditor.entitys::*}:
            name of clicked item is "%loop-value%":
                if clicked type is left mouse button:
                    open chest with 3 row named name of clicked item to player
                    wait 1 tick
                    format slot 1 of player with bucket named "&7Click: &eRemove Entity" to close
                    unformat slot 1 of player
                    format slot 4 of player with chest named "&7Entity: &e%name of clicked item%" to be unstealable
                    format slot 7 of player with barrier named "&cBack" to run [execute player command "/dropeditor"]
                    set {_s} to 9
                    loop 9 times:
                        format slot {_s} of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                        add 1 to {_s}
                    if {dropeditor.entity.%name of clicked item%.items::*} is not set:
                        format slot 22 of player with gray dye named "&cNo Items" to be unstealable
                        set {_s} to 18
                        loop {dropeditor.entity.%name of clicked item%.items::*}:
                            if {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.item.%loop-value-2%.chance} is not set:
                                set {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.item.%loop-value-2%.chance} to 100
                            set {_e} to loop-value-2
                            format slot {_s} of player with {_e} named "%loop-value-2%" with lore "&8&m------------------" and "&7Drop Chance: &e%{dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.item.%loop-value-2%.chance}% Percent" to close
                            unformat slot {_s} of player
                            add 1 to {_s}
                if clicked type is right mouse button:
                    open chest with 2 rows named name of clicked item to player
                    wait 1 tick
                    set {_s} to 0
                    loop {dropeditor.entity.%name of clicked item%.items::*}:
                        format slot {_s} of player with barrier named "&cBusy" to be unstealable
                        add 1 to {_s}
                    set {_s} to 9
                    loop 9 times:
                        format slot {_s} of player with gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
                        add 1 to {_s}
                    format slot 13 of player with lime dye named "&aConfirm" to close
                    unformat slot 13 of player
    loop {dropeditor.entitys::*}:
        name of current inventory is "%loop-value%":
            loop {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}:
                name of clicked item is "%loop-value-2%":
                    cancel event
            name of clicked item is "&7Click: &eRemove Entity":
                cancel event
                remove name of current inventory from {dropeditor.entitys::*}
                clear {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                wait 1 tick
                execute player command "/dropeditor"
            name of clicked item is "&aConfirm":
                cancel event
                if slot 0 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 0 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 1 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 1 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 2 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 2 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 3 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 3 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 4 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 4 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 5 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 5 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 6 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 6 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 7 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 7 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                if slot 8 of current inventory is not air or barrier:
                    add slot 8 of current inventory to {dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}
                wait 1 tick
                send "{@prefix} &7New items have been added"
                send "{@prefix} &7Item list: &b%{dropeditor.entity.%name of current inventory%.items::*}%"
                close player's inventory
on death: 
    victim is a entity
    if {dropeditor.entitys::*} contains "%victim%":
        clear drops
        set {_entity} to "%victim%"
        wait 1 tick
        loop {dropeditor.entity.%{_entity}%.items::*}:
            if {dropeditor.entity.%{_entity}%.item.%loop-value%.chance} is not set:
                set {dropeditor.entity.%{_entity}%.item.%loop-value%.chance} to 100
            if chance of {dropeditor.entity.%{_entity}%.item.%loop-value%.chance}%:
                drop loop-value at victim

on chat:			
    if {dropeditor.chat.addentity.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        if {@DropEdior.entitys} contains message:
            if {dropeditor.entitys::*} contains message:
                send "{@prefix} &7The entity already exists in the list!"
                delete {dropeditor.chat.addentity.%player%}
            send "{@prefix} &7The entity &8[&e%message%&8] &7has been added"
            add message in lower case to {dropeditor.entitys::*}
            delete {dropeditor.chat.addentity.%player%}
            send "{@prefix} &7The entity does not exist"
            delete {dropeditor.chat.addentity.%player%}