Warning: Undefined variable $http_response_header in /var/www/html/new/skunity/library/skUnity/Util/HTTP.php on line 95


Created by jaylawl

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#   jNBT
#   version 0.dev3
#   created by: jaylawl
#   contact: [email protected]
#   dependencies:
#   - Spigot 1.12.x                      | 
#   - Skript (dev36 or later)            | https://github.com/bensku/Skript/releases
#   - skript-mirror (0.17.2 or later)    | https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skript-mirror.254/
#   important:
#       ! when using this, make sure this file is loaded as early as possible
#       ! example:
#           - place the file in a folder called "Skript/plugins/_library/"
#           - prefix the file with "_", like "_jNBT.sk"
#           - this will make the file load before others, because Skript loads files alphabetically
#   changelogs:
#       0.dev1:
#           - release

option nms:
		set {_nms} to Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().split("\.")[3]
		return "net.minecraft.server.%{_nms}%"

option ver:
		return Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().split("\.")[3]

on load:
	"%{NBT::nms}%" != "net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1"
	send "&f[&djNBT&f]&r &4WARN: &cjNBT has only been tested on MC 1.12" to console

	object property [item(-| )]nbt:
	return type: string
		set {_i} to expression-1
		set {_nbt} to CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy({_i}).getTag()
		return {_nbt} if "%{_nbt}%" != "{}" else "<none>"
		%item% with (custom[ized]|add(ed|itional)) [item(-| )]nbt %string%
	return type: item
		set {_i} to expression-1
		set {_i} to CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy({_i})
		set {_nbt} to MojangsonParser.parse(expression-2)
		set {_r} to CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy({_i})
		return {_r}
entity property [entity(-| )]nbt:
	return type: string
		set {_nbt} to new NBTTagCompound()
		set {_e} to expression-1.getHandle()
		return {_nbt}
		set {_nbt} to new NBTTagCompound()
		set {_e} to expression-1.getHandle()
		set {_nbt2} to MojangsonParser.parse(change value)
	block property [block(-| )]nbt:
	return type: string
		set {_nbt} to new NBTTagCompound()
		set {_w} to expression-1.getWorld().getHandle()
		set {_te} to {_w}.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(expression-1.getX(), expression-1.getY(), expression-1.getZ()))
		return {_nbt} if "%{_nbt}%" != "{}" else "<none>"
		set {_nbt} to new NBTTagCompound()
		set {_w} to expression-1.getWorld().getHandle()
		set {_te} to {_w}.getTileEntity(new BlockPosition(expression-1.getX(), expression-1.getY(), expression-1.getZ()))
		"%{_nbt}%" != "{}"
		set {_nbt2} to MojangsonParser.parse(change value)
		set {_tet} to {_w}.getType(new BlockPosition(expression-1.getX(), expression-1.getY(), expression-1.getZ()))
		{_w}.notify({_te}.getPosition(), {_tet}, {_tet}, 3)
#! SpawnerStack
# Hand crafted by ShaneBee
# Version: Beta 1

