Created by ThatOneLilypad

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on load:
    set {hex::*} to split "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b|c|d|e|f|k|l|m|n|o|r" at "|"

    set {RTX::settings::output} to location(0, 64, 0, world "world")          # location of the output hologram 
    set {RTX::settings::dim::*} to 256 and 256                                # output resolution
    set {RTX::settings::mb} to 2                                              # max reflection bounces (you should keep this low)
    set {RTX::sky::color::*} to 0, 150 and 209                                # sky color
    set {RTX::light::vec} to vector(-1, -1, -1)                               # light direction (doesn't do anything (yet))
    set {RTX::light::loc} to location(149.6, 17.7, 82.4, world "world")       # light location
    set {RTX::light::sh} to 1                                                 # shadow harshness (closer to 0 = sharper the shadows)
    set {RTX::camera::loc} to location(152.8, 9.7, 75.1, world "world")       # camera location
    set {RTX::camera::rd} to 20                                               # render distance (in blocks)
    set {RTX::camera::yaw} to 106                                             # camera yaw (horizontal rotation)
    set {RTX::camera::pitch} to 11                                            # camera pitch (vertical rotation)

    # block, (reflective (0 or 1), (color))
    raytraceAddBlock(white concrete, (0, 255, 255 and 255))
    raytraceAddBlock(stone, (0, 128, 128 and 128))
    raytraceAddBlock(iron block, (1, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddBlock(blue wool, (0, 0, 0 and 255))
    raytraceAddBlock(yellow wool, (0, 255, 255 and 0))
    raytraceAddBlock(red wool, (0, 255, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddBlock(lime wool, (0, 0, 255 and 0))

    clear {RTX::uv::*}

    # size of all texture maps (does not need to be square), said block's texture will appear improperly scaled if this does not match the actual texture dimensions
    set {RTX::uv::dim::*} to 8 and 8

    # texture id, row, (color placeholder)
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 1, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 and 1))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 2, (1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 3, (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 and 1))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 4, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 5, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 6, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 7, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_side", 8, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))

    # texture id, color placeholder, color
    raytraceAddTexMap("grass_side", 0, (87, 64, and 0))
    raytraceAddTexMap("grass_side", 1, (39, 166, and 0))

    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 1, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 2, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 3, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 4, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 5, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 6, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 7, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_top", 8, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))

    raytraceAddTexMap("grass_top", 0, (39, 166, and 0))

    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 1, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 2, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 3, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 4, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 5, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 6, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 7, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))
    raytraceAddTex("grass_bottom", 8, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0))

    raytraceAddTexMap("grass_bottom", 0, (39, 166, and 0))

    # block, (texture top, bottom, north, east, south, west)
    raytraceMapBlockTex(grass block, ("grass_top", "grass_bottom", "grass_side", "grass_side", "grass_side" and "grass_side"))

# Remaining code below is recommended to not be touched but feel free to do so anyway


option NMS:
    return 4th element out of ((class "org.bukkit.Bukkit").getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName() split at ".")


effect set fancy colored name of %entity% to %string%:


function pLine(l: location, v: vector, c: integers):
    loop 10 times:
        set vector length of {_v} to loop-value / 10
        play 5 of dust using dustOption(rgb({_c::1}, {_c::2}, {_c::3}), .5) at {_l} ~ {_v}

function raytraceAddBlock(b: material, c: integers):
    set {_i} to raw name of {_b}
    set {RTX::map::%{_i}%::*} to {_c::*}

function raytraceAddTex(i: text, r: integer, rc: integers):
    set {RTX::uv::img::%{_i}%::%{_r}%::*} to {_rc::*}

function raytraceAddTexMap(i: text, id: integer, c: integers):
    set {RTX::uv::map::%{_i}%::%{_id}%::*} to {_c::*}

function raytraceMapBlockTex(b: material, f: texts):
    set {_bn} to raw name of {_b}
    set {RTX::uv::lookup::%{_bn}%::*} to {_f::*}

function raytraceGetMatProperties(b: material) :: objects:
    set {_bn} to raw name of {_b}
    return {RTX::map::%{_bn}%::*}

function raytraceCalcInShadow(l: location, o: vector) :: boolean:
    set {_v} to vector from {_l} to {RTX::light::loc} ~ {_o}
    loop round(distance between {_l} and {RTX::light::loc} ~ {_o}) / .1 times:
        set vector length of {_v} to loop-value * .1
        if block at ({_l} ~ {_v}) is not air:
            return true
    return false

