Created by Aerosmite35

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.


#							╔═╗╦╔═╦═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐
#							╚═╗╠╩╗╠╦╝├┤ │ ┬││ ││││└─┐
#							╚═╝╩ ╩╩╚═└─┘└─┘┴└─┘┘└┘└─┘
#!											by Aerosmite35

	# Logo before messages
	skregion: §c[§l&4SKRegions§r§c]§r §6	
	# Folder path ('/' at the end)
	path: plugins/Skript/scripts/SKRegion/
	# Current commands permission
	perm: bukkit.command.op.give


#! Don't modify it unless you know what you're doing

#	 _____             _   _             
#	|   __|_ _ ___ ___| |_|_|___ ___ ___ 
#	|   __| | |   |  _|  _| | . |   |_ -|
#	|__|  |___|_|_|___|_| |_|___|_|_|___|

# Return the region's world (else 'none')
function WorldofRegion(region: text,f: text) :: text:
	loop yml nodes "" of file "{@path}%{_f}%":
		if yml path "%loop-value%.%{_region}%" in file "{@path}%{_f}%" exists:
			return "%loop-value%"
	return "none"

# YML to Skript's location
function setlocregion(world: text,path: text,f: text) :: location:
	set {_parse} to yml value "%{_world}%.%{_path}%" from file "{@path}%{_f}%"
	set {_parsed::*} to {_parse} parsed as "%num% %num% %num%"
	return location({_parsed::1},{_parsed::2},{_parsed::3}, world({_world}))

# Add '.yml' to non-extensions files
function skregionfile(file: text) :: text:
	if file "%{_file}%"'s extension is not "yml":
		return "%{_file}%.yml"
		return "%{_file}%"

# Return if the player is in the region
function LocisWithin(loc: location,region: text,file: text="regions.yml") :: boolean:
	set {_f} to skregionfile({_file})
	set {_loc1} to setlocregion("%world of {_loc}%","%{_region}%.1","%{_f}%")
	set {_loc2} to setlocregion("%world of {_loc}%","%{_region}%.2","%{_f}%")
	loop "x", "y" and "z":
		evaluate "set {_loc1current} to %loop-value%-coord of {_loc1}"
		evaluate "set {_loc2current} to %loop-value%-coord of {_loc2}"
		if {_loc1current} is greater than {_loc2current}:
			if "%{_loc1}%" doesn't contain ".":
				set {_loc1current} to {_loc1current} + 1
			if "%{_loc2}%" doesn't contain ".":
				set {_loc2current} to {_loc2current} + 1
		evaluate "set %loop-value%-coord of {_loc1} to {_loc1current}"
		evaluate "set %loop-value%-coord of {_loc2} to {_loc2current}"
	if {_loc} is within {_loc1} to {_loc2}:
		return true
		return false

# Add a region (false if an error was encountered)
function skregionadd(region: text, loc1: location, loc2: location, file: text="regions.yml") :: boolean:
	set {_f} to skregionfile({_file})
	if file "{@path}%{_f}%" doesn't exist:
		create file "{@path}%{_f}%"
	if WorldofRegion("%{_region}%",{_f}) is "none":
		if world of {_loc1} is world of {_loc2}:
			set "%world of {_loc1}%.%{_region}%.1" to "%x-coord of {_loc1}% %y-coord of {_loc1}% %z-coord of {_loc1}%" in yaml file "{@path}%{_f}%"
			set "%world of {_loc1}%.%{_region}%.2" to "%x-coord of {_loc2}% %y-coord of {_loc2}% %z-coord of {_loc2}%" in yaml file "{@path}%{_f}%"
			return true
	return false

# Clear a region (false if an error was encountered)
function skregionclear(region: text, file: text="regions.yml") :: boolean:
	set {_f} to skregionfile({_file})
	set {_world} to WorldofRegion("%{_region}%",{_f})
	if {_world} is not "none":
		delete yml value "%{_world}%.%{_region}%" from file "{@path}%{_f}%"
		return true
		if {_region} is "*":
			if file "{@path}%{_f}%" exists:
				delete file "{@path}%{_f}%"
				return true
	return false

# Return the player's region of a file (else 'none')
function LocInRegion(loc: location,f: text="regions.yml") :: text:
	loop yml nodes "%world of {_loc}%" of file "{@path}%{_f}%":
		if LocisWithin({_loc},"%loop-value%","%{_f}%") is true:
			return "%loop-value%"
	return "none"

# Same with several files
function LocInRegions(loc: location,f: strings) :: text:
	loop {_f::*}:
		loop yml nodes "%world of {_loc}%" of file "{@path}%loop-value-1%":
			if LocisWithin({_loc},"%loop-value-2%","%loop-value-1%") is true:
				return "%loop-value-2%"
	return "none"

#	 _____                           _     
#	|     |___ _____ _____ ___ ___ _| |___ 
#	|   --| . |     |     | .'|   | . |_ -|
#	|_____|___|_|_|_|_|_|_|__,|_|_|___|___|

