Created by ZeyKra_

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# /$$   /$$                                         /$$      /$$  /$$$$$$       
#| $$$ | $$                                        | $$$    /$$$ /$$__  $$      
#| $$$$| $$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$/$$$$   /$$$$$$       | $$$$  /$$$$| $$  \__/      
#| $$ $$ $$ |____  $$| $$_  $$_  $$ /$$__  $$      | $$ $$/$$ $$| $$            
#| $$  $$$$  /$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$ \ $$| $$$$$$$$      | $$  $$$| $$| $$            
#| $$\  $$$ /$$__  $$| $$ | $$ | $$| $$_____/      | $$\  $ | $$| $$    $$      
#| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$|  $$$$$$$      | $$ \/  | $$|  $$$$$$/      
#|__/  \__/ \_______/|__/ |__/ |__/ \_______/      |__/     |__/ \______/       
#     /$$$$$$  /$$                           /$$                          
#    /$$__  $$| $$                          | $$                          
#    | $$  \__/| $$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$   /$$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ 
#    | $$      | $$__  $$ /$$__  $$ /$$_____/| $$  /$$/ /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$
#    | $$      | $$  \ $$| $$$$$$$$| $$      | $$$$$$/ | $$$$$$$$| $$  \__/
#    | $$    $$| $$  | $$| $$_____/| $$      | $$_  $$ | $$_____/| $$      
#    |  $$$$$$/| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$$| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$$| $$      
#     \______/ |__/  |__/ \_______/ \_______/|__/  \__/ \_______/|__/      
# text from :
# thanks for downloading my skript / skunity page                                                                             

	server.ip: #this server ip /!\ for the command likes if the server ip that you put has yo many likes your server will just crash but the check command will work fine 
	prefix.line: &6&m-------------------------------------
	prefix.handle: &8&l» &8&lNamemc &6&lChecker &8&l«
	prefix: &8&lNameMC
command /namemc [<text>] [<text>]:	
	permission: namemc.*
	aliases: nc, namemcchecker
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 1 is "like" or "likes":	
				send "{@prefix} &6» &eProcessing ..."
				set {_serverip} to "{@server.ip}"
				set {_likes} to text from "{_serverip}%/likes"
				set {_likes::*} to {_likes} split at ","	
				replace all "[ " with "" in {_likes::*}
				replace all "[" with "" in {_likes::*}
				replace all "  """ with "" in {_likes::*}
				replace all """," with "" in {_likes::*}
				replace all """" with "" in {_likes::*}
				replace all " ]" with "" in {_likes::*}
				replace all "]" with "" in {_likes::*}
				set {_num} to 1
				set {_looptime} to size of {_likes::*}
				loop {_looptime} times:
					replace all " " with "" in {_likes::%{_num}%}			
					set {_uuid} to {_likes::%{_num}%}
					replace all "-" with "" in {_uuid}
					set {_name} to text from "{_uuid}%/names"
					set {_names::*} to {_name} split at ","
					set {_size} to size of {_names::*}
					remove 1 from {_size}
					replace all "{""name"":""" with "" in {_names::%{_size}%}
					replace all """" with "" in {_names::%{_size}%}
					add {_names::%{_size}%} to {_like.list.names::*}
					add 1 to {_num}
				send "{@prefix.line}"
				send " "			
				send "           &7- {@prefix} &7- &6Likes &4❤ &7- &c{@server.ip} &7-"
				send " "
				if {_like.list.names::*} is set:
					json("%player%", "&8➣ &e%{_like.list.names::*}%||ttp:&eHere is the list of all players %nl%&ewho liked &6&n{@server.ip} &eon &6NameMC %nl% %nl%        &8>>    &eClick here &8    <<%nl%&eTo see &6&n{@server.ip}&8 NameMC &epage")
				if {_like.list.names::*} isn't set:	
