Created by Carlo

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Chat Manager Skript by Carlo ( Spark )

# |----------------------------------------|
# |                                        |
# |            Configuartion               |
# |                                        |
# |----------------------------------------|


	p: &4[&cChatManager&4]
	noperm: &cYou don't have the right permission to execute that command!
	header: &4&l&m|----------&c&l Chat Manager &4&l&m----------|
	footer: &4&l&m|---------------------------------|
	isoffline: &cThat player is offline!
	needop: &cYou need to be OP to execute this command!
	version: 1.0.1

	# Permissions:
	clearchatperm: chatmanager.clearchat
	clearchatbypassperm: chatmanager.clearchat.bypass
	clearchatselfperm: chatmanager.clearchat.self
	lockchatperm: chatmanager.lockchat
	muteperm: chatmanager.mute
	unmuteperm: chatmanager.unmute
	checkmuteperm: chatmanager.checkmute
	broadcastperm: chatmanager.broadcast
	scperm: chatmanager.staffchat
	acperm: chatmanager.adminchat
	cmdspyperm: chatmanager.commandspy
	reloadperm: chatmanager.reload
	chatcolorresetperm: chatmanager.chatcolor.reset
	chatcolorsetperm: chatmanager.chatcolor.set
	chatcoloraddperm: chatmanager.chatcolor.add
	chatcoloraddallperm: chatmanager.chatcolor.addall
	checkrankperm: chatmanager.rank.check

	# Chat Format
	chatformat: true
	prefix-or-suffix: "prefix"
	# Don't put the rank here! Skript will do it automaticly when you choose Prefix or Suffix
	chatformatprefix: %{rank.%player%}%&7 %player's displayname% &8» %{chatcolor.%player%}%
	chatformatsuffix: &7%player's displayname% %{rank.%player%}% &8» %{chatcolor.%player%}%

	# Chat Color
	defaultchatcolor: &7

	# Ranks
	defaultrank: &7Player

	# Clear Chat
	clearchatdone: &cThe chat has been cleared by &4%player%
	cccooldown: 5 minutes

	# Clear Chat Self
	ccselfcooldown: 5 minutes

	# Chat Lock
	chatislocked: &cThe chat is currently locked!
	chatlockedtrue: &cThe chat has been locked by &4%player%
	chatlockedfalse: &cThe chat has been unlocked by &4%player%
	chatalreadylocked: &cThe chat is already locked!
	chatalreadyunlocked: &cThe chat is already unlocked!

	# Staff Chat
	scp: &4[&cStaff Chat&4]

	# Admin Chat
	acp: &4[&cAdmin Chat&4]

	# Mute
	alreadymuted: &4%arg 1% &cis already muted!
	youaremuted: &cYou are muted by &4%player% &cfor %arg 2%

	# Unmute
	notmuted: &4%arg 1% &cis not muted!

	# Broadcast
	bcp: &4[&cBroadcast&4]

	# CommandSpy
	cmdspyp: &4[&cCommandSpy&4]

every 10 second:
	if {chatmanager.locked} is not set:
		set {chatmanager.locked} to false

every 1 second:
	if {chat.notify.updates} is not set:
		set {chat.notify.updates} to true

on script load:
	loop all players:
		if loop-player is op:
			if {chat.notify.updates} is true:
				if text from "" is not "{@version}":
					set {_chat.newversion} to text from ""
					send "{@header}" to loop-player
					send " &4&l• &c&lA new update is available!" to loop-player
					send " &4&l• &c&lYour Version: &4&l{@version}" to loop-player
					send " &4&l• &c&lNew Version: &4&l%{_chat.newversion}%" to loop-player
					send " &4&l• &c&l=> &4&n" to loop-player
					send "{@footer}" to loop-player

on join:
	if player is op:
		if {chat.notify.updates} is true:
			if text from "" is not "{@version}":
				set {_chat.newversion} to text from ""
				send "{@header}"
				send " &4&l• &c&lA new update is available!"
				send " &4&l• &c&lYour Version: &4&l{@version}"
				send " &4&l• &c&lNew Version: &4&l%{_chat.newversion}%"
				send " &4&l• &c&l=> &4&n"
				send "{@footer}"
	loop all players:
		if {rank.%loop-player%} is not set:
			set {rank.%loop-player%} to "{@defaultrank}"
		if {chatcolor.%loop-player%} is not set:
			set {chatcolor.%loop-player%} to "{@defaultchatcolor}"

