GUI_Shop (2).sk

Created by Castolo GR

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /sellall:
	permission: sellall.use
	cooldown: 45 minutes
		loop all items in player's inventory:
			if player has dirt:
				set {_dirt} to number of dirt in player's inventory
				remove all dirt from player
				add 4*{_dirt} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has grass block:
				set {_grassblock} to number of grass block in player's inventory
				remove all grass block from player
				add 6*{_grassblock} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has cobblestone:
				set {_cobblestone} to number of cobblestone in player's inventory
				remove all cobblestone from player
				add 1*{_cobblestone} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has ender pearl:
				set {_enderpearl} to number of ender pearl in player's inventory
				remove all ender pearl from player
				add 31*{_enderpearl} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has stone:
				set {_stone} to number of stone in player's inventory
				remove all stone from player
				add 4*{_stone} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has any log:
				set {_log} to number of log in player's inventory
				remove all log from player
				add 2*{_log} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has melon slice:
				set {_melonslice} to number of melon slice in player's inventory
				remove all melon slice from player
				add 23*{_melonslice} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has sugar cane:
				set {_sugarcane} to number of sugar cane in player's inventory
				remove all sugar cane from player
				add 8*{_sugarcane} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has diamond:
				set {_diamond} to number of diamond in player's inventory
				remove all diamond from player
				add 47*{_diamond} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has iron ingot:
				set {_ironingot} to number of iron ingot in player's inventory
				remove all iron ingot from player
				add 23*{_ironingot}  to {balance::%player%}
			if player has gold ingot:
				set {_goldingot} to number of gold ingot in player's inventory
				remove all gold ingot from player
				add 31*{_goldingot} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has emerald:
				set {_emerald} to number of emerald in player's inventory
				remove all emerald from player
				add 78*{_emerald} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has coal:
				set {_coal} to number of coal in player's inventory
				remove all coal from player
				add 8*{_coal} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has brick:
				set {_brick} to number of brick in player's inventory
				remove all brick from player
				add 8*{_brick} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has glowstone dust:
				set {_glowstonedust} to number of glowstone dust in player's inventory
				remove all glowstone dust from player
				add 15*{_glowstonedust} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has nether quartz:
				set {_netherquartz} to number of nether quartz in player's inventory
				remove all nether quartz from player
				add 15*{_netherquartz} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has nether brick:
				set {_netherbrick} to number of nether brick in player's inventory
				remove all nether brick from player
				add 23*{_netherbrick} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has flint:
				set {_flint} to number of flint in player's inventory
				remove all flint from player
				add 16*{_flint} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has wheat:
				set {_wheat} to number of wheat in player's inventory
				remove all wheat from player
				add 23*{_wheat} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has sugar:
				set {_sugar} to number of sugar in player's inventory
				remove all sugar from player
				add 23*{_sugar} to {balance::%player%}
			if player has beetroot:
				set {_beetroot} to number of beetroot in player's inventory
				remove all beetroot from player
				add 23*{_beetroot} to {balance::%player%}
command /shop [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg-1 is not set:
			open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "            -=[ &3&lShop &0]=-" to player
			format gui slot 11 of player with grass block named "&b&lBlocks" to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 13 of player with cooked chicken named "&a&lFood" to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 15 of player with iron pickaxe named "&f&lTools" to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 30 of player with gold ingot named "&3&lOres" to run:
				make player execute command "shop ores"
			format gui slot 32 of player with wheat named "&2&lFarming" to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 0 of player with skull of player named "&aYour Balance: $&r%{balance::%player%}%" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 8 of player with paper named "&6Guide to /shop" with lore "" and "&eWelcome to the Shop GUI!" and "&eClick on any category on" and "&ethis page and buy whatever" and "&eyour heart desires. To sell," and "&edo '&l/shop sell <item name>&e'" and "&ewith the '_' included. If you" and "&ewant to sell faster, you" and "&ecan purchase the /sellall" and "&eperk from our store." and "" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 1 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 3 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 5 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 7 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 9 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 27 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 37 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 39 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 40 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 41 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 43 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 44 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 35 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 17 of player with blue stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
		else if arg-1 is "blocks":
			open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "       -=[ &3&lBlock Shop &0]=-" to player
			format gui slot 0 of player with 64 dirt with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy dirt"
			format gui slot 1 of player with 64 grass block with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy grass_block"
			format gui slot 2 of player with 64 cobblestone with lore "" and "&ePrice: $100" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cobblestone"
			format gui slot 3 of player with 64 stone with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy stone"
			format gui slot 4 of player with 64 oak log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy oak_log"
			format gui slot 5 of player with 64 spruce log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy spruce_log"
			format gui slot 6 of player with 64 birch log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy birch_log"
			format gui slot 7 of player with 64 jungle log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy jungle_log"
			format gui slot 8 of player with 64 acacia log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy acacia_log"
			format gui slot 9 of player with 64 dark oak log with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy dark_oak_log"
			format gui slot 10 of player with 64 white concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy white_concrete"
			format gui slot 11 of player with 64 orange concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy orange_concrete"
			format gui slot 12 of player with 64 magenta concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy magenta_concrete"
			format gui slot 13 of player with 64 light blue concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy light_blue_concrete"
			format gui slot 14 of player with 64 lime concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy lime_concrete"
			format gui slot 15 of player with 64 yellow concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy yellow_concrete"
			format gui slot 16 of player with 64 pink concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy pink_concrete"
			format gui slot 17 of player with 64 gray concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gray_concrete"