# SKRegion command
command /skregion <text> [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@perm}
	executable by: players and console
	usage:/skregion <create|clear|display|list> [region] [file's name]
		if arg-3 is set:
			set {_f} to skregionfile(arg-3)
			set {_f} to "regions.yml"
		if arg-2 is not set:
			if arg-1 is "list":
				set {_files::*} to dir "{@path}"'s files
				if {_files::*} is set:
					send "{@skregion}Recognized regions:"
					loop dir "{@path}"'s files:
						send "&6&n%file loop-value-1's name%:"
						send "%new line%"
						loop yml nodes "" of file "%loop-value-1%":
							if loop-value-2 is "regions":
								send " &cWorldGuard's regions"
								send " &a%loop-value-2%&r:"
								loop yml nodes "%loop-value-2%" of file "%loop-value-1%":
									set {_loc1} to yml value "%loop-value-2%.%loop-value-3%.1" from file "%loop-value-1%"
									set {_loc2} to yml value "%loop-value-2%.%loop-value-3%.2" from file "%loop-value-1%"
									send "  &e%loop-value-3%&r: &b[&3%{_loc1}%&b] [&3%{_loc2}%&b]"
						send "%new line%"
					send "&cNo regions was found"
				send "&cUnknown argument, please use '&blist&c' or specify a region"
			set {_world} to WorldofRegion("%arg-2%",{_f})
			if arg-1 is "create" or "add":
				if file "{@path}%{_f}%" doesn't exist:
					create file "{@path}%{_f}%"
					send "{@skregion}File &b%{_f}%&6 has been created"
				if {_world} is "none":
					set "%world of we pos 1 of player%.%arg-2%.1" to "%x-coord of we pos 1 of player% %y-coord of we pos 1 of player% %z-coord of we pos 1 of player%" in yaml file "{@path}%{_f}%"
					set "%world of we pos 1 of player%.%arg-2%.2" to "%x-coord of we pos 2 of player% %y-coord of we pos 2 of player% %z-coord of we pos 2 of player%" in yaml file "{@path}%{_f}%"
					send "{@skregion}Region &b%arg-2%&6 has been added from &b[&3%x-coord of we pos 1 of player% %y-coord of we pos 1 of player% %z-coord of we pos 1 of player%&b]&6 to &b[&3%x-coord of we pos 2 of player% %y-coord of we pos 2 of player% %z-coord of we pos 2 of player%&b]&6 in &b%{_f}%"
					send "&cRegion &b%arg-2%&c already exists"
			else if arg-1 is "clear" or "delete":
				if {_world} is not "none":
					delete yml value "%{_world}%.%arg-2%" from file "{@path}%{_f}%"
					send "{@skregion}Region &b%arg-2%&6 has been cleared in &b%{_f}%"
					if arg-2 is "*":
						if file "{@path}%{_f}%" exists:
							delete file "{@path}%{_f}%"
							send "{@skregion}File &b%{_f}%&6 has been deleted"
							send "&cFile &b%{_f}%&c could not be found"
						send "&cRegion &b%arg-2%&c could not be found"
			else if arg-1 is "display":
				if {_world} is not "none":
					set we pos 1 of player to setlocregion("%{_world}%","%arg-2%.1","%{_f}%")
					set we pos 2 of player to setlocregion("%{_world}%","%arg-2%.2","%{_f}%")
					send "{@skregion}Region &b%arg-2%&6 has been added to your current selection"
					send "&cRegion &b%arg-2%&c could not be found"
				send "&cUnknown argument, please use '&bcreate&c', '&bclear&c' or '&bdisplay"

# WorldGuard's regions to SKRegions command
command /regionsWGtoSK <text> <text>:
	usage:/regionsWGtoSK <file's name> <regions' world>
	permission: {@perm}
	executable by: players and console
		set {_f} to skregionfile(arg-1)
		if yml path "regions" in file "{@path}%{_f}%" exists:
			if file "SKR%{_f}%" exists:
				delete file "SKR%{_f}%"
			send "{@skregion}Converting..."
			loop yml nodes "regions" of file "{@path}%{_f}%":
				loop "min" and "max":
					loop "x", "y" and "z":
						set {_SK%loop-value-1%%loop-value-2%%loop-value-3%} to yml value "regions.%loop-value-1%.%loop-value-2%.%loop-value-3%" from file "{@path}%{_f}%"
						set {_SK%loop-value-1%%loop-value-2%%loop-value-3%} to {_SK%loop-value-1%%loop-value-2%%loop-value-3%} parsed as num
				set {_loc1} to location({_SK%loop-value-1%minx},{_SK%loop-value-1%miny},{_SK%loop-value-1%minz}, world(arg-2))
				set {_loc2} to location({_SK%loop-value-1%maxx},{_SK%loop-value-1%maxy},{_SK%loop-value-1%maxz}, world(arg-2))
			send "{@skregion}Converted regions has been added to &bSKR%{_f}%"
			send "&cWorldGuard &b%{_f}%&6 file could not be found or is corrupt"