# The Chat Format

on chat:
	if {@chatformat} is true:
		if {@prefix-or-suffix} is "prefix":
			cancel event
			broadcast "{@chatformatprefix}%message%"
		if {@prefix-or-suffix} is "suffix":
			cancel event
			broadcast "{@chatformatsuffix}%message%"

# |----------------------------------------|
# |                                        |
# |             All Commands               |
# |                                        |
# |----------------------------------------|

command /chat [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@helpperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /chatmanager
		if arg 1 is not set:
			execute player command "/chat help"
		if arg 1 is not "help" or "lock" or "unlock" or "reload" or "notifyupdate":
			send "{@p} &cUnknow Argument!"
		if arg 1 is "help":
			if arg 2 is not "1" or "2" or "3":
				send "{@p} &cUse &4/chat help [1/2/3] &cto see all the commands!"
			if arg 2 is not set:
				send "{@header}"
				send ""
				send "&c/chat help &7&l&m|&f This Command"
				send "&c/chat lock/unlock &7&l&m|&f Lock/Unlock the global chat"
				send "&c/clearchat &7&l&m|&f Clear the global chat"
				send "&c/clearchatself &7&l&m|&f Clear your own chat"
				send "&c/sc &7&l&m|&f Enable/Disable the Staff Chat"
				send "&c/ac &7&l&m|&f Enable/Disable the Admin Chat"
				send "&c/commandspy &7&l&m|&f Enable or Disable your command spy"
				send ""
				send "&cType &4/chat help 2 &cfor the Second Help Page"
				send ""
				send "{@footer}"
			if arg 2 is "1":
				send "{@header}"
				send ""
				send "&c/chat help &7&l&m|&f This Command"
				send "&c/chat lock/unlock &7&l&m|&f Lock/Unlock the global chat"
				send "&c/clearchat &7&l&m|&f Clear the global chat"
				send "&c/clearchatself &7&l&m|&f Clear your own chat"
				send "&c/sc &7&l&m|&f Enable/Disable the Staff Chat"
				send "&c/ac &7&l&m|&f Enable/Disable the Admin Chat"
				send "&c/commandspy [on/off] &7&l&m|&f Enable or Disable your command spy"
				send ""
				send "&cType &4/chat help 2 &cfor the Second Help Page"
				send ""
				send "{@footer}"
			if arg 2 is "2":
				send "{@header}"
				send ""
				send "&c/chat reload &7&l&m|&f Reload the Skript"
				send "&c/mute [player] ([reason]) ([time]) &7&l&m|&f Mute someone"
				send "&c/unmute [player] &7&l&m|&f Unmute a muted player"
				send "&c/checkmute [player] &7&l&m|&f Check if someone is muted"
				send "&c/bc &7&l&m|&f Broadcast a message to everyone on the server"
				send "&c/broadcast &7&l&m|&f Same as /bc"
				send "&c/chat notifyupdate [true/false] &7&l&m|&f Enable or Disable for notifying new updates! ( Only to OP )"
				send ""
				send "&cType &4/chat help 3 &cfor the First Help Page"
				send ""
				send "{@footer}"
			if arg 2 is "3":
				send "{@header}"
				send ""
				send "&c/chatcolor help &7&l&m|&f View The ChatColor Command Help"
				send "&c/rank help &7&l&m|&f View the Rank Command Help"
				send ""
				send "&cYou are on the last help page!"
				send ""
				send "{@footer}"
			# Lock Command
		if arg 1 is "lock":
			if player has permission "{@lockchatperm}":
				if {chatmanager.locked} is true:
					send "{@p} {@chatalreadylocked}"
					send "{@p} &cYou locked the chat!"
					broadcast "{@p} {@chatlockedtrue}"
					set {chatmanager.locked} to true
				send "{@noperm}"
		if arg 1 is "unlock":
			if player has permission "{@lockchatperm}":
				if {chatmanager.locked} is false:
					send "{@p} {@chatalreadyunlocked}"
					send "{@p} &cYou unlocked the chat!"
					broadcast "{@p} {@chatlockedfalse}"
					set {chatmanager.locked} to false
				send "{@noperm}"
		# Reload Command
		if arg 1 is "reload":
			if player has permission "{@reloadperm}":
				execute player command "sk reload ChatManager"
				send "{@p} &aSkript Reloaded!"
				send "{@noperm}"