function config(t: text):
	load yaml "plugins/SpawnerStack/config.yml" as "config"
	if yaml node "Plugin Options.Prefix" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "Plugin Options.Prefix" in "config" to "&7[&bSpawner&3Stacker&7]"
	if yaml node "MaxStackSize" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "MaxStackSize" in "config" to 10
	if yaml node "SpawnerJoinRadius" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "SpawnerJoinRadius" in "config" to 10
	if yaml node "MaxSpawnsPerSpawner" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "MaxSpawnsPerSpawner" in "config" to 1
	if yaml node "SpawnRange" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "SpawnRange" in "config" to 4
	if yaml node "SpawnDelay" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "SpawnDelay" in "config" to 20
	if yaml node "SpawnMinDelay" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "SpawnMinDelay" in "config" to 60
	if yaml node "SpawnMaxDelay" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "SpawnMaxDelay" in "config" to 120
	if yaml node "RequiredPlayerRange" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml value "RequiredPlayerRange" in "config" to 16
	if yaml node "Spawner Blacklist" in "config" doesn't have value:
		set yaml list "Spawner Blacklist" in "config" to "Bat" and "Iron Golem"
	set {SpawnerStack::prefix} to yaml value "Plugin Options.Prefix" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::JoinRadius} to yaml value "SpawnerJoinRadius" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::maxstack} to yaml value "MaxStackSize" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::MaxSpawnsPerSpawner} to yaml value "MaxSpawnsPerSpawner" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::SpawnRange} to yaml value "SpawnRange" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::SpawnDelay} to yaml value "SpawnDelay" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::SpawnMinDelay} to yaml value "SpawnMinDelay" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::SpawnMaxDelay} to yaml value "SpawnMaxDelay" in "config" 
	set {SpawnerStack::RequiredPlayerRange} to yaml value "RequiredPlayerRange" in "config"
	set {SpawnerStack::BlackList::*} to yaml list "Spawner Blacklist" in "config"
	set header of "config" to "SpawnerStack" and "Hand crafted by: ShaneBee" and "https://www.ShaneBee.tk" and " " and "For more info check out *insert spigot link here*"
	set comments of yaml node "SpawnerJoinRadius" in "config" to "The radius that spawners will attempt to join together"
	set comments of yaml node "MaxStackSize" from "config" to "Spawner Options" and "" and "" and "Set the maximun amount of spawners stacked in one area"
	set comments of yaml node "MaxSpawnsPerSpawner" in "config" to "How many mobs to attempt to spawn each time." and "Note: Requires the MinSpawnDelay property to also be set." and "This is multiplied by the amount of stacks"
	set comments of yaml node "SpawnRange" from "config" to "The radius around which the spawner attempts to place mobs randomly" and "Not effected by stack size"
	set comments of yaml node "SpawnDelay" from "config" to "Ticks until next spawn. If 0, it will spawn immediately when a player enters its range." and "Not affected by stack size"
	set comments of yaml node "SpawnMinDelay" from "config" to "The minimum random delay for the next spawn delay. May be equal to MaxSpawnDelay" and "Not affected by stack size"
	set comments of yaml node "SpawnMaxDelay" from "config" to "The maximum random delay for the next spawn delay. Warning: Setting this value to 0 crashes Minecraft." and "Set to at least 1. Note: Requires the MinSpawnDelay property to also be set." and "Not affected by stack size"
	set comments of yaml node "RequiredPlayerRange" from "config" to "Overrides the block radius of the sphere of activation by players for this spawner." and "Note that for every gametick, a spawner will check all players in the current world to test whether a player is within this sphere." and "Not affected by stack size"
	set comments of yaml node "Spawner Blacklist" from "config" to "Blacklist of spawners a player can not pickup/stack"
	save yaml "config"
	unload yaml "config"

on load:
	wait 1 second
	send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &2Config loaded successfully" to console

on place of spawner:
	if name of player's tool contains "x":
		if player has permission "spawnerstack.place":
			set {_name::*} to uncolored display name of player's tool split at " "
			set {_num::*} to {_name::1} split at "x"
			loop blocks in radius {SpawnerStack::JoinRadius} around event-block:
				if loop-block is a spawner:
					if {spawner::%location of loop-block%} is player:
						if {spawner::%location of loop-block%::type} = {_name::2}:
							cancel event
							set {_newsize} to {spawner::%location of loop-block%::size} + {_num::1} parsed as number
							if {_newsize} <= {SpawnerStack::maxstack}:
								remove 1 of player's tool from player
								set {_max} to {_newsize} * 5
								set {_maxspawns} to {SpawnerStack::MaxSpawnsPerSpawner} * "%{_newsize}%" parsed as number
								add "{SpawnCount:%{_maxspawns}%,MaxNearbyEntities:%{_max}%,SpawnRange:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnRange}%,Delay:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnDelay}%,MinSpawnDelay:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnMinDelay}%,MaxSpawnDelay:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnMaxDelay}%,RequiredPlayerRange:%{SpawnerStack::RequiredPlayerRange}%,SpawnData:{id:""%{_name::2}%""},SpawnPotentials:[]}" to nbt of loop-block
								delete holo object "%location of loop-block%"
								create holo object "&c%{_newsize}%x &b%{_name::2}% SPAWNER" with id "%location of loop-block%" at location 1 meter above location of loop-block
								set {spawner::%location of loop-block%::name} to "&c%{_newsize}%x &b%{_name::2}% SPAWNER"
								set {spawner::%location of loop-block%::type} to {_name::2}
								set {spawner::%location of loop-block%::size} to {_newsize}
								set {spawner::%location of loop-block%} to player
								send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &aYour spawner was stacked with a nearby spawner"
								send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &cYou have too many spawners stacked in this area right now, try moving further away" to player
			set {_name::*} to uncolored display name of player's tool split at " "
			set {_num::*} to {_name::1} split at "x"
			set {_max} to {_num::1} parsed as number * 5
			set {_maxspawns} to "%{_num::1}%" parsed as number * {SpawnerStack::MaxSpawnsPerSpawner}
			add "{SpawnCount:%{_maxspawns} %,MaxNearbyEntities:%{_max}%,SpawnRange:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnRange}%,Delay:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnDelay}%,MinSpawnDelay:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnMinDelay}%,MaxSpawnDelay:%{SpawnerStack::SpawnMaxDelay}%,RequiredPlayerRange:%{SpawnerStack::RequiredPlayerRange}%,SpawnData:{id:""%{_name::2}%""},SpawnPotentials:[]}" to nbt of event-block
			create holo object name of player's tool with id "%event-location%" at location 1 meter above event-location
			set {spawner::%even", "t-location%::name} to "&c%{_num::1}%x &b%{_name::2}% SPAWNER"
			set {spawner::%event-location%::type} to {_name::2}
			set {spawner::%event-location%::size} to {_num::1} parsed as number
			set {spawner::%event-location%} to player
			cancel event
			send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &cYou do not have permission to place spawners"
		on block break:
	if event-block is a spawner:
		if {spawner::%event-location%} is set:
			if {spawner::%event-location%} = player:
				if player has permission "spawnerstack.pickup.own":
					if player's tool is a diamond pickaxe of silk touch:
						drop 1 spawner named "%{spawner::%event-location%::name}%" at event-location without velocity
					delete holo object "%event-location%"
					delete {spawner::%event-location%::name}
					delete {spawner::%event-location%::type}
					delete {spawner::%event-location%::size}
					delete {spawner::%event-location%}
					send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &cYou do not have permission to pickup your own spawners"
				cancel event
				send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &cThis spawner is owned by &b%{spawner::%event-location%}%"
			if player's tool is a diamond pickaxe of silk touch:
				if player has permission "spawnerstack.pickup.natural":
					set {_tag} to "%nbt of event-block%"
					set {_tag::*} to {_tag} split at "{"
					set {_tag::*} to {_tag::3} split at "}"
					set {_tag::*} to {_tag::1} split at ":"
					replace all """" with "" in {_tag::3}
					replace all """}" with "" in {_tag::3}
					set {_tag} to capitalized "%{_tag::3}%"
					if {SpawnerStack::BlackList::*} does not contain {_tag}:
						drop 1 spawner named "&c1x &b%{_tag}% SPAWNER" at event-location without velocity