			format gui slot 18 of player with 64 light gray concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy light_gray_concrete"
			format gui slot 19 of player with 64 cyan concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cyan_concrete"
			format gui slot 20 of player with 64 blue concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy blue_concrete"
			format gui slot 21 of player with 64 purple concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy purple_concrete"
			format gui slot 22 of player with 64 brown concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy brown_concrete"
			format gui slot 23 of player with 64 green concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy green_concrete"
			format gui slot 24 of player with 64 black concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy black_concrete"
			format gui slot 25 of player with 64 red concrete with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy red_concrete"
			format gui slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 37 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 39 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 40 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 41 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 43 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop blocks"
			format gui slot 44 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
		else if arg-1 is "food":
			open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "       -=[ &b&lFood Shop &0]=-" to player
			format gui slot 0 of player with 16 cooked porkchop with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cooked_porkchop"
			format gui slot 1 of player with 16 cooked beef with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cooked_beef"
			format gui slot 2 of player with 16 apple with lore "" and "&ePrice: $100" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy apple"
			format gui slot 3 of player with 1 cake with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cake"
			format gui slot 4 of player with 16 bread with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy bread"
			format gui slot 5 of player with 16 cookie with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cookie"
			format gui slot 6 of player with 16 cooked chicken with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cooked_chicken"
			format gui slot 7 of player with 16 cooked mutton with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cooked_mutton"
			format gui slot 8 of player with 16 golden apple with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cooked_mutton"
			format gui slot 9 of player with 1 enchanted golden apple with lore "" and "&ePrice: $25000" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy enchanted_golden_apple"
			format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
			format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop food"
		else if arg-1 is "tools":
			open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "       -=[ &b&lTools Shop &0]=-" to player
			format gui slot 0 of player with iron helmet with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_helmet"
			format gui slot 1 of player with iron chestplate with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_chestplate"
			format gui slot 2 of player with iron leggings with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_leggings"
			format gui slot 3 of player with iron boots with lore "" and "&ePrice: $450" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_boots"
			format gui slot 4 of player with iron shovel with lore "" and "&ePrice: $300" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_shovel"
			format gui slot 5 of player with iron axe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $400" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_pickaxe"
			format gui slot 6 of player with iron pickaxe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_pickaxe"
			format gui slot 9 of player with diamond helmet with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_helmet"
			format gui slot 10 of player with diamond chestplate with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_chestplate"
			format gui slot 11 of player with diamond leggings with lore "" and "&ePrice: $650" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_leggings"
			format gui slot 12 of player with diamond boots with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_boots"
			format gui slot 13 of player with diamond shovel with lore "" and "&ePrice: $650" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_shovel"
			format gui slot 14 of player with diamond axe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_pickaxe"
			format gui slot 15 of player with diamond pickaxe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1000" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond_pickaxe"
			format gui slot 18 of player with gold helmet with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_helmet"
			format gui slot 19 of player with gold chestplate with lore "" and "&ePrice: $800" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_chestplate"
			format gui slot 20 of player with gold leggings with lore "" and "&ePrice: $600" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_leggings"
			format gui slot 21 of player with gold boots with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_boots"
			format gui slot 22 of player with gold shovel with lore "" and "&ePrice: $350" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_shovel"
			format gui slot 23 of player with gold axe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $450" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_pickaxe"
			format gui slot 24 of player with gold pickaxe with lore "" and "&ePrice: $550" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_pickaxe"
			format gui slot 7 of player with bow with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy bow"
			format gui slot 8 of player with 64 arrow with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy arrow"
			format gui slot 16 of player with 16 ender pearl with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1000" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy ender_pearl"
			format gui slot 17 of player with fishing rod with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy fishing_rod"
			format gui slot 25 of player with name tag with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy name_tag"
			format gui slot 26 of player with shears with lore "" and "&ePrice: $1000" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy shears"
			format gui slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 28 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 29 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 30 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 31 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 32 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 33 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 34 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 35 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
		else if arg-1 is "ores":
			open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "-=[ &b&lOres Shop &0]=-" to player
			format gui slot 0 of player with 16 diamond with lore "" and "&7Price: $1500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy diamond"
			format gui slot 1 of player with 16 iron ingot with lore "" and "&7Price: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy iron_ingot"
			format gui slot 2 of player with 16 gold ingot with lore "" and "&7Price: $1000" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy gold_ingot"
			format gui slot 3 of player with 16 emerald with lore "" and "&7Price: $2500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy emerald"
			format gui slot 4 of player with 16 coal with lore "" and "&7Price: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy coal"
			format gui slot 5 of player with 16 brick with lore "" and "&7Price: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy brick"
			format gui slot 6 of player with 16 glowstone dust with lore "" and "&7Price: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy glowstone_dust"
			format gui slot 7 of player with 16 nether quartz with lore "" and "&7Price: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy nether_quartz"
			format gui slot 8 of player with 16 nether brick with lore "" and "&7Price: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy nether_brick"
