Created by Mr. Ragtime

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Chaos mode for Skript
# Copyright (c) 2022 MrRagtime
# This software is licensed under the MIT License.

	# === Chaos configuration ===

	# How many effects are there in total?
	max_effects: 89

	# How long until an effect should be applied?
	default_effect_time: 60

	# Which Skript function should be called to start an effect?
	# For developers only!
	chaos-function: startChaosEffect

	# Where is the Nether?
	nether-location: location 190, 66, 65 in world "world_nether"

	# Where is the End?
	end-location: location 85, 50, 07 in world "world_the_end"

	# Where is Brazil?
	brazil-location: location 190, 120, 65 in world "world"

	# === Music configuration ===
	# Set below to "sound" for Minecraft sounds
	# Set below to "song file" for nbs files (FunkySK required)
	nbs-musictype: sound

	# Set below to the total amount of songs
	nbs-amount: 2

	# Set below to the names of the songs
	nbs-names: "Chirp", "Mellohi"

	# Set below to the internal names of the songs
	# For nbs files (FunkySK), set these to a path such as "plugins/FunkySk/sbloadout_new.nbs"
	# For Minecraft sounds, set these to a Spigot sound enum such as "MUSIC_DISC_PIGSTEP" (

on script load:
	delete {chaos::*}
	set {chaos::seconds} to {@default_effect_time}
	set {chaos::newseconds} to {@default_effect_time}
	set {chaos::randomness} to "random" # "random" or "sequential"
	set {chaos::events} to 0
	set {chaos::sequence} to 1
	set {chaos::previousevent} to 0
	# List of fake players
	add "the_mansonator" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	add "FluffyInSpace" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	add "TheDestroyer2101" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	add "MrAndesite" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	add "Zombiebomb" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	add "lolopotis" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	add "CDR42" to {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
	# List of effect names
	add "&6Curse of the Anvil" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 1
	add "&6Curse of the Flight" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 2
	add "&6Curse of Slowness" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 3
	add "&6Curse of Nausea" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 4
	add "&6Blessing of Fishing Kit" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 5
	add "&6Curse of Clearing" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 6
	add "&6Curse of Forwarding" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 7
	add "&6Curse of Kicking" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 8
	add "&6Curse of the Nether" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 9
	add "&6Curse of the Void" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 10
	add "&6Curse of Anti-Jump" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 11
	add "&6Curse of Nightshift" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 12
	add "&6Curse of Flower Addiction" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 13
	add "&6Blessing of the Starter Kit" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 14
	add "&6Blessing of Wealth" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 15
	add "&6Blessing of Regeneration" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 16
	add "&6Blessing of Button Heaven" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 17
	add "&6Curse of the End" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 18
	add "&6Blessing of the Dog Lover" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 19
	add "&6Blessing of Becoming an Author" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 20
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Server Restart Warning" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 21
	add "&6Blessing of Jump Boost" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 22
	add "&6Blessing of the Totem of Undying" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 23
	add "&6Curse of Music Disc 11" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 24
	add "&6Curse of Johnny" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 25
	add "&6Curse of Brazil" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 26
	add "&6Curse of Thunder" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 27
	add "&6Blessing of the Morning" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 28
	add "&6Blessing of the Timber" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 29
	add "&6Blessing of the Wandering Trader" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 30
	add "&6Blessing of Light" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 31
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Player" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 32
	add "&6Blessing of the Time Machine" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 33
	add "&6Blessing of the Bread" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 34
	add "&6Blessing of Anti-Poisoning" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 35
	add "&6Curse of &d&l&oMisery" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 36
	add "&6Blessing of the Fire Dash" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 37
	add "&6Blessing of the Farmer's Kit" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 38
	add "&6Curse of the Offhand" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 39
	add "&6Curse of the Spider" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 40
	add "&6Curse of the Piglin" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 41
	add "&6Blessing of the Horse" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 42
	add "&6Blessing of Nothing" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 43
	add "&6Curse of the Bees" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 44
	add "&6Blessing of the Mining Kit" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 45
	add "&6Blessing of the eh?" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 46
	add "&6Blessing of the Water" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 47
	add "&6Blessing of the &cPufferfish" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 48
	add "&6Curse of the Trident" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 49
	add "&6Blessing of the Gold" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 50
	add "&6Blessing of the Armor Kit" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 51
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Player Death Message" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 52
	add "&6Blessing of Your Own Head" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 53
	add "&6Blessing of the Campfire" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 54
	add "&6Blessing of the Shield" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 55
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Death" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 56
	add "&6Curse of the Dropped Inventory" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 57
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Wither" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 58
	add "&6Blessing of the Music" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 59
	add "&6Blessing of the Nautilus Shell" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 60
	add "&6Blessing of the Sea" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 61
	add "&6Blessing of the Chaos Pill" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 62
	add "&6Curse of the Chaos Potion" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 63
	add "&6Blessing of the Gravity Gun" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 64
	add "&6Curse of the Minecart" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 65
	add "&6Blessing of the Fireworks" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 66
	add "&6Curse of the Arrow Rain!" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 67
	add "&6Curse of the Chicken Rain" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 68
	add "&6Curse of &7DavyBackDead!" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 69
	add "&6Blessing of &31984" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 70
	add "&6Curse of &6&lRaid Bug Spray" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 71
	add "&6Blessing of the free beds" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 72
	add "&6Curse of the Ender Dragon death sound" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 73
	add "&6Curse of &4E" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 74
	add "&6Curse of the Skript Error" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 75
	add "&6Curse of the Getting Ignored" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 76
	add "&6Curse of T minus 5" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 77
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Ragtime" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 78
	add "&6Curse of being closer together" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 79
	add "&6Curse of the Super Jump" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 80
	add "&6Curse of the Iridium Milk" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 81
	add "&6Curse of the Bottle o'l enchanting mate" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 82
	add "&6Curse of teleportation!" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 83
	add "&6Curse of Who do you hate the must?" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 84
	add "&6Blessing of the Snow Golem!" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 85
	add "&6Curse of the Creeper Scare!" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 86
	add "&6Curse of Happy Wheels" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 87
	add "&6Curse of the Fake Ender Dragon" to {chaos::effectnames::*} # 88