					json("%player%", "&8➣ &cThis server don't exist &7/ you may check server.ip option in &4&n%script||ttp:&cYou probably wrote the server ip options wrong%nl%")
				send " "
				send "{@prefix.line}"
			if arg 1 is "mojangapi":
				if arg 2 is set:
					set {_uuid} to arg 2
					replace all "-" with "" in {_uuid}
					set {_name} to text from "{_uuid}%/names"
					if {_name} is set:  
						set {_names::*} to {_name} split at ","
						set {_size} to size of {_names::*}
						remove 1 from {_size}
						replace all "{""name"":""" with "" in {_names::%{_size}%}
						replace all """" with "" in {_names::%{_size}%}
						if {_names::%{_size}%} isn't set:
							json("%player%", "{@prefix} &8» &cyou probably put a wrong player uuid||sgt:/namemc mojangapi %player's uuid%")
							json("%player%", "{@prefix} &8» ||&c%{_names::%{_size}%}%||ttp:%nl% &6%arg-2% &7➞ &e%{_names::%{_size}%}% %nl%")
						#set {_mojang.api} to text from ""
						send "{@prefix} &8» &cthe uuid that you put isn't working"
					send "{@prefix} &8» &cyou have to put an uuid"
			if arg 1 is "check":
				if arg 2 is set:
					set {_serverip} to "{@server.ip}"
					set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as offline player 
					set {_uuid} to uuid of {_player}
					set {_asliked} to text from "{_serverip}%/likes?profile=%{_uuid}%"
					if {_asliked} = "true":
						json("%player%","&c❤ &8- &2%{_player}% &ahas liked ||&2&n{@server.ip}||ttp:&8➣ &2Click here %nl% &7To See &2&n{@server.ip}&8 NameMC &7page||url:{@server.ip}|| &aon ||&8NameMC")
						json("%player%","&7❤ &8- &6%{_player}% &ehasn't liked ||&6&n{@server.ip}||ttp:&8➣ &eClick here %nl% &7To See &6&n{@server.ip}&8 NameMC &7page||url:{@server.ip}|| &eon ||&8NameMC")
					json("%player%", "{@prefix} &8» &cyou have to put a player name||sgt:/namemc check %player%")		
			if arg 1 is "help":
				set {_pastebin} to text from ""
				send "{@prefix.line}"
				send " "
				json("%player%","    {@prefix.handle}||url:%{_pastebin}%")
				send " "
				json("%player%", "➣ {@prefix} &6&lLikes||ttp:&cShow &7the list of player who liked &c&n{@server.ip}&7 on {@prefix}||ttp:&7(example: /namemc likes)||sgt:/namemc likes")
				json("%player%", "➣ {@prefix} &6&lCheck||ttp:&cCheck &7if a definied player liked &c&n{@server.ip}&7 on {@prefix}||ttp:&7(example: /namemc check %player%)||sgt:/namemc check %player%")
				json("%player%", "➣ {@prefix} &c&lmojangapi||ttp:&cReturn &7uuid from a name even if player never connected on your server||ttp:&7(example: /namemc mojangapi %player's uuid%)||sgt:/namemc mojangapi %player's uuid%")
				send " "
				json("%player%", "&8● &aCredit ZeyKra_||ttp:&aThanks you so much for downloading my skript")
				json("%player%", "&8● &c&n&cSku&fnity &7Page||ttp:&cClick here||url:")			
				send "{@prefix.line}"
			set {_pastebin} to text from ""
			send "{@prefix.line}"
			send " "
			json("%player%","    {@prefix.handle}||url:%{_pastebin}%")
			send " "
			json("%player%", "➣ {@prefix} &6&lLikes||ttp:&cShow &7the list of player who liked &c&n{@server.ip}&7 on {@prefix}||ttp:&7(example: /namemc likes)||sgt:/namemc likes")
			json("%player%", "➣ {@prefix} &6&lCheck||ttp:&cCheck &7if a definied player liked &c&n{@server.ip}&7 on {@prefix}||ttp:&7(example: /namemc check %player%)||sgt:/namemc check %player%")
			json("%player%", "➣ {@prefix} &c&lmojangapi||ttp:&cReturn &7uuid from a name even if player never connected on your server||ttp:&7(example: /namemc mojangapi %player's uuid%)||sgt:/namemc mojangapi %player's uuid%")
			send " "
			json("%player%", "&8● &aCredit ZeyKra_||ttp:&aThanks you so much for downloading my skript")
			json("%player%", "&8● &c&n&cSku&fnity &7Page||ttp:&cClick here||url:")			
			send "{@prefix.line}"