
Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	#---- Command Spy Options ----#
	cs-command: cs
	cs-aliases: commandspy, cspy, commands
	cs-prefix: &8[&c&lCommandSpy&8]
	cs-name-color: &c
	cs-doublepoints-color: &c
	cs-command-color: &8
	cs-no-send-command: "login" or "l" or "register" or "reg" or "changepass" or "changepassword"
	#---- Permissions Options ----#
	permission: commandspy.use
	per-mess: &c&lYou not have access to this command
	#---- Help Command Message ----#
	line: &8&m---------------------------

command /{@cs-command} [<text>]:
	aliases: {@cs-aliases}
	permission: {@permission}
	permission message: {@per-mess}
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@line}" to player
			send "&f" to player
			send "&b&l/cs on&f&o Set CommandSpy to Enable" to player
			send "&c&l/cs off&f&o Set CommandSpy to Disable"  to player
			send "&f" to player
			send "{@line}" to player
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 1 is "on" or "enable":
				set {cs::%player%} to true
				send "{@cs-prefix}&f You have now put CommandSpy to &aEnable" to player
			if arg 1 is "off" or "disable":
				set {cs::%player%} to false
				send "{@cs-prefix}&f You have now put CommandSpy to &cDisable" to player
		if arg 1 is not "off" or "disable" or "enable" or "on":
			send "{@cs-prefix}&7 /cs <on|off>" to sender
on command:
	if command is not {@cs-no-send-command}:
		loop all players:
			if {cs::%loop-player%} is true:
				send "{@cs-prefix} {@cs-name-color}%sender%{@cs-doublepoints-color}:{@cs-command-color} /%full command%" to loop-player