function startChaosEffect(player: player, effect: int):
	if {_player} is alive:
		if {_effect} is 1:
			# Anvil event
			set {_startloc} to {_player}'s location
			set {_endloc} to location at ({_startloc}'s x-coordinate), ({_startloc}'s y-coordinate - 1), ({_startloc}'s z-coordinate) in world {_startloc}'s world
			if "%{_loc}%" is not "<none>":
				set {_block} to block 1 meter below {_loc}
				set block at {_block} to anvil
			else if {_startloc}'s y-coordinate <= 246:
				set {_block} to block 10 meters above {_startloc}
				set block at {_block} to anvil
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the anvil!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 2:
			# Fling event
			set {_startloc} to {_player}'s location
			teleport {_player} to location at ({_startloc}'s x-coordinate), ({_startloc}'s y-coordinate + 1), ({_startloc}'s z-coordinate) in world {_player}'s world
			thrust {_player} upwards at speed 10
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the flight!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 3:
			# Slowness effect event
			apply potion of slowness tier 3 to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of slowness!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 4:
			# Nausea effect event
			apply potion of Nausea tier 3 to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of nausea!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 5:
			# Fishing kit (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 fishing rod
			give {_player} 1 chest
			give {_player} 1 bucket
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of fishing kit!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 6:
			# Curse of clearing event
			set slot (random number between 1 and 9) of {_player} to air
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of clearing!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 7:
			# Curse of forwarding event
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of forwarding!" to loop-value
			loop 10 times:
				thrust {_player} forwards at speed 1
				wait 0.25 seconds
		else if {_effect} is 8:
			# Kick player event for no reason -lol
			kick {_player} due to "&r&lYou have been kicked for no reason -LOL!"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of being kicked!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 9:
			# Curse of the nether event
			set {_startloc} to {_player}'s location
			set {player}'s inventory to {inventory::%{player}'s uuid%::*}
			teleport {_player} to {@nether-location}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the nether!" to loop-value
			wait 10 seconds
			give {_player} {inventory::%{player}'s uuid%::*}
			teleport {_player} to {_startloc}
		else if {_effect} is 10:
			# Curse of the void
			set {_startloc} to {_player}'s location
			set {_endloc} to location at ({_startloc}'s x-coordinate), -67, ({_startloc}'s z-coordinate) in world {_startloc}'s world
			teleport {_player} to {_endloc}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the void!" to loop-value
			damage {_player} by 0.5 hearts
			wait 0.5 second
			teleport {_player} to {_startloc}
		else if {_effect} is 11:
			# Anti-jump effect event
			apply potion of jump boost -1 to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of anti-jump!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 12:
			# Nightshift event
			execute command "time set midnight"
			spawn 3 zombie at location of {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of nightshift!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 13:
			# Flower addiction event
			loop 3 times:
				give {_player} 64 poppy
				give {_player} 64 sunflower
				give {_player} 64 cornflower
				give {_player} 64 wither rose
				give {_player} 64 red mushroom
				give {_player} 64 sunflower
				give {_player} 64 red mushroom
				give {_player} 64 wither rose
				give {_player} 64 cornflower
				give {_player} 64 poppy
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of flower addiction" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 14:
			# Starter kit (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 stone sword
			give {_player} 1 stone pickaxe
			give {_player} 1 stone shovel
			give {_player} 1 stone axe of curse of vanishing
			give {_player} 3 iron ingot of curse of vanishing
			give {_player} 1 leather chestplate of curse of binding
			give {_player} 1 leather leggings of curse of binding
			give {_player} 1 leather boots of curse of binding
			give {_player} 6 oak logs
			give {_player} 1 crafting table
			give {_player} 32 cobblestone
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the starter kit!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 15:
			# The blessing of wealth (Blessing)
			give {_player} 10 Emerald of curse of vanishing
			give {_player} 5 diamond of curse of vanishing
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of wealth!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 16:
			apply potion of regeneration tier 2 to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of regeneration!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 17:
			# Button: Heaven (Blessing)
			give {_player} 64 Button
			give {_player} 64 Button
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of button: heaven!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 18:
			# Curse of the end event
			set {_startloc} to {_player}'s location
			set {player}'s inventory to {inventory::%{player}'s uuid%::*}
			teleport {_player} to {@end-location}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the end!" to loop-value
			wait 10 seconds
			give {_player} {inventory::%{player}'s uuid%::*}
			teleport {_player} to {_startloc}
		else if {_effect} is 19:
			# Dog lover event (Blessing)
			loop 3 times:
				spawn 1 dog at location of {_player}
				set the tamer of the last spawned entity to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the dog lover!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 20:
			# Your becoming an author event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 book and quill
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of becoming an author!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 21:
			# Fake server restart warning event
			loop all players:
				wait 3 seconds
				send "&oRestarting server..." to loop-value
				wait 10 seconds
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the fake server restart warning!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 22:
			# Jump boost event (Blessing)
			apply potion of jump boost 1 to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of jump boost!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 23:
			# Fake totem of undying event
			give {_player} 1 totem of undying of curse of vanishing with lore "It's fake, trust me!" with name "Fake Totem of Undying"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the totem of undying!" to loop-value
				wait 10 minutes
				remove 1 totem of undying from {_player}
		else if {_effect} is 24:
			# The horrors of music disc 11 event
			give {_player} 1 music disc 11
			apply potion of blindness 3 to {_player} for 60 seconds
			apply potion of wither effect 1 to {_player} for 3 seconds
			send "&4&lI think &0you &4know where this is going..." to {_player}