function raytraceCalcLightAndColor(b: material, l: location, nv: vector) :: objects:
    set {_bn} to raw name of {_b}
    set {_lv} to vector between {RTX::light::loc} and {_l}
    set {_dv} to -1 * (normalized {_nv} dot normalized {_lv})

    set {_c::*} to raytraceGetMatProperties({_b})
    set {_c::2} to round({_c::2} * mapRange({_dv}, (-1, 1), (0, 1)))
    set {_c::3} to round({_c::3} * mapRange({_dv}, (-1, 1), (0, 1)))
    set {_c::4} to round({_c::4} * mapRange({_dv}, (-1, 1), (0, 1)))

    if {_b} is command block:
        set {_fp} to vector from block at {_l} -- vector from {_l}
        set {_r} to round(mapRange(x of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (0, 255)))
        set {_g} to round(mapRange(y of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (0, 255)))
        set {_b} to round(mapRange(z of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (0, 255)))
        set {_c::*} to 0, {_r}, {_g} and {_b}
    set {_lookup::*} to {RTX::uv::lookup::%{_bn}%::*}

    if {_lookup::*} is set:
        set {_fp} to vector from block at {_l} -- vector from {_l}
        set {_w} to round({RTX::uv::dim::1})
        set {_h} to round({RTX::uv::dim::2})
        if abs(x of {_nv}) = 1:
            set {_u} to round(mapRange(z of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (1, {_w})))
            set {_v} to round(mapRange(y of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (1, {_h})))
        else if abs(y of {_nv}) = 1:
            set {_u} to round(mapRange(x of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (1, {_w})))
            set {_v} to round(mapRange(z of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (1, {_h})))
            set {_u} to round(mapRange(x of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (1, {_w})))
            set {_v} to round(mapRange(y of {_fp}, (-.5, .5), (1, {_h})))
        set {_f::*} to {RTX::uv::lookup::%{_bn}%::*}
        if y of {_nv} = 1:
            set {_r} to {RTX::uv::img::%{_f::1}%::%{_v}%::%{_u}%}
            set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::uv::map::%{_f::1}%::%{_r}%::*}
        else if y of {_nv} = -1:
            set {_r} to {RTX::uv::img::%{_f::2}%::%{_v}%::%{_u}%}
            set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::uv::map::%{_f::2}%::%{_r}%::*}
        else if z of {_nv} = -1:
            set {_r} to {RTX::uv::img::%{_f::3}%::%{_v}%::%{_u}%}
            set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::uv::map::%{_f::3}%::%{_r}%::*}
        else if z of {_nv} = 1:
            set {_r} to {RTX::uv::img::%{_f::4}%::%{_v}%::%{_u}%}
            set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::uv::map::%{_f::4}%::%{_r}%::*}
        else if x of {_nv} = 1:
            set {_r} to {RTX::uv::img::%{_f::5}%::%{_v}%::%{_u}%}
            set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::uv::map::%{_f::5}%::%{_r}%::*}
            set {_r} to {RTX::uv::img::%{_f::6}%::%{_v}%::%{_u}%}
            set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::uv::map::%{_f::6}%::%{_r}%::*}

    set {_ls} to 1

    set {_v} to spherical vector radius {RTX::light::sh}, yaw (vector yaw of (vector from {_l} to {RTX::light::loc}) + 90), pitch 0
    remove .2 from {_ls} if raytraceCalcInShadow({_l}, vector(0, 0, 0)) is true
    remove .2 from {_ls} if raytraceCalcInShadow({_l}, {_v}) is true
    remove .2 from {_ls} if raytraceCalcInShadow({_l}, {_v} ** vector(-1, -1, -1)) is true

    set {_c::2} to round({_c::2} * {_ls})
    set {_c::3} to round({_c::3} * {_ls})
    set {_c::4} to round({_c::4} * {_ls})
    if size of {_c::*} < 4:
        set {_c::*} to 0, 255, 0 and 255

    return {_c::*}

function raytraceFireRay(l: location, v: vector, b: number) :: objects:
    set {_rd} to round({RTX::camera::rd})
    add 1 to {RTX::count}
    if {_b} > 0:
        loop round({RTX::camera::rd} * 10) times:
            set vector length of {_v} to loop-value * {_rd} / ({_rd} * 10)
            #play 1 of dust using dustOption(rgb(255, 0, 0), .5) at {_l} ~ {_v}
            if block at ({_l} ~ {_v}) is not air:
                set {_bt} to block at ({_l} ~ {_v})
                set {_l1} to location of block at ({_l} ~ {_v})
                set vector length of {_v} to (loop-value - 1) * {_rd} / ({_rd} * 10)
                set {_hl} to {_l} ~ {_v}
                set {_l2} to location of block at ({_l} ~ {_v})
                set {_nv} to vector((x-loc of {_l2} - x-loc of {_l1}), (y-loc of {_l2} - y-loc of {_l1}), (z-loc of {_l2} - z-loc of {_l1}))

