Created by Mardolla

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	#cost of using the machine
	slots-cost: 500
	#prize if first 2 reels match
	slots-small-win: 5000
	#prize if all 3 reels match
	slots-jackpot: 20000	

on sign change:
    line 1 of event-block is "[Slots]"
    if player has permission "":
        set line 1 of event-block to "&9[Slots]"
        set line 2 of event-block to "&d-Ready-"
        cancel event 
on right click on sign:
    line 1 of event-block is "&9[Slots]"
    line 2 of event-block is "&d-Ready-"
    if player's balance is less than {@slots-cost}:
        send "&9Insufficient funds! You need &e500© &9to play!"
    else if player's balance is more than {@slots-cost}:
        remove {@slots-cost} from player's balance
        set line 2 of event-block to "&f-Playing-"
    loop 25 times:
        set {_reel1} to a random integer between 1 and 10
        set {_reel2} to a random integer between 1 and 10
        set {_reel3} to a random integer between 1 and 10
    if {_reel1} is 1:
        set {_reel1} to "■"
    if {_reel1} is 2:
        set {_reel1} to "♥"
    if {_reel1} is 3:
        set {_reel1} to "♦"
    if {_reel1} is 4:
        set {_reel1} to "♣"
    if {_reel1} is 5:
        set {_reel1} to "♠"
    if {_reel1} is 6:
        set {_reel1} to "●"
    if {_reel1} is 7:
        set {_reel1} to "✢"
    if {_reel1} is 8:
        set {_reel1} to "✠"
    if {_reel1} is 9:
        set {_reel1} to "▲"
    if {_reel1} is 10:
        set {_reel1} to "▼"
    if {_reel2} is 1:
        set {_reel2} to "■"
    if {_reel2} is 2:
        set {_reel2} to "♥"
    if {_reel2} is 3:
        set {_reel2} to "♦"
    if {_reel2} is 4:
        set {_reel2} to "♣"
    if {_reel2} is 5:
        set {_reel2} to "♠"
    if {_reel2} is 6:
        set {_reel2} to "●"
    if {_reel2} is 7:
        set {_reel2} to "✢"
    if {_reel2} is 8:
        set {_reel2} to "✠"
    if {_reel2} is 9:
        set {_reel2} to "▲"
    if {_reel2} is 10:
        set {_reel2} to "▼"
    if {_reel3} is 1:
        set {_reel3} to "■"
    if {_reel3} is 2:
        set {_reel3} to "♥"
    if {_reel3} is 3:
        set {_reel3} to "♦"
    if {_reel3} is 4:
        set {_reel3} to "♣"
    if {_reel3} is 5:
        set {_reel3} to "♠"
    if {_reel3} is 6:
        set {_reel3} to "●"
    if {_reel3} is 7:
        set {_reel3} to "✢"
    if {_reel3} is 8:
        set {_reel3} to "✠"
    if {_reel3} is 9:
        set {_reel3} to "▲"
    if {_reel3} is 10:
        set {_reel3} to "▼"
    set line 3 of event-block to "%{_reel1}% %{_reel2}% %{_reel3}%"
    wait 1 tick
    if {_reel1} is {_reel2}:
        if {_reel1} is {_reel3}:
            add {@slots-jackpot} to player's money
            broadcast "&d%player% &9won the slots jackpot at the Lucky Lapis Casino!"
            add {@slots-small-win} to player's money
            send "&9You won the small prize of &e5000©"
        send "&9You did not win a prize this time."
    wait 30 ticks
    set line 2 of event-block to "&d-Ready-"
    set line 3 of event-block to ""