			play sound "MUSIC_DISC_11" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of music disc 11!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 25:
			#  Here's Johnny! event
			spawn 1 villager at {_player}
			set name of last spawned villager to "&CJohnny"
			disguise last spawned villager as Vindicator
			wait 3 seconds
			damage {_player} by 3.0 hearts
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of jonny!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 26:
			# Your goin' to brazil event
			send "&c&lYour goin' to brazil!" to {_player}
			wait 5 seconds
			set {_startloc} to {_player}'s location
			teleport {_player} to {@brazil-location}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of brazil!" to loop-value
			wait 10 seconds
			teleport {_player} to {_startloc}
		else if {_effect} is 27:
			# Thunder, feel the thunder. event
			execute command "/weather thunder"
			strike lightning at {_player} 
			damage {_player} by 3.0 hearts
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of thunder!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 28:
			# Dad, It's 6 o'clock in the morning, GET UP! event (Blessing)
			execute command "time set 22950"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the morning!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 29:
			# I'm yelling timber! event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 8 oak log
			give {_player} 1 iron axe
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the timber!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 30:
			# Wandering Trader event (Blessing)
			spawn 1 Wandering Trader at location of {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the wandering trader!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 31:
			# The blessing of light event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 8 torch
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of light!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 32:
			# Fake player join/death and leave message event
			set {_fakeplayer} to a random element out of {chaos::fakeplayers::*}
			wait 3 seconds
			send "&e%{_fakeplayer}% joined the game" to {_player}
			wait 5 ticks
			send "&l&n&6&nWelcome %{_fakeplayer}% to the &6&l&nAlternate-Dimension SMP!" to {_player}
			wait 10 seconds
			send "%{_fakeplayer}% fell out of the world" to {_player}
			wait 5 second
			send "&e%{_fakeplayer}% left the game" to {_player}
			wait 5 ticks
			send "&l&n&6&n%{_fakeplayer}% has left the &6&l&nAlternate-Dimension SMP." to {_player}
			wait 5 seconds
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the fake player" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 33:
			# Power of the time machine event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 clock named "&6&lTime Controller"
			send "&cNote that you can only use it once!" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the time machine!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 34:
			# I'M BREAD! event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 8 bread
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the bread!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 35:
			# Anti-Poisoning event {Milk} (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 milk
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of anti-poisoning!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 36:
			# WitchCraft event {Special Events}
			spawn 1 witch at location of {_player}
			set name of spawned entity to "&d&l&oMisery"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of &d&l&oMisery!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 37:
			# Fire dash event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 blaze powder named "&6&lFire Dash (Right Click)"
			send "&cNote that your fire dash will be deleted after 10 minutes" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the fire dash!" to loop-value
				wait 10 minutes
				remove 1 blaze powder named "&6&lFire Dash (Right Click)" from {_player}
		else if {_effect} is 38:
			# Farmers kit event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 12 wheat
			give {_player} 1 netherite hoe
			give {_player} 12 carrots
			give {_player} 12 potatoes
			give {_player} 8 oak sapling
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the farmers kit!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 39:
			# Remove an item from the players offhand
			set slot 40 of {_player} to air
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the offhand" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 40:
			# Spider event
			spawn 3 spider at location of {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the spider!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 41:
			# Got any gold my friend? event (Blessing/Curse)
			spawn 2 piglin at location of {_player}
			send "&6&lGot any gold my friend?" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the piglin!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 42:
			# I love horses event (Blessing)
			spawn 1 horse at location of {_player}
			give {_player} 1 saddle
			give {_player} 1 leash
			send "&6&lHope you like horses!" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the horse!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 43:
			# Nothing happens event (Blessing)
			send "&0&lNothing happened..." to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of nothing!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 44:
			# I HATE BEES event
			spawn 5 bee at location of {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the bees!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 45:
			# ShovelCraft event {Mining kit} (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 iron shovel of curse of vanishing and silk touch
			give {_player} 1 stone pickaxe of curse of vanishing and silk touch
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the mining kit!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 46:
			# Eh? what do you call this? event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 8 rotten flesh
			give {_player} 4 spider eye
			give {_player} 1 Suspicious Stew
			send "&c&lEh? What do you call this?" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the eh?" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 47:
			# Water bucket event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 water bucket
			give {_player} 1 bottle of water
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the water!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 48:
			# I dare you to eat this! event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 pufferfish named "&cPufferfish"
			send "&cI dare you to eat this!" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the pufferfish" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 49:
			# Trident event
			spawn trident 5 blocks above {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the trident!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 50:
			# I got some gold! event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 golden leggings
			give {_player} 1 golden boots
			give {_player} 12 gold ingot
			send "&6&lI got some gold!" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the gold!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 51:
