Created by GoldySlime

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Author: Hubert Theodore						 #
# In Game Name: GoldySlime						 #	
# Skype: hubertheodore						 	#
# Skript: @AFKHolo							 	#
#											 	#	
# Feature:									 	#
# -Hologram									 	#																		
# -AFK with Reason							 	#
# -Sounds									 	#
# -AFK Timer									 #
#												 #
# Plugins Needed:								 #
# -Holographic Display						 	#
# -SkRayFall									 #
#											 	#
# No Permission Needed for this command			 #
# Commands: /afk [<reason>]					 	#

	#Auto timer for people if they are not moving in game (in second-1). Example 1 minutes(60 sec) -> 59
	afkmax= 120
	#Change this to change the message when AFK
	yafk: &7%player% &8is now AFK
	#Change this to change the message when AFK
	ylafk: &7%loop-player% &8is now AFK
	#Change this to change the message when finish AFK
	nafk: &7%player% &8is no longer AFK
	#Don't change this
	alsn: &7[&3 %arg 1% &7]
	#Change this to change message when you call someone that afk 
	safk: &f%loop-player% &7is still AFK, we will try to call with sounds.

	#Item Hologram above the player
	item: Barrier
	#Hologram Text above the player
	textholo: &7&m--&c AFK &7&m--

# AFK Command

command /afk [<text>]:

	usage: /afk [<reason>]
		if {afk.%player%} is true:
			delete {afk.%player%}
			broadcast "{@nafk}"
			delete holo object "%player%.afk"
			if argument 1 is not set:
				set {afk.%player%} to true
				broadcast "{@yafk}"
				create holo object "ItemStack:{@item};{@textholo}" with id "%player%.afk" at location 3.7 meters above player
				set {afk.%player%} to true
				broadcast "{@yafk} because {@alsn}"
				create holo object "ItemStack:{@item};{@textholo};{@alsn}" with id "%player%.afk" at location 3.7 meters above player

function toggleAFK(p: player) :: number:
	if {afk.%{_p}%} is true:
		delete {afk.%{_p}%}
		delete holo object "%{_p}%.afk"
		set {_i} to 1
		set {afpl%{_p}%} to 0
		return {_i}
	set {afpl%{_p}%} to 0

on chat:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on join:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on quit:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on place:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on death: 
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on command: 
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on tool change:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"
on teleport:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		delete holo object "%player%.afk"
		create holo object "ItemStack:{@item};{@textholo}" with id "%player%.afk" at location 3.7 meters above player
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on inventory open:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on join:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"
on death of player:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on respawn:
	if toggleAFK(player) = 1:
		broadcast "{@nafk}"

on any move:
	if {afk.%player%} is true:
		loop all players in radius 2 around player:
			loop-player is not "%player%":
				delete holo object "%player%.afk"
				create holo object "ItemStack:{@item};{@textholo}" with id "%player%.afk" at location 3.7 meters above player
		delete {afk.%player%}
		broadcast "{@nafk}"
		delete holo object "%player%.afk"
	delete {afpl%player%}

every 10 seconds:
	loop all players:
		add 10 to {afpl%loop-player%}
		wait 10 tick
		if {afpl%loop-player%} is more than {afkmax}+1:
			if {afk.%loop-player%} is true:
				set {afk.%loop-player%} to true
				broadcast "{@ylafk}"
				create holo object "ItemStack:{@item};{@textholo}" with id "%loop-player%.afk" at location 3.7 meters above loop-player