		# NotifyUpdate Command
		if arg 1 is "notifyupdate":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				if player is op:
					send "{@p} &cUse &4/chat notifyupdate [True/False] &cto Enable or Disable Notifications on updates!"
					send "{@p} {@needop}"
			if arg 2 is "true":
				if player is op:
					if {chat.notify.updates} is false:
						set {chat.notify.updates} to true
						send "{@p} &cAll OP'S will now be notified when their is a new version of &4&lChatManager"
						send "{@p} &cNotifications are already turned on!"
					send "{@p} {@needop}"
			if arg 2 is "false":
				if player is op:
					if {chat.notify.updates} is true:
						set {chat.notify.updates} to false
						send "{@p} &cAll OP'S will no longer be notified when their is a new version of &4&lChatManager"
						send "{@p} &cNotifications are already turned off!"
					send "{@p} {@needop}"

# Chat Color

command /chatcolor [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /ch, /chatcolors
		if arg 1 is not set:
			set {_chatcolors.size} to size of {chatcolors.%player%::*}
			if {_chatcolors.size} is greater than 0:
				open chest with 3 rows named "&c&lChat Colors" to player
				set {_slot} to 0
				loop {chatcolors.%player%::*}:
					format slot {_slot} of player with 339 named "§%loop-value%Color" with lore "&7Click me to enable||&7the §%loop-value%%loop-value% &7ChatColor!" to close
					add 1 to {_slot}
				format slot 22 of player with 160:14 named "&c&lReset" with lore "&7Click here to reset your chatcolor" to close then run [execute console command "ch set %player% 7"]
				send "{@p} &cYou don't have any chat colors!"

		if arg 1 is not "help" or "add" or "addall" or "set" or "reset":
			send "{@p} &cUnknown Argument!"
		if arg 1 is "help":
			if player has permission "{@chatcolorhelpperm}":
				send "{@header}"
				send ""
				send ""
				send "&c/chatcolor &7&l&m|&f Choose a chat color"
				send "&c/chatcolor set [player] [Color Code] &7&l&m|&f Set a player's chat color"
				send "&c/chatcolor add [Player] [Color Code] &7&l&m|&f Add a color to a player"
				send "&c/chatcolor addall [Player] &7&l&m|&f Add all the colors to a player"
				send "&c/chatcolor reset [player] &7&l&m|&f Remove ALL colors from a player"
				send ""
				send "{@footer}"
				send "{@noperm}"
		if arg 1 is "reset":
			if executor is player:
				if player has permission "{@chatcolorresetperm}":
					if arg 2 is set:
						if arg 2 is online:
							if arg 3 is not set:
								clear {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
								send "{@p} &cAll colors form &4%arg 2% &ccleared!"
								send "{@p} &cAll your chat colors have been cleared by &4%player%" to arg 2
								send "{@p} &cTo many arguments!"
							send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
						send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor reset [player] &cto reset all someone's chatcolors!"
					send "{@noperm}"
			if executor is console:
				if arg 2 is set:
					if arg 2 is online:
						if arg 3 is not set:
							clear {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							send "{@p} &cAll colors form &4%arg 2% &ccleared!"
							send "{@p} &cAll your chat colors have been cleared by &4Console" to arg 2
							send "{@p} &cTo many arguments!"
						send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
					send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor reset [player] &cto reset all someone's chatcolors!"

