Created by Azternaut

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /setline <number> <text>:
	aliases: /sl
	permission: admin.setline
		if targeted block is not a sign:
			send "&7[&eSetLine&7] &cTarget block is not a sign!"
		set {_line} to arg-1
		set {_newtext} to colored arg-2
		if arg-2 is "clear":
			set {_newtext} to ""
		set line {_line} of targeted block to {_newtext}
		send "&7[&eSetLine&7] Line &f%{_line}% &7changed to &f'%colored arg-2%&r&f'&7."