			format gui slot 9 of player with 16 flint with lore "" and "&7Price: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy flint"
			format gui slot 26 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
			format gui slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop tools"
		else if arg-1 is "farming":
			open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "-=[ &b&lFarming Shop &0]=-" to player
			format gui slot 0 of player with 16 seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $300" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy seeds"
			format gui slot 1 of player with 16 cocoa beans with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy cocoa_beans"
			format gui slot 2 of player with 16 sugar cane with lore "" and "&ePrice: $250" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy sugar_cane"
			format gui slot 3 of player with 16 melon seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy melon_seeds"
			format gui slot 4 of player with 16 beetroot seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $500" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy beetroot_seeds"
			format gui slot 5 of player with 16 pumpkin seeds with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy pumpkin_seeds"
			format gui slot 6 of player with 16 wheat with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy wheat"
			format gui slot 7 of player with 16 sugar with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy sugar"
			format gui slot 8 of player with 16 beetroot with lore "" and "&ePrice: $750" to run:
				make player execute command "shop buy beetroot"
			format gui slot 17 of player with barrier named "&c&lBack" to run:
				make player execute command "shop"
			format gui slot 16 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 15 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 14 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 13 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 12 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 11 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 10 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
			format gui slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to run:
				make player execute command "shop farming"
		else if arg-1 is "buy":
			if arg-2 is "dirt":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 64 dirt:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 64 dirt
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Dirt!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			if arg-2 is "fishing_rod":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 1 fishing rod:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 1 fishing rod
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Fishing Rod!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			if arg-2 is "name_tag":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1500:
					if player has enough space for 1 fishing rod:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1500"
						give player 1 name tag
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Name Tag!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			if arg-2 is "shears":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000:
					if player has enough space for 1 shears:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1000"
						give player 1 shears
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Shears!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "grass_block":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 64 grass block:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 64 grass block
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Grass Block!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cobblestone":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 100:
					if player has enough space for 64 cobblestone:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 100"
						give player 64 cobblestone
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Sobblestone!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "stone":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 64 stone:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 64 stone
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Stone!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "oak_log":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 oak log:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 oak log
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Oak Log!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "white_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 white concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 white concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 White Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "orange_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 orange concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 orange concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Orange Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "magenta_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 magenta concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 magenta concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Magenta Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"			
			else if arg-2 is "light_blue_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 light blue concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 light blue concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Light Blue Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "lime_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 lime concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 lime concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Lime Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "yellow_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 yellow concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 yellow concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Yellow Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "pink_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 pink concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 pink concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Pink Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "gray_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 gray concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 gray concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Gray Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "light_gray_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 light gray concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 light gray concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Light Gray Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cyan_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 cyan concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 cyan concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Cyan Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "blue_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 blue concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 blue concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Blue Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "purple_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 purple concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 purple concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Purple Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "brown_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 brown concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 brown concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Brown Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "green_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 green concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 green concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Green Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "black_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 black concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 black concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Black Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "red_concrete":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 red concrete:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 red concrete