			# Armor kit event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 chainmail helmet of curse of vanishing
			give {_player} 1 chainmail chestplate of curse of vanishing and curse of binding
			give {_player} 1 chainmail leggings of curse of vanishing and curse of binding
			give {_player} 1 chainmail boots of curse of vanishing
			give {_player} 1 armor stand
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the armor kit!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 52:
			# Fake player death messages event
			loop all players:
				add "%loop-player%" to {_playerlist::*}
			remove "%{_player}%" from {_playerlist::*}
			loop {chaos::fakeplayers::*}:
				add loop-value to {_playerlist::*}
			set {_fakeplayer} to a random element out of {_playerlist::*}
			set {_order} to a random integer from 0 to 1
			if {_order} is 0:
				send "%{_player}% was killed by %{_fakeplayer}%" to {_player}
			else if {_order} is 1:
				send "%{_fakeplayer}% was killed by %{_player}%" to {_player}
			wait 5 seconds
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the fake player death message!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 53:
			# Oh, you um you want your own head? What the! event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 player head
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of your own head!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 54:
			# The campfire event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 campfire
			give {_player} 3 lantern
			give {_player} 6 sticks
			give {_player} 1 flint and steel
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the campfire!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 55:
			# I need a shield so badly, oh wait, what? event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 shield
			give {_player} 1 crossbow
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the shield!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 56:
			# Fake death
			set {_health} to {_player}'s health
			set {_item} to slot 40 of {_player}'s inventory
			set slot 40 of {_player}'s inventory to totem of undying
			wait 1 tick
			kill {_player}
			set slot 40 of {_player}'s inventory to {_item}
			clear all the potion effects of {_player}
			set {_player}'s health to {_health}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the fake death!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 57:
			# inventory drop
			make {_player} drop their inventory
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the dropped inventory!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 58:
			# Fake wither event
			spawn 1 wither at location of {_player}
			set name of spawned entity to ""
			wait 1 seconds
			kill spawned entity
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the fake wither!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 59:
			# Play music (Blessing)
			set {_index} to random integer from 1 to {@nbs-amount}
			set {_music::*} to {@nbs-files}
			set {_names::*} to {@nbs-names}
			set {_pickedmusic} to {_index}st element of {_music::*}
			set {_pickedname} to {_index}st element of {_names::*}
			play {@nbs-musictype} {_pickedmusic} to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the music! (%{_pickedname}%)" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 60:
			# Nautilus Shell event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 4 nautilus shell
			give {_player} 1 trident of curse of vanishing
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the nautilus shell!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 61:
			# Blessing of the Sea event (Blessing)
			apply potion of water breathing 2 to {_player} for 3 minutes
			give {_player} enchanted book of Depth Strider
			give {_player} 1 trident of curse of vanishing and impaling 2
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the sea!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 62:
			# Chaos Pill event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 water bottle named "&6Chaos Pill" with lore "&cThis will end all of the chaos!"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the chaos pill!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 63:
			# Chaos Potion event (Blessing/Curse)
			give {_player} 1 potion of luck named "%random element out of {chaos::effectnames::*}%" with lore "&6&oChaos ensues!"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the chaos potion!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 64:
			# Gravity Gun event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 1 golden horse armor named "&6&lGravity Gun"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the gravity gun!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 65:
			# Minecart event
			spawn minecart at {_player}'s location
			make {_player} ride last spawned minecart
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the minecart!" to loop-value
			wait 1 minutes
			delete last spawned minecart
		else if {_effect} is 66:
			# Firework event (Blessing)
			spawn firework at {_player}'s location
			wait 1 second
			spawn firework at {_player}'s location
			wait 5 ticks
			spawn firework at {_player}'s location
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the firework!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 67:
			# Arror Rain effect
			summon an arrow 6 blocks above {_player}
			wait 1.5 seconds
			summon an arrow 6 blocks above {_player}
			wait 1.5 second
			summon an arrow 6 blocks above {_player}
			loop 15 times:
				wait 0.5 seconds
				summon an arrow 6 blocks above {_player}
			loop 25 times:
				wait 0.2 seconds
				summon an arrow 6 blocks above {_player}
			loop 10 times:
				wait 0.1 seconds
				summon an arrow 6 blocks above {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the arrow rain!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 68:
			# Chicken Rain effect
			loop 15 times:
				wait 1 tick
				summon chicken 5 blocks above {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the chicken rain!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 69:
			# DavyBackDead event
			spawn 1 zombie villager at location of {_player}
			set name of spawned entity to "&7&lDavyBackDead"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of DavyBackDead!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 70:
			# 1984 by George Orwell (Blessing)
			set {_book} to a new written book
			set book title of {_book} to "&41984"
			set book author of {_book} to "George Orwell"
			give {_book} to {_player}
			open book {_book} to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of 1984!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 71:
			# Fake death event
			send title "This Skript is sponsored by" with subtitle "&6&lRaid Bug Spray" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of &6&lRaid Bug Spray" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 72:
			# Free beds to go event (Blessing)
			give {_player} 3 white bed
			apply potion of regeneration 1 to {_player} for 15 seconds
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the free beds!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 73:
			# Ender Dragon Death Sound Effect loop
			loop 10 times:
				play sound "ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_DEATH" to {_player}
				wait 3 seconds
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the Ender Dragon sound loop!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 74:
			# E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E
			loop 5 times:
				wait 5 seconds
				send "&6E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of &4E" to {_player}
		else if {_effect} is 75:
			# Skript Error
			set {_pos} to {_player}'s location
			wait 3 seconds
			teleport {_player} to {_pos}
			apply jump boost -1 to {_player} for 19 seconds
			apply slowness 50 to {_player} for 19 seconds
			apply mining fatigue 50 to {_player} for 19 seconds
			wait 5 seconds
			send "&4[20:37:06] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Line 747: (" to {_player}
			wait 3 seconds
			add "&4Something went horribly wrong with Skript." to {_error::*}
			add "&4This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either." to {_error::*}
			add "&4It looks like you are using some plugin(s) that alter how Skript works (addons)." to {_error::*}
			add "&4Here is full list of them:" to {_error::*}
			add "&4skRayFall v1.9.28 ( skript-reflect v2.3 ( Vixio v2.0.9-pre4 ( SkJade v1.4.2 ( SkBee v1.17.2 ( FunkySk v1.0.2 MCJukebox v2.6.8 skScraft v1.5 SkQuery v4.1.7 Skellett v2.0.7 ( DiscordSRV v1.25.1 (" to {_error::*}
			add "&4We could not identify which of those are specially related, so this might also be Skript issue." to {_error::*}
			add "&4You should try disabling those plugins one by one, trying to find which one causes it." to {_error::*}
			add "&4If the error doesn't disappear even after disabling all listed plugins, it is probably Skript issue." to {_error::*}
			add "&4In that case, you will be given instruction on how should you report it." to {_error::*}
			add "&4On the other hand, if the error disappears when disabling some plugin, report it to author of that plugin." to {_error::*}
			add "&4Only if the author tells you to do so, report it to Skript's issue tracker." to {_error::*}
			loop {_error::*}:
				set {_pos} to {_player}'s location
				wait 1 second
				teleport {_player} to {_pos}
				send loop-value to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the &4&lSkript Error&r&l!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 76:
			# Everyone is ignoring me? HELP!
			loop all entities in radius 5 of {_player}:
				if loop-entity is not {_player}:
					loop 300 times:
						wait 1 tick
						push loop-entities backwards at speed 0.1
						wait 1 tick
						push loop-entities backwards at speed 0.1
						wait 1 tick
						push loop-entities backwards at speed 0.1
						wait 1 tick
						push loop-entities backwards at speed 0.1
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of being ignored :(" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 77:
			# Moon jump
			send "Your going to the moon!" to {_player}
			wait 3 seconds
			send "&dT minus 5..." to {_player}
			wait 1 second
			send "&d4..." to {_player}
			wait 1 second
			send "&d3..." to {_player}
			wait 1 second
			send "&d2..." to {_player}
			wait 1 second
			set {_loc} to {_player}'s location
			send "&d1..." to {_player}
			wait 1 second
			thrust {_player} upwards at speed 150
			wait 0.25 seconds
			send "&dWe have lift off!" to {_player}
			wait 7.25 seconds
			teleport {_player} to {_loc}
			wait 3 seconds
			send "Just kidding -lol" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of T minus 5" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 78:
			# Fake MrRagtime
			send "MrRagtime Teleported to %{_player}%" to {_player}
			spawn npc named "MrRagtime" at {_player} as player
			set skin of npc last spawned npc to "MrRagtime"
			loop 15 times:
				wait 1 tick
				make npc last spawned npc attack {_player}
				wait 1 tick
				make npc last spawned npc attack {_player}
				wait 1 tick
				make npc last spawned npc attack {_player}
				wait 1 tick
				make npc last spawned npc attack {_player}
				wait 5 seconds
				send "MrRagtime died" to {_player}
				delete npc last spawned npc
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the Fake Ragtime!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 79:
			# Closer
			teleport {_player} to the closest entity of type player to {_player}
			send "I hope you two don't hate each other -lol" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of being closer together" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 80:
			# Super Jump
			apply potion of jump boost 50 to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the Super Jump!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 81:
			# Iridium milk (Blessing)
			give {_player} milk bucket named "&5Iridium Milk"
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the Iridium Milk!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 82:
			# Bottle o'l enchanting mate (Blessing)
			spawn 3 bottle of enchanting 3 blocks above {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the Bottle o'l Enchanting Mate!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 83:
			# Curse of teleportation!
			teleport all players to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of teleportation!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 84:
			# Don't like your friend? Give them a Curse!
			set {_book} to book and quill named "&0Death Note"
			give {_book} to {_player}
			send "&a&lWrite a player's name in your Death Note to give them a random chaos effect!" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of Who do you hate the most?!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 85:
			# I'm friends with the snow (Blessing)
			spawn 3 snow golem 1 block north of {_player}
			set owner of last spawned snow golem to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the blessing of the Snow Golem!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 86:
			# Creeper Scare
			loop 15 times:
				wait 35 ticks
				spawn 1 creeper at {_player}
				wait 1 seconds
				delete last spawned creeper
				play sound "ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE" to {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the Creeper Scare!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 87:
			# Curse of Happy Wheels
			make {_player} ride boat
			spawn 1 villager at {_player}
			set {_villager} to last spawned villager
			leash {_villager} to {_player}
			add {_villager} to passengers of {_player}'s vehicle
			wait 1 tick
			thrust {_player}'s vehicle north at speed 75
			wait 0.65 seconds
			launch ball large coloured red, purple and white fading to light green and black at {_player}'s location with duration 0.25
			wait 0.1 seconds
			kill {_villager}
			play sound "ITEM_GOAT_HORN_SOUND_0" to {_player}
			wait 1 second
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the Happy Wheels!" to loop-value
		else if {_effect} is 88:
			# Curse of the Fake Ender Dragon
			spawn 1 phantom at {_player}
			set {_phantom} to last spawned phantom
			disguise {_phantom} as Ender Dragon
			create bossbar titled "&5Enderdragon" and id "bossbar" for {_player} with progress 100 with colors purple
			wait 15 seconds
			kill {_phantom}
			delete bossbar of {_player}
			loop all players:
				send "&r&l%{_player}% &r&lhas recieved the curse of the Fake Ender Dragon!" to loop-value

