Created by tomboms

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#maker is tomboms#
# hier onder staan de codes 
# het is verstandig dat je hier niks veranderd!
on break:
	if {break} is true:
		set {_t} to event-block
		set {_placex} to x-coordinate of event-block
		set {_placey} to y-coordinate of event-block
		set {_placez} to z-coordinate of event-block
		set {_world} to event-world	
		set {_n} to yml value "number.break.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
		set yaml value "block.break.%{_n}%.type" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to "%{_t}%"
		set yaml value "block.break.%{_n}%.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_n}
		set yml value "block.break.%{_n}" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to "%{_world}%"
		set yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.x" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_placex}
		set yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.y" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_placey}
		set yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.z" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_placez}
		add 1 to {_n}
		set yml value "number.break.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_n}	
		add 1 to {numberbreak::*}
on place:
	if {break} is true:
		set {_t} to air
		set {_placex} to x-coordinate of event-block
		set {_placey} to y-coordinate of event-block
		set {_placez} to z-coordinate of event-block
		set {_world} to event-world	
		set {_n} to yml value "" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
		set yaml value "{_n}%.type" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to "%{_t}%"
		set yaml value "{_n}%.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_n}
		set yml value "{_n}" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to "%{_world}%"
		set yml value "{_n}%.location.x" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_placex}
		set yml value "{_n}%.location.y" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_placey}
		set yml value "{_n}%.location.z" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_placez}
		add 1 to {_n}
		set yml value "" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to {_n}	
		add 1 to {numberplace::*}	 
command /block [<text>] :
		if arg 1 is "reset":
			if yaml value "" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" is set:
				set {_n} to 0
				loop {numberplace::*}:
					set {_type} to yml value "{_n}%.type" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_x} to yml value "{_n}%.location.x" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_y} to yml value "{_n}%.location.y" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_z} to yml value "{_n}%.location.z" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_world} to yaml value "{_n}" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
					set {_type} to {_type} parsed as itemtype
					set {_x} to {_x} parsed as a number
					set {_y} to {_y} parsed as a number
					set {_z} to {_z} parsed as a number
					set block at location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "%{_world}%" to {_type}
					delete yml value "{_n}%" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
					add 1 to {_n}
					remove 1 from {numberplace::*} 
				execute console command "block setupplace"
			if yaml value "block.break.0.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" is set:
				set {_n} to 0
				loop {numberbreak::*}:
					set {_type} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.type" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_x} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.x" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_y} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.y" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_z} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.z" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
					set {_world} to yaml value "block.break.%{_n}" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
					set {_type} to {_type} parsed as itemtype
					set {_x} to {_x} parsed as a number
					set {_y} to {_y} parsed as a number
					set {_z} to {_z} parsed as a number
					set block at location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "%{_world}%" to {_type}
					delete yml value "block.break.%{_n}%" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
					add 1 to {_n}
					remove 1 from {numberbreak::*} 
				execute console command "block setupbreak"
		else if arg 1 is "resetplace":
			set {_n} to 0
			loop {numberplace::*}:
				set {_type} to yml value "{_n}%.type" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_x} to yml value "{_n}%.location.x" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_y} to yml value "{_n}%.location.y" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_z} to yml value "{_n}%.location.z" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_world} to yaml value "{_n}" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
				set {_type} to {_type} parsed as itemtype
				set {_x} to {_x} parsed as a number
				set {_y} to {_y} parsed as a number
				set {_z} to {_z} parsed as a number
				set block at location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "%{_world}%" to {_type}
				delete yml value "{_n}%" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
				add 1 to {_n}
				remove 1 from {numberplace::*} 
			execute console command "block setupplace"	
		else if arg 1 is "resetbreak":
			set {_n} to 0
			loop {numberbreak::*}:
				set {_type} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.type" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_x} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.x" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_y} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.y" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_z} to yml value "block.break.%{_n}%.location.z" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" 
				set {_world} to yaml value "block.break.%{_n}" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
				set {_type} to {_type} parsed as itemtype
				set {_x} to {_x} parsed as a number
				set {_y} to {_y} parsed as a number
				set {_z} to {_z} parsed as a number
				set block at location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "%{_world}%" to {_type}
				delete yml value "block.break.%{_n}%" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
				add 1 to {_n}
				remove 1 from {numberbreak::*} 
			execute console command "block setupbreak"	
		else if arg 1 is "reload":
			message "&creloading...."
			execute player command "/skript reload blockreseter"
		else if arg 1 is "on":
			set {break} to true
			broadcast "&5block replacer is now &7on"
		else if arg 1 is "off":
			set {break} to false
			broadcast "&5block replacer is now &7off"
		else if arg 1 is "setup":
			set yml value "number.break.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to 0
			set yml value "" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to 0
			delete yml value "block" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"	
			set {numberbreak::*} to 0
			set {numberplace::*} to 0	
			message "&5break is now setupt"
		else if arg 1 is "setupbreak":	
			set yml value "number.break.number" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to 0
			delete yml value "block.break" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
			set {numberbreak::*} to 0
		else if arg 1 is "setupplace":	
			set yml value "" from file "blockreseter/block.yml" to 0
			delete yml value "" from file "blockreseter/block.yml"
			set {numberplace::*} to 0
		else if arg 1 is "help":
			message "&5-+-"
			message "&5 block [arg 1]"
			message "&5 on arg 1 you can set:"
			message "&5 reset, resetplace, resetbreak, reload, on, off, setup, help"
			message "&5 reset = you replace every block thats mined or placed!"
			message "&5 resetbreak = you replace every block thats mined"
			message "&5 resetplace = you replace every block thats placed"
			message "&5 reload = you reload the srkipt!"
			message "&5 on = you turn the skript on!"
			message "&5 off = you turn the skript off!"
			message "&5 setup = you setup the skript!"
			message "&5 help = yeah thats this command!"
			message "&5-+-"
		if arg 1 is not set :
			message "%nl%%nl%&c&lsoryy....&c(&l!&c)%nl%&cgebruik &7/block help"
			message ""