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Red Concrete!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "spruce_log":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 spruce log:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 spruce log
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Spruce Log!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "birch_log":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 birch log:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 birch log
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Birch Log!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "jungle_log":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 jungle log:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 jungle log
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Jungle Log!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "acacia_log":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 acacia log:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 acacia log
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Acacia Log!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "dark_oak_log":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 64 dark oak log:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 64 dark oak log
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 64 Dark Oak Log!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cooked_porkshop":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 cooked porkchop:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 cooked porkchop
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Porkchop!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cooked_beef":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 cooked beef:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 cooked beef
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Beef!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "apple":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 100:
					if player has enough space for 16 apple:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 100"
						give player 16 apple
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Apple!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cake":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 1 cake:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 1 cake
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Cake!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "bread":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 bread:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 bread
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Bread!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cookie":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 cookie:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 cookie
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cookie!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "melon_slice":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 melon slice:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 melon slice
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Melon Slice!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cooked_chicken":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 cooked chicken:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 cooked chicken
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Chicken!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cooked_mutton":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 Cooked Mutton:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 Cooked Mutton
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cooked Mutton!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_apple":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1250:
					if player has enough space for 16 golden apple:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1250"
						give player 16 golden apple
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Golden Apple!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "enchanted_golden_apple":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 25000:
					if player has enough space for 1 enchanted golden apple:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 25000"
						give player 1 enchanted golden apple
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Enchanted Golden Apple!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_shovel":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 300:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron shovel:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 300"
						give player 1 iron shovel
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Shovel!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_axe":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 400:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron axe:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 400"
						give player 1 iron axe
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Axe!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_pickaxe":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron pickaxe:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 1 iron pickaxe
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Pickaxe!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_helmet":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron helmet:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 1 iron helmet
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Helmet!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_chestplate":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron chestplate:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 1 iron chestplate
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Chestplate!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_leggings":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron leggings:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 550"
						give player 1 iron leggings
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Leggings!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_boots":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 450:
					if player has enough space for 1 iron boots:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 450"
						give player 1 iron boots
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Iron Boots!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_shovel":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 350:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden shovel:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 350"
						give player 1 golden shovel
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Shovel!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_axe":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 450:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden axe:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 450"
						give player 1 golden axe
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Axe!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_pickaxe":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden pickaxe:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 550"
						give player 1 golden pickaxe
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Pickaxe!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_helmet":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden helmet:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 550"
						give player 1 golden helmet
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Helmet!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_chestplate":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 800:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden chestplate:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 800"
						give player 1 golden chestplate
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Chestplate!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_leggings":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 600:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden leggings:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 600"
						give player 1 golden leggings
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Leggings!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "golden_boots":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 1 golden boots:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 1 golden boots
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Golden Boots!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_shovel":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 650:
					if player has enough space for 1 diamond shovel:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 650"
						give player 1 diamond shovel
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Shovel!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_axe":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 1 Diamond Axe:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 1 Diamond Axe
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Axe!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_pickaxe":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000:
					if player has enough space for 1 Diamond pickaxe:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1000"
						give player 1 Diamond pickaxe
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Pickaxe!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_helmet":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 1 Diamond Helmet:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 1 Diamond Helmet
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Helmet!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_chestplate":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1250:
					if player has enough space for 1 Diamond chestplate:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1250"
						give player 1 Diamond chestplate
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Chestplate!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_leggings":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 650:
					if player has enough space for 1 Diamond leggings:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 650"
						give player 1 Diamond leggings
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Leggings!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond_boots":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 550:
					if player has enough space for 1 Diamond boots:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 550"
						give player 1 Diamond boots
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Diamond Boots!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "bow":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 1 bow:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 1 bow
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 1 Bow!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "arrow":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 bow:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 arrow
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Arrow!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "ender_pearl":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000:
					if player has enough space for 16 ender pearl:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1000"
						give player 16 ender pearl
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Ender Pearl!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "diamond":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1500:
					if player has enough space for 16 diamond:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1500"
						give player 16 diamond
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Diamond!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_ingot":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 iron ingot:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 iron ingot
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Iron Ingot!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "gold_ingot":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 1000:
					if player has enough space for 16 gold ingot:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 1000"
						give player 16 gold ingot
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 GOld Ingot!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "emerald":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 2500:
					if player has enough space for 16 emerald:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 2500"
						give player 16 emerald
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Emerald!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "coal":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 coal:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 coal
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Coal!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "brick":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 brick:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 brick
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Brick!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "glowstone_dust":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 glowstone dust:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 glowstone dust
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Glowstone Dust!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "nether_quartz":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 nether quartz:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 nether quartz
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Nether Quartz!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "nether_brick":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 nether brick:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 nether brick
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Nether Brick!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "flint":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 flint:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 flint
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Flint!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "wheat_seeds":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 300:
					if player has enough space for 16 wheat seeds:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 300"
						give player 16 wheat seeds
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Seeds!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "cocoa_beans":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 cocoa beans:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 cocoa beans
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Cocoa Beans!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "sugar_cane":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 250:
					if player has enough space for 16 sugar cane:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 250"
						give player 16 sugar cane
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Sugar Cane!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "melon_seeds":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 melon seeds:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 melon seeds
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Melon Seeds!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "beetroot_seeds":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 500:
					if player has enough space for 16 beetroot seeds:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 500"
						give player 16 beetroot seeds
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Beetroot Seeds!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "pumpkin_seeds":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 pumpkin seeds:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 pumpkin seeds
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Pumpkin Seeds!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "wheat":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 wheat:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 wheat
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Wheat!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "sugar":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 sugar:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 sugar
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Sugar!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
			else if arg-2 is "beetroot":
				if {balance::%player%} is above or equal to 750:
					if player has enough space for 16 beetroot:
						execute console command "eco take %player% 750"
						give player 16 beetroot
						send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just bought 16 Beetroot!"
						send "&cYour inventory is full!"
					send "&cYou can't afford that!"