on book sign:
	if event-item's name is "&0Death Note":
		page 1 of event-item is set
		set {_found} to false
		loop all players:
			if page 1 of event-item contains loop-player's name:
				remove 1 book and quill named "&0Death Note" from loop-player
				set {_rand} to random integer between 1 and {@max_effects}
				startChaosEffect(event-player, {_rand})
				set {_found} to true
				stop loop
		if {_found} is false:
			send "&a&lCould not find any players in your Death Note!" to event-player
		cancel event

on book edit:
	if event-item's name is "&0Death Note":
		page 1 of event-item is set
		loop all players:
			if page 1 of event-item contains loop-player's name:
				set {_rand} to random integer between 1 and {@max_effects}
				startChaosEffect(event-player, {_rand})
				cancel event
				remove event-item from event-player's inventory
				stop loop
		send "&a&lCould not find any players in your Death Note!" to event-player
		cancel event

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory starts with "&cWho do you hate the most?":
		if clicked slot is 1:
			give player {chaos::effectnames::%{_arg}%}
			close inventory of player
		else if clicked slot is 3:
			give {_nearply} {chaos::effectnames::%{_arg}%}
			close inventory of player

every 1 second:
	if online player count is more than 0: 
		if {chaos::enabled} is true:
			# Update scoreboard
			loop all players:
				delete loop-value's sidebar
				set name of sidebar of loop-value to "&r&l&oChaos Mode"
				if online player count <= 1:
					set score "&r%online player count% &rplayer" in sidebar of loop-value to 1
					set score "&r%online player count% &rplayers" in sidebar of loop-value to 1
				set score "&r{@max_effects} &reffects" in sidebar of loop-value to 2
				set score "&r%{chaos::seconds}% &rseconds left" in sidebar of loop-value to 3
			set {_chaosed} to false
			set {_rand} to 0
			if {chaos::manual} is set:
				set {_rand} to {chaos::manual}
				set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and {@max_effects}
			set {_block} to false
			# Countdown ended
			if {chaos::seconds} <= 0:
				set {chaos::seconds} to {chaos::newseconds}
				set {_players::*} to all players
				set {_randominfluence} to a random integer between 2 and 8
				add 1 to {chaos::events}
				# Flip randomness depending on event count
				if {chaos::events} is greater than or equal to {_randominfluence}:
					set {chaos::events} to 0
					set {chaos::sequence} to 1
					if {chaos::randomness} is "random":
						set {chaos::randomness} to "sequential"
						broadcast "&cChaos mode is now in &6random &corder!"
						set {chaos::randomness} to "random"
						broadcast "&cChaos mode is now in &6sequential &corder!"
				# Grab a random or sequential player
				set {_player} to null
				if {chaos::randomness} is "random":
					set {_player} to a random element of {_players::*}
				else if {chaos::randomness} is "sequential":
					if {chaos::sequence} is more than online player count:
						set {chaos::sequence} to 1
					set {_player} to {chaos::sequence}th element of {_players::*}
				# Start effect
				{@chaos-function}({_player}, {_rand})
			set {chaos::seconds} to {chaos::seconds} - 1
			# Clean up
			if {_chaosed} is true:
				set {chaos::previousevent} to {_rand}
			# Update scoreboard
			loop all players:
				delete loop-value's sidebar