		if arg 1 is "set":
			if executor is player:
				if player has permission "{@chatcolorsetperm}":
					if arg 2 is set:
						if arg 3 is not "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8" or "9" or "0" or "a" or "b" or "d" or "c" or "e" or "f":
							send "{@p} &cThat is not a color code!"
						if arg 3 is not set:
							send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor %arg 1% %arg 2% [color] &cto set the chat color from someone!"
							if arg 2 is online:
								set {chatcolor.%arg 2%} to "§%arg 3%"
								send "{@p} &cYou Chat Color has been set to: %{chatcolor.%arg 2%}%TEXT" to arg 2
								send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
						send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor %arg 1% [player] [color] &cto set the chat color from someone!"
					send "{@noperm}"
			if executor is console:
				if arg 2 is set:
					if arg 3 is not "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8" or "9" or "0" or "a" or "b" or "d" or "c" or "e" or "f":
						send "{@p} &cThat is not a color code!"
					if arg 3 is not set:
						send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor %arg 1% %arg 2% [color] &cto set the chat color from someone!"
						if arg 2 is online:
							set {chatcolor.%arg 2%} to "§%arg 3%"
							send "{@p} &cSet the color to &4%arg 2%" to console
							send "{@p} &cYou Chat Color has been set to: §%arg 3%TEXT" to arg 2
							send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
					send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor %arg 1% [player] [color] &cto set the chat color from someone!"
		if arg 1 is "add":
			if player has permission "{@chatcoloraddperm}":
				if arg 2 is set:
					if arg 3 is not "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8" or "9" or "0" or "a" or "b" or "d" or "c" or "e" or "f":
						send "{@p} &cThat is not a color code!"
						if arg 2 is online:
							remove arg 3 from {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add arg 3 to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							send "{@p} &cAdded the color to &4%arg 2%"
							send "{@p} &cYou received a chat color!" to arg 2
							send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
					if arg 3 is not set:
						send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor %arg 1% %arg 2% [color] &cto add a chat color to someone!"
					send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor %arg 1% [player] [color] &cto add a chat color to someone!"
				send "{@noperm}"
		if arg 1 is "addall":
			if player has permission "{@chatcoloraddallperm}":
				if arg 2 is set:
					if arg 2 is online:
						if arg 3 is not set:
							clear {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "1" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "2" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "3" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "4" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "5" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "6" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "7" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "8" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "9" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "0" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "a" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "b" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "c" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "e" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "d" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							add "f" to {chatcolors.%arg 2%::*}
							send "{@p} &cAll colors have been added to you!"
							send "{@p} &cYou have added all the colors to &4%arg 2%"
							send "{@p} &cTo many arguments!"
						send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
					send "{@p} &cUse &4/chatcolor addall [player] &cto add all the colors to a player"
				send "{@noperm}"

# Rank 

command /checkrank [<offline player>]:
	permission: {@checkrankperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases:/ cr
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/checkrank [player] &cto check someones rank!"
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 1 is online:
				send "{@header}"
				send ""
				send "  &4&l• &cUser you are checking: &4%arg 1%"
				send "  &4&l• &c%arg 1%'s rank: &7%{rank.%arg 1%}%"
				send ""
				send "{@footer}"

command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	permission: rank.admin
	permission message: &8[&4&lYou&f&ltube&8] &cNo Permissions!
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@header}"
			send ""
			send "&c/rank set [player] [rank] &f&l&m|&f Set someones rank"
			send "&c/rank reset [player] &7&l&m|&f Reset someones rank to the default rank"
			send "&c/checkrank [player] &7&l&m|&f Check someones rank"
			send "&c/rank help &7&l&m|&f This message"
			send ""
			send "{@footer}"
		if arg 1 is "set":
			if arg 2 is set:
				if arg 3 is set:
					set {rank.%arg 2%} to "%coloured arg 3%"
					send "{@p} &cRank of &4%arg 2% &chas been set to: &7%coloured arg 3%"
					send "{@p} &cYour rank has been set to: &7%coloured arg 3%"
					send "{@p} &cUse &4/rank %arg 1% %arg 2% [rank] &cto change someones rank!"
				send "{@p} &cUse &4/rank %arg 1% [player] [rank] &cto change someones rank!"
		if arg 1 is "reset":
			if arg 2 is set:
				set {rank.%arg 2%} to "{@defaultrank}"
				send "{@p} &cThe rank of &4%arg 2% &chas been reset to {@defaultrank}"
				send "{@p} &cYour rank has been reset by &4%player%! &cYour current rank is now {@defaultrank}" to arg 2
				send "{@p} &cUse &4/rank %arg 1% [player] &cto reset someones rank to {@defaultrank}"

# Lock Chat

on chat:
	if {chatmanager.locked} is true:
		cancel event
		send "{@p} {@chatislocked}"

# ClearChat Command

command /cc:
	permission: {@clearchatperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /clearchat, /clearc, /cclear
		set {_waited} to difference between {cc.%player%.lastused} and now
		if {_waited} is less than {@ccselfcooldown}:
			send "{@p} &cYou need to wait &4%difference between {@cccooldown} and {_waited}% &cbefore doing that command again!!"
			set {cc.%player%.lastused} to now
			loop all players:
				if loop-player doesn't have permission "{@clearchatbypassperm}":
					loop 300 times:
						send "" to loop-player
				send "{@p} {@clearchatdone}" to loop-player

# ClearChat Self Command

command /ccself:
	permission: {@clearchatselfperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /clearchatself
		set {_waited} to difference between {ccself.%player%.lastused} and now
		if {_waited} is less than {@ccselfcooldown}:
			send "{@p} &cYou need to wait &4%difference between {@ccselfcooldown} and {_waited}% &cbefore doing that command again!!"
			set {ccself.%player%.lastused} to now
			loop 300 times:
				send "" to player
			wait 2 ticks
			send "{@p} &cYou cleared your own chat!"

