Created by CrossPath

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Lifsteal Skript - Custom by CrossPath

# If you wish to edit "MAXIMUM HEART CAPACITY" please edit the number "20" in the "Death Event" category!
# If you wish to disable ALT Prevention, please delete the entire category of "Alt Prevention Event"!

# If you are an admin of a server and need support, please feel free to reach out to CrossPath via Twitter or other means of social media. All my accounts are labeled with the username of 'CrossPath' or 'CrossPath21'

# Death Event
on death of player:
	if attacker is a player:
		if the max health of attacker >= 20:
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou killed %player%! You reached the maximum of 20 hearts, so you can not receive anymore hearts." to attacker
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou were killed by %attacker%! You lost 1 heart!" to player
			subtract 1 from max health of player
			wait 2 ticks
			if the max health of player <= 0.9:
				make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%"
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou eliminated %player%" to attacker
				broadcast "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &c%player% was ELIMINATED by %attacker%!"
				wait 1 tick
				ban player due to "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou were ELIMINATED by %attacker%!"
				kick player due to "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou have been ELIMINATED by %attacker%!"
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou killed %player%! You gained 1 heart!" to attacker
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou were killed by %attacker%! You lost 1 heart!" to player
			add 1 to max health of attacker
			subtract 1 from max health of player
			wait 2 ticks
			if the max health of player <= 0.9:
				make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%"
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou eliminated %player%" to attacker
				broadcast "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &c%player% was ELIMINATED by %attacker%!"
				wait 1 tick
				ban player due to "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou were ELIMINATED by %attacker%!"
				kick player due to "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou have been ELIMINATED by %attacker%!"
		send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou were killed by a %attacker%! You lost 1 heart!" to player
		subtract 1 from max health of player
		wait 2 ticks
		if the max health of player <= 0.9:
			make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%"
			broadcast "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &c%player% was ELIMINATED by a %attacker%!"
			wait 1 tick
			ban player due to "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou were ELIMINATED by a %attacker%!"
			kick player due to "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou have been ELIMINATED by a %attacker%!"

on join:
	if "%{ips::*}%" contains player's ip:
		wait 1 tick
		kick the player due to "&c[ALT PREVENTION] &eSorry, you can't play right now! There is someone else already on your current ip address!"
		add player's ip to {ips::*}
		set {checkip.%player%} to true
on quit:
	if {checkip.%player%} is true:
		remove player's ip from {ips::*}
		set {checkip.%player%} to false

# Commands
command /transfer [<player>] [<integer>]:
	aliases: /giveheart, /transferheart, /hearttransfer, /givehealth, /transferhealth, /healthtransfer, /th
	permission: lifesteal.cmd.transfer
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	executable by: players
	usage: &cCorrect Usage: /transfer (player) (number)
	description: Removes health from yourself and gives it to someone else.
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is set:
				if arg-2 is not less than 1:
					if player's max health is more than arg-2:
						add arg-2 to the arg-1's max health
						subtract arg-2 from the player's max health
						send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You transferred %arg-2% heart(s) to %arg-1%!"
						send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYou received %arg-2% heart(s) from %player%!" to arg-1
						send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou do not have enough hearts to share!"
					send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou can't get health that easy. Sorry, not sorry."
				if player's max health is more than 1:
					add 1 to the arg-1's max health
					subtract 1 from the player's max health
					send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You transferred 1 heart to %arg-1%!"
					send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYou received 1 heart from %player%!" to arg-1
			send "&cYou need to mention a player to share your hearts with!"

command /sethealth [<player>] [<integer>]:
	aliases: /setheart, /heartset, /healthset, /sh
	permission: lifesteal.cmd.set
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	usage: &cCorrect Usage: /sethealth (player) (number)
	description: Forcibly sets the player's health to an exact integer.
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is set:
				if arg-2 is not less than 1:
					set max health of arg-1 to arg-2
					send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You set %arg-1%'s health to %arg-2%!"
					send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYour health has been set to %arg-2% by %player%!" to arg-1
					send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou can't set their health to a value less than 1!"
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou must specify a value of hearts to give them!"
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou need to mention a player to set their health."

command /removehealth [<player>] [<integer>]:
	aliases: /removeheart, /subtractheart, /heartremove, /heartsubtract, /subtracthealth, /healthremove, /rh
	permission: lifesteal.cmd.remove
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	usage: &cCorrect Usage: /removehealth (player) (number)
	description: Forcibly removes a number of hearts from the player.
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is set:
				subtract arg-2 from the arg-1's max health
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You removed %arg-2% heart(s) from %arg-1%."
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYou lost %arg-2% heart(s) from %player% (ADMIN)." to arg-1
				subtract 1 from the arg-1's max health
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You removed 1 heart from %arg-1%."
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYou lost 1 heart from %player% (ADMIN)." to arg-1
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou need to mention a player to remove their hearts!"