on consume of milk bucket:
	if name of item is "&5Iridium Milk":
		increase player's health by 10

on consume of pufferfish:
	if name of item is "&cPufferfish":
		give player 1 diamond
		send "Congrats!" to player

on lightning:
	if {chaos::previousevent} is 27:
		cancel event
on projectile hit:
	if {chaos::previousevent} is 53:
		if projectile is a trident:
			strike lightning at projectile

on falling block land:
	if event-entity is a falling anvil:
		if {chaos::previousevent} is 1:
			wait 1 second
			kill event-entity

# Manual Chaos Mode
command /chaosmanual <integer>:
	permission: skript.chaos
	aliases: /manualchaos
		if arg-1 <= 0:
			delete {chaos::manual}
			send "&cThe next chaos effect is now a &6random &ceffect!" to player
		else if arg-1 > {@max_effects}:
			delete {chaos::manual}
			send "&cThe next chaos effect is now a &6random &ceffect!" to player
			set {chaos::manual} to arg-1
			send "&aThe next chaos effect is now the %{chaos::effectnames::%arg-1%}%&a!" to player

command /chaospotion [<integer>]:
	permission: skript.chaos
		set {_arg} to arg-1
		if {_arg} is not set:
			set {_arg} to -1
		set {_potion} to "&6Nothing"
		if {_arg} <= 0:
			set {_potion} to random element out of {chaos::effectnames::*}
		else if {_arg} > {@max_effects}:
			set {_potion} to random element out of {chaos::effectnames::*}
			set {_potion} to {chaos::effectnames::%{_arg}%}
		send "&aYou have been given a &6%{_potion}% &apotion!" to player
		give player a potion of luck named "%{_potion}%" with lore "&6&oChaos ensues!"