command /spawner [<text>] [<offline player=%player%>] [<entity type>] [<integer=1>]:
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-1 is "give":
				if sender has permission "spawnerstack.admin":
					set {_name} to capitalized "%arg-3%"
					replace all " " with "_" in {_name}
					if arg-3 is set:
						if arg-2 is online:
							set {_p} to arg-2
							give {_p} 1 spawner named "&c%arg-4%x &b%{_name}% SPAWNER"
							send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- &b%arg-2% &cis not online"
						send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- &6Select a mob type"
					send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &cYou do not have permission to use this command"
			if arg-1 is "locate":
				if sender has permission "spawnerstack.admin":
					send ""
					send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% - &6Spawners owned by &b%arg-2%"
					send "**&7&oClick location to TP to that spawner&r**"
					loop {spawner::*}:
						if {spawner::%loop-index%} is arg-2:
							send "&7&lType: &b%{spawner::%loop-index%::type}% &7&lStack Size: &b%{spawner::%loop-index%::size}% <tooltip:&6Click to TP><run command:/customtp %loop-index%>&7&lLocation: &b%loop-index%<reset>"
					send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- &cYou do not have permission to use this command"
			if arg-1 is "reload":
				if sender has permission "spawnerstack.admin":
					send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- &aConfig reloaded"
					send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- &cYou do not have permission to use this command"
			send ""
			send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- Help Menu"
			send ""
			send "&7<&aRequired&7> [&6Optional&7] - &7&oHover over arguments for more info"
			send ""
			send "&b/spawner give &7<tooltip:&bPlayer&7: If left blank, defaults to yourself>[&6player&7]<reset> &7<tooltip:&bEntity&7: Pig, Sheep, Cow, Zombie, etc.><&aentity type&7><reset> <tooltip:&bStack Size&7: The pre-determined stack size, default &a(&7if not entered&a)&7 is 1>&7[&6stack size&7]<reset> &7- Gives a spawner to a player or yourself"
			send "&b/<tooltip:&6Click to start command><suggest command:/spawner locate>spawner locate <reset> &7<tooltip:&bPlayer&7: If left blank, defaults to yourself>[&6player&7]<reset> &7- Shows locations for player's spawner, click locatio to TP to spawner"
			send "&b/<tooltip:&6Click to reload><run command:/spawner reload>spawner reload<reset> &7- Reloads the SpawnerStack config &o(use this after making changes to the config)"

command /customtp <text>:
	executable by: players
		if player has permission "spawnerstack.admin":
			set {_world::*} to arg-1 split at ":"
			set {_world} to {_world::1}
			set {_loc::*} to {_world::2} split at ","
			teleport player to location({_loc::1} parsed as number, {_loc::2} parsed as number + 1, {_loc::3} parsed as number, {_world::1} parsed as world)
			send "%{SpawnerStack::prefix}% &7- &cYou do not have permission to use this command"

# Deobfuscated by https://skripttools.net/deobfuscator