command /addhealth [<player>] [<integer>]:
	aliases: /addheart, /newheart, /heartadd, /heartnew, /healthadd, /healthnew, /ah
	permission: lifesteal.cmd.add
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	usage: &cCorrect Usage: /addhealth (player) (number)
	description: Forcibly adds a number of hearts to a player.
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-2 is set:
				add arg-2 to the arg-1's max health
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You added %arg-2% heart(s) to %arg-1%."
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYou gained %arg-2% heart(s) from %player% (ADMIN)." to arg-1
				add 1 to the arg-1's max health
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aSuccess! You added 1 heart to %arg-1%."
				send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &aYou gained 1 heart from %player% (ADMIN)." to arg-1
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &cYou need to mention a player to give them hearts!"

command /viewhealth [<offlineplayer>]:
	aliases: /viewheart, /heartview, /healthview, /vh
	permission: lifesteal.cmd.view
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	usage: &cCorrect Usage: /viewhealth (player)
	description: View the maximum number of hearts a player has.
		if arg-1 is set:
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &9%arg-1% currently has a maximum of &c%max health of arg-1% hearts&9!"
			send "&8[&bLifesteal&8] &9You currently have &c%max health of player% hearts&9!"

command /lifesteal:
	aliases: /life, /steal, /lifehelp, /lh, /hl, /lsteal, /lifes, /lifest, /listeal, /lifecmds, /stealcmds, /lifehelpcmds, /lhc, /hlc, /lstealcmds, /lifescmds, /lifestcmds, /listealcmds
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	description: The main help command for the Lifesteal Skript.
		send "&bHeart Skript by CrossPath"
		send "&6/transfer (player) (number) &7- &fRemoves health from yourself and gives it to someone else."
		send "&6/sethealth (player) (number) &7- &fForcibly sets the player's health to an exact integer."
		send "&6/removehealth (player) (number) &7- &fForcibly removes a number of hearts from the player."
		send "&6/addhealth (player) (number) &7- &fForcibly adds a number of hearts to a player."
		send "&6/viewhealth (player) &7- &fView the maximum number of hearts a player has."

command /lsnodes:
	aliases: /lifenodes, /stealnodes, /lifehelpnodes, /lhn, /hln, /lstealnodes, /lifesnodes, /lifestnodes, /listealnodes
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	description: The main help command for the Lifesteal Skript.
		send "&bHeart Skript by CrossPath"
		send "&6/transfer &7- &clifesteal.cmd.transfer"
		send "&6/sethealth &7- &clifesteal.cmd.set"
		send "&6/removehealth &7- &clifesteal.cmd.remove"
		send "&6/addhealth &7- &clifesteal.cmd.add"
		send "&6/viewhealth &7- &clifesteal.cmd.view"
		send "&6/lifesteal &7- &"
		send "&6/lsnodes &7- &"
		send "&6/lsaliases &7- &"

command /lsaliases:
	aliases: /lifealiases, /stealaliases, /lifehelpaliases, /lha, /hla, /lstealaliases, /lifesaliases, /lifestaliases, /listealaliases
	permission message: &8[&bLifesteal&8] &cSorry! You do not have permission to this command.
	description: The main help command for the Lifesteal Skript.
		send "&bHeart Skript by CrossPath"
		send "&6/transfer &7- &d/giveheart, /transferheart, /hearttransfer, /givehealth, /transferhealth, /healthtransfer, /th"
		send "&6/sethealth &7- &d/setheart, /heartset, /healthset, /sh"
		send "&6/removehealth &7- &d/removeheart, /subtractheart, /heartremove, /heartsubtract, /subtracthealth, /healthremove, /rh"
		send "&6/addhealth &7- &d/addheart, /newheart, /heartadd, /heartnew, /healthadd, /healthnew, /ah"
		send "&6/viewhealth &7- &d/viewheart, /heartview, /healthview, /vh"
		send "&6/lifesteal &7- &d/life, /steal, /lifehelp, /lh, /hl, /help life, /lsteal, /lifes, /crosspath skript, /lifest, /listeal"
		send "&6/lsnodes &7- &d/lifenodes, /stealnodes, /lifehelpnodes, /lhn, /hln, /lstealnodes, /lifesnodes, /lifestnodes, /listealnodes"
		send "&6/lsaliases &7- &d/lifealiases, /stealaliases, /lifehelpaliases, /lha, /hla, /lstealaliases, /lifesaliases, /lifestaliases, /listealaliases"