# Staff Chat Command

command /sc [<text>]:
	permission: {@scperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /staffchat
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/sc [message] &cto send something in the Staff Chat"
		if arg 1 is set:
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "{@scperm}":
					send "{@scp} &c%player% &4&l&m»&7 %arg 1%" to loop-player

# Admin Chat Command

command /ac [<text>]:
	permission: {@acperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /adminchat
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/ac [message] &cto send something in the Admin Chat"
		if arg 1 is set:
			loop all players:
				if loop-player has permission "{@acperm}":
					send "{@acp} &c%player% &4&l&m»&7 %arg 1%" to loop-player

# Mute Command

command /mute [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@muteperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/mute [player] [reason] &cto mute someone"
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 2 is set:
				if arg 1 is online:
					if {muted.%arg 1%} is false:
						set {muted.%arg 1%} to true
						broadcast "{@p} &4%arg 1% &cis muted by &4%player% &cfor &4%arg 2%"
						send "{@p} &4%arg 1% &cis now muted!"
						send "{@p} &cYou have been muted by &4%player%&c!" to arg 1
						set {mute.%arg} to player
						set {mute.%arg 1%.when} to now
						set {mute.%arg 1%.reason} to arg 2
						if {mutes.%arg 1%} is not set:
							set {mutes.%arg 1%} to 0
						add 1 to {mutes.%arg 1%}
						send "{@p} {@alreadymuted}"
					send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
				send "{@p} &cUse &4/mute [player] [reason] &cto mute someone"

on chat:
	if {muted.%player%} is true:
		cancel event
		send "{@p} &cYou are muted! You are not able to chat!" to player

# Unmute Command

command /unmute [<Offline Player>]:
	permission: {@unmuteperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/unmute [player] &cto unmute someone"
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 1 is online:
				if {muted.%arg 1%} is true:
					set {muted.%arg 1%} to false
					broadcast "{@p} &4%arg 1% &cis unmuted by &4%player%&c!"
					send "{@p} &cYou have been unmuted by &4%player%" to arg 1
					send "{@p} &4%arg 1% &cis now unmuted!"
					send "{@p} {@notmuted}"
				send "{@p} {@isoffline}"

# MuteCheck Command

every 1 second:
	loop all players:
		if {mutes.%loop-player%} is not set:
			set {mutes.%loop-player%} to 0

command /mutecheck [<offline player>]:
	permission: {@checkmuteperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /checkmute
		if arg 1 is set:
			if arg 1 is online:
				if {muted.%arg 1%} is true:
					send "{@header}"
					send ""
					send " &4&l• &cMuted by &4%{mute.%arg}%"
					send " &4&l• &cMuted on &4%{mute.%arg 1%.when}%"
					send " &4&l• &cMuted for &4%{mute.%arg 1%.reason}%"
					send " &4&l• &4%arg 1% &chas a total of &4%{mutes.%arg 1%}% Mute(s)"
					send ""
					send "{@footer}"
					send "{@header}"
					send ""
					send " &4&l• &4%arg 1% &cis not muted!"
					send " &4&l• &4%arg 1% &chas a total of &4%{mutes.%arg 1%}% Mute(s)"
					send ""
					send "{@footer}"
				send "{@p} {@isoffline}"
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/mutecheck [player] &cto check if someone is muted"

# Broadcast/Bc Command

command /bc [<text>]:
	permission: {@broadcastperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /broadcast
		if arg 1 is set:
			loop all players:
				send "{@bcp} &f%coloured arg 1%" to loop-player
			send "{@p} &cUse &4/bc [message] &cto broadcast something to the whole server"

# CommandSpy Command

command /commandspy:
	permission: {@cmdspyperm}
	permission message: {@noperm}
	aliases: /cmdspy
		if {commandspy::%executor%} is not set:
			set {commandspy::%executor%} to true
			message "{@cmdspyp} &7Command Spy &aenabled!"
		if {commandspy::%executor%} is true:
			set {commandspy::%executor%} to false
			message "{@cmdspyp} &7Command Spy &cdisabled!"
		if {commandspy::%executor%} is false:
			set {commandspy::%executor%} to true
			message "{@cmdspyp} &7Command Spy &aenabled!"

on command:
	if sender is a player:
		loop all players:
			if {commandspy::%loop-player%} is true:
				loop-player has permission "{@cmdspyperm}":
					if player is not loop-player:
						send "{@p} &c%executor%: &7/%complete command%" to loop-player