command /chaos:
	permission: skript.chaos
	aliases: /cm
		if {chaos::enabled} is not set:
			set {chaos::enabled} to true
			send "&a&lChaos has been enabled!" to player
			delete {chaos::enabled}
			send "&c&lChaos has been disabled!" to player

command /chaostimer <integer>:
	permission: skript.chaos
	aliases: /ct
		set {chaos::newseconds} to arg-1
		set {chaos::seconds} to {chaos::newseconds}
		send "&a&lChaos timer set to &6%{chaos::newseconds}% &aseconds!" to player

# Chaos Pill event
on consume of water bottle:
	if name of item is "&6Chaos Pill":
		if {chaos::enabled} is true:
			set {chaos::enabled} to false
			wait 8 minutes
			set {chaos::enabled} to true
# Chaos potion event
on consume of potion:
	if {chaos::effectnames::*} contains name of item:
		loop {chaos::effectnames::*}:
			if name of item is loop-value:
				broadcast "&r&l%player% &r&lhas drank the &6%name of item% &r&lpotion!"
				startChaosEffect(event-player, loop-index parsed as integer)
				stop loop

# Time Controller for Skript
# Copyright (c) 2022 KiwifruitDev
# This software is licensed under the MIT License.

on rightclick with clock:
	if name of item is "&6&lTime Controller":
		#set {timecontroller::interval} to 12
		open chest inventory with 1 row named "&6&lTime Controller &8&l(%{timecontroller::interval}%h)" to player
		set {_inventory} to player's current inventory
		set slot 1 of {_inventory} to clock named "&r&6&lDecrease Time" with lore "&r&6Control the time."
		set slot 2 of {_inventory} to potion of water breathing named "&r&l&9Change Weather to clear" with lore "Change the weather to clear"
		set slot 3 of {_inventory} to enchanted book named "&r&6&lGo Back in Time" with lore "&r&6Go back in time."
		set slot 4 of {_inventory} to gold sword named "&r&l&fRegeneration" with lore "Gives you regeneration."
		set slot 5 of {_inventory} to enchanted book named "&r&6&lGo Forward in Time" with lore "&r&6Go forward in time."
		set slot 6 of {_inventory} to potion of water breathing named "&r&l&9Change Weather to thunder" with lore "Change the weather to thunder"
		set slot 7 of {_inventory} to clock named "&r&6&lIncrease Time" with lore "&r&6Control the time."

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory starts with "&6&lTime Controller":
		if clicked slot is 1: # Decrease Time
			remove 4 from {timecontroller::interval}
			if {timecontroller::interval} < 1:
				set {timecontroller::interval} to 1
			send "Set to %{timecontroller::interval}%h!" to player
			set name of player's current inventory to "&6&lTime Controller &8&l(%{timecontroller::interval}%h)"
		else if clicked slot is 2: # Change the weather to clear
			send "Changing the weather to clear..."
			set weather to clear
			remove 1 clock named "&6&lTime Controller" from player
			close inventory of player
		else if clicked slot is 6: # Change the weather to thunder
			send "Changing the weather to thunder..."
			set weather to thunder
			remove 1 clock named "&6&lTime Controller" from player
			close inventory of player
		else if clicked slot is 4: # Give regeneration
			send "Here ya go!"
			apply potion of regeneration tier 2 to player
			remove 1 clock named "&6&lTime Controller" from player
			close inventory of player
		else if clicked slot is 3: # Go Back in Time
			send "Going back in time..." to player
			set {_time} to (player's world).getTime()
			set {_time} to {_time} - ({timecontroller::interval} * 1000)
			(player's world).setTime({_time})
			remove 1 clock named "&6&lTime Controller" from player
			close inventory of player
		else if clicked slot is 5: # Go Forward in Time
			send "Going forward in time..." to player
			set {_time} to (player's world).getTime()
			set {_time} to {_time} + ({timecontroller::interval} * 1000)
			(player's world).setTime({_time})
			remove 1 clock named "&6&lTime Controller" from player
			close inventory of player
		else if clicked slot is 7: # Increase Time
			add 4 to {timecontroller::interval}
			if {timecontroller::interval} > 24:
				set {timecontroller::interval} to 24
			send "Set to %{timecontroller::interval}%h!" to player
			set name of player's current inventory to "&6&lTime Controller &8&l(%{timecontroller::interval}%h)"
		cancel event

# My version of ShaneBee's Fire Dash script: Original code here:

on rightclick with blaze powder:
	if name of player's tool is "&6&lFire Dash &c(Right Click)":
		loop 10 times:
			set {_block} to block 1 blocks backwards player
			set block at {_block} to fire
			wait 8 ticks
			set block at {_block} to air