                set {_b::*} to raytraceCalcLightAndColor({_bt}, {_hl}, {_nv})
                if {_b::1} = 1:
                    set vector length of {_v} to 1
                    set {_v} to {_v} ** vector(-1, -1, -1)
                    rotate {_v} around {_nv} by 180
                    set {_c::*} to raytraceFireRay({_hl}, {_v}, {_b} - 1)

                    set {_cl::*} to raytraceGetMatProperties({_bt})

                    set {_c::*} to {_c::1}, round(({_c::2} + {_cl::2}) / 2), round(({_c::3} + {_cl::3}) / 2) and round(({_c::4} + {_cl::4}) / 2)
                    set {_c::*} to {_b::*}
                exit 1 loop
        set {_c::*} to 0 and {RTX::sky::color::*} if {_c::*} is not set
    return {_c::*}

command /render:
        clear {RTX::out::*}
        set {RTX::count} to 0
        set {_l} to {RTX::camera::loc}
        set {_y} to {RTX::camera::yaw}
        set {_p} to {RTX::camera::pitch}
        set {_mb} to {RTX::settings::mb}
        set {_n} to now
        loop {RTX::settings::dim::2} times:
            set {_rt} to unix timestamp of now
            loop {RTX::settings::dim::1} times:
                set {_x} to (2 * (loop-value-2 + 0.5) / {RTX::settings::dim::1} - 1)
                set {_y} to (1 - 2 * (loop-value-1 + 0.5) / {RTX::settings::dim::2})
                set {_v} to vector({_x}, {_y}, -1)
                rotate {_v} around (vector from yaw {_y} + 90 and pitch 0) by {_p}
                rotate {_v} around y axis by (90 + {_y})
                set {_p::*} to raytraceFireRay({_l}, {_v}, {_mb})
                add 1 to {_i}
                set {RTX::out::p::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::*} to {_p::*}
            send action bar "%{_i}% prc | row %loop-value-1% @ %unix timestamp of now - {_rt}% s/r" to all players

            wait 1 tick
        send "%{RTX::count}% total rays cast in %difference between now and {_n}%"
        wait 25 seconds
        loop {RTX::out::e::*}:
            kill loop-value

function raytracingLiveRender(y: number):
    set {_l} to {RTX::settings::output}
    set y-loc of {_l} to -.21 * {_y} + 32
    loop indices of {RTX::out::p::%{_y}%::*}:
        set {_r} to {RTX::out::p::%{_y}%::%loop-value%::2}
        set {_g} to {RTX::out::p::%{_y}%::%loop-value%::3}
        set {_b} to {RTX::out::p::%{_y}%::%loop-value%::4}
        add "%raytracingRgbToHex(({_r}, {_g}, {_b}))%█" to {_row::*}
        add "%{_r}%,%{_g}%,%{_b}%" to {_row::*}
    spawn 1 armor stand at {_l} with nbt "{CustomNameVisible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1,Invisible:1}"
    add last spawned entity to {RTX::out::e::*}
    set fancy colored name of last spawned entity to colored (join {_row::*} by "")

function raytracingRgbToHex(values: integers) :: string:
    loop {_values::*}:
        set {_r} to "%{_r} ? ""<##""%%{hex::%(( (round(loop-value)) - mod((round(loop-value)), 16)) / 16 + 1)%} ? """"%%{hex::%mod((round(loop-value)), 16) + 1%} ? """"%"
    return "%{_r}%>"

every 5 ticks:
    set {_l} to {RTX::camera::loc}
    set {_y} to {RTX::camera::yaw}
    set {_p} to {RTX::camera::pitch}
    set {_v} to vector from yaw {_y} and pitch {_p}
    pLine({_l}, {_v}, (255, 0, 0))
    play 5 of dust using dustOption(rgb(255, 255, 255), 1) at {_l}

    set {_l} to {RTX::light::loc}
    set {_v} to {RTX::light::vec}
    pLine({_l}, {_v}, (255, 255, 0))
    play 5 of dust using dustOption(rgb(255, 255, 255), 1) at {_l}