		else if arg-1 is "sell":
			if arg-2 is "dirt":
				if player has 64 dirt:
					remove 64 dirt from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 250"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Dirt!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Dirt"
			if arg-2 is "ender_pearl":
				if player has 16 ender pearl:
					remove 16 ender pearl from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 500"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Ender Pearl!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Ender Pearl"
			if arg-2 is "sugar_cane":
				if player has 16 sugar cane:
					remove 16 sugar cane from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Sugar Cane!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Sugar Cane"
			else if arg-2 is "grass_block":
				if player has 64 grass block:
					remove 64 grass block from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Grass Block!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Grass Block"
			else if arg-2 is "cobblestone":
				if player has 64 cobblestone:
					remove 64 cobblestone from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 50"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Sobblestone!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Cobblestone"
			else if arg-2 is "stone":
				if player has 64 stone:
					remove 64 stone from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 250"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Stone!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Stone!"
			else if arg-2 is "oak_log":
				if player has 64 oak log:
					remove 64 oak log from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Oak Log!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Oak Log"
			else if arg-2 is "spruce_log":
				if player has 64 spruce log:
					remove 64 spruce log from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Spruce Log!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Spruce Log"
			else if arg-2 is "birch_log":
				if player has 64 birch log:
					remove 64 birch log from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Birch Log!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Birch Log"
			else if arg-2 is "jungle_log":
				if player has 64 jungle log:
					remove 64 jungle log from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Jungle Log!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Jungle Log"
			else if arg-2 is "acacia_log":
				if player has 64 acacia log:
					remove 64 acacia log from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Acacia Log!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Acacia Log"
			else if arg-2 is "dark_oak_log":
				if player has 64 dark oak log:
					remove 64 dark oak log from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 64 Dark Oak Log!"
					send "&cYou don't have 64 Dark Oak Log"	
			else if arg-2 is "diamond":
				if player has 16 diamond:
					remove 16 diamond from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 750"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Diamond!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Diamond!"
			else if arg-2 is "iron_ingot":
				if player has 16 iron ingot:
					remove 16 iron ingot from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Iron Ingot!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Iron Ingot!"
			else if arg-2 is "gold_ingot":
				if player has 16 gold ingot:
					remove 16 gold ingot from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 500"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Gold Ingot!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Gold Ingot!"
			else if arg-2 is "emerald":
				if player has 16 emerald:
					remove 16 emerald from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 1250"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Emerald!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Emerald!"
			else if arg-2 is "coal":
				if player has 16 coal:
					remove 16 coal from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Coal!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Coal!"
			else if arg-2 is "brick":
				if player has 16 brick:
					remove 16 brick from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 125"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Brick!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Brick!"
			else if arg-2 is "glowstone_dust":
				if player has 16 glowstone dust:
					remove 16 glowstone dust from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 250"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Glowstone Dust!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Glowstone Dust!"
			else if arg-2 is "nether_quartz":
				if player has 16 nether quartz:
					remove 16 nether quartz from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 250"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Nether Quartz!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Nether Quartz!"
			else if arg-2 is "nether_brick":
				if player has 16 nether brick:
					remove 16 nether brick from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Nether Brick!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Nether Brick!"
			else if arg-2 is "flint":
				if player has 16 flint:
					remove 16 flint from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 250"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Flint!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Flint!"
			else if arg-2 is "wheat":
				if player has 16 wheat:
					remove 16 wheat from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Wheat!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Wheat!"
			else if arg-2 is "sugar":
				if player has 16 sugar:
					remove 16 sugar from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Sugar!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Sugar!"
			else if arg-2 is "beetroot":
				if player has 16 beetroot:
					remove 16 beetroot from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Beetroot!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Beetroot!"
			else if arg-2 is "melon_slice":
				if player has 16 melon slice:
					remove 16 melon slice from player
					execute console command "eco give %player% 375"
					send "&7[&b&lSHOP&7] &eYou just sold 16 Melon Slice!"
					send "&cYou don't have 16 Melon Slice"
				send "&cThere is no price for that item!"