Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Tab skript <3
# Made by Ticky
# Credits to ur mom 
# This skript is configble in your minecraft server! (and discord server)

	discord-control: false
	bot-token: 00000000
	bot-name: Bot

on load:
	if {@discord-control} is true:
		login to "{@bot-token}" with name "{@bot-name}"
	if {tab-template-number} is not set:
		set {tab-template-number} to 1
	if {tab-primary-color} is not set:
		set {tab-primary-color} to "&2"
	if {tab-server-name} is not set:
		set {tab-server-name} to "Minehut"
	if {tab-secondary-color} is not set:
		set {tab-secondary-color} to "&a"
	if {tab-last-line} is not set:
		set {tab-last-line} to "Website (coming soon)"
	if {tab-line-2} is not set:
		set {tab-line-2} to "A regular Minehut server!"

every 1 second:
	if ("%{tab-template-number}%" parsed as a number) is not 1, 2 or 3:
		set {tab-template-number} to 1, 2 or 3
	if ("%{tab-template-number}%" parsed as a number) is 3:
		loop all players:
			set {_tab-name-color} to {tab-primary-color} or {tab-secondary-color} 
			set loop-player's tab list header to formatted "                         %{_tab-name-color}%&l%{tab-server-name}%                    %nl%                &7&o%{tab-line-2}%                    %nl%%nl%&8------------------------------------%nl%"
			set loop-player's tab list name to formatted "%colored loop-player's prefix% %loop-player% %{_tab-name-color}%%loop-player's ping%"
			set loop-player's tab list footer to formatted "%nl%&8------------------------------------%nl%%nl%                    %{tab-primary-color}%Tps:%{_tab-name-color}% %tps from last minute%&r&8 |&r %{tab-primary-color}%Online:%{_tab-name-color}% %amount of all players%                    %nl%%nl%                    &7%{tab-last-line}%                    "
	if ("%{tab-template-number}%" parsed as a number) is 2:
		loop all players:
			loop-player is op:
				add loop-player to {_staff::*}
				set {_estaff} to size of {_staff::*}
			set loop-player's tablist header to formatted "                    %{tab-primary-color}%&l%{tab-server-name}%&r&7 (%amount of all players%/20)           %nl%            &7&o%{tab-line-2}%            %nl%"
			set loop-player's tablist name to formatted "%colored loop-player's prefix% %loop-player% &4%loop-player's health%"
			set loop-player's tablist footer to formatted "%nl%            %{tab-primary-color}%Staff:%{tab-secondary-color}% %{_estaff}%&r&8 | %{tab-primary-color}%Tps:%{tab-secondary-color}% %tps from last minute%            %nl%%nl%            &7%{tab-last-line}%            "
	if ("%{tab-template-number}%" parsed as a number) is 1:
		loop all players:
			set loop-player's tablist header to formatted "                 %{tab-primary-color}%&l%{tab-server-name}%           %nl%            &7&o%{tab-line-2}%            %nl%"
			set loop-player's tablist name to formatted "%colored loop-player's prefix% %loop-player% &e%loop-player's ping%"
			set loop-player's tablist footer to formatted "%nl%            %{tab-primary-color}%Online:%{tab-secondary-color}% %amount of all players%&r&8 | %{tab-primary-color}%Tps:%{tab-secondary-color}% %tps from last minute%            %nl%%nl%            &7%{tab-last-line}%            "

command /tab <text> [<text>] [<string>]:	
	permission: skript.tab
	permission message: &fUnknown command.
	description: Skript made command to color your tablist!
	usage: &c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /help for more help.
		if arg-1 is "help", "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color":
			if arg-1 is "help":
			if arg-1 is "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color":
				if arg-2 is set:
					if arg-3 is set:
						if arg-1 is "template" or "temp":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if (arg-3 parsed as number) is a number:
									if (arg-3 parsed as number) is 1, 2 or 3:
										set {tab-template-number} to arg-3
										send "&aSuccessfully set template number to %{tab-template-number}%"
										send "&cPlease choose a number from 1 to 3"
									send "&cThe third argument must be an integer."
								send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "name" or "header" or "title":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									set {tab-server-name} to uncolored arg-3
									send "&aSuccessfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'"
									send "&cThe third argument must be a text"
								send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "line_2" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									set {tab-line-2} to uncolored arg-3
									send "&aSuccessfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'"
									send "&cThe third argument must be a text"
								send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "last_line" or "final_line" or "lastline":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:		
									set {tab-last-line} to uncolored arg-3
									send "&aSuccessfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'"
									send "&cThe third argument must be a text."
								send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."						
						if arg-1 is "primary_color" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									if arg-3 starts with "&":
										if length of arg-3 is 2:
											set {tab-primary-color} to arg-3
											send formatted "&aSuccessfully set color to ' %{tab-primary-color}%▶&r&a '"
											send "&cThe lenght must be 2 characters."
										send "&cA minecraft color code starts with a '&'"
									send "&cThe third argument must be a text"
								send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "secondary_color":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									if arg-3 starts with "&":
										if length of arg-3 is 2:
											set {tab-secondary-color} to arg-3
											send formatted "&aSuccessfully set color to ' %{tab-secondary-color}%▶&r&a '"
											send "&cThe lenght must be 2 characters."
										send "&cA minecraft color code starts with a '&'"
									send "&cThe third argument must be a text"
								send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
					send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
			send "&c/tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."

function sendHelp(p:player):
	send "    &2&lTAB    ", "", "&2List of commands:", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the current template number.>/tab template set {number}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the tab list name>/tab name set {name}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes line 2 of the tab list>/tab line_2 set {text}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the last line of the tab list>/tab last_line set {name}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the primary(main) color>/tab primary_color set {minecraft_color_code}", "&2- &a<tooltip:&2Changes the secondary color>/tab secondary_color set {minecraft_color_code}", "", "&7&oHover over texts for explanation." and "" to {_p}

on tab complete for "/tab":
	set tab completions for position 2 to "set"
	set tab completions for position 1 to "help", "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" and "secondary_color"	

# Please remove the ' # ' if discord control is true!

discord command tab <text> [<text>] [<string>]:
	prefixes: !
	executable in: guild
		if arg-1 is "help", "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color":
			if arg-1 is "template", "name", "line_2", "last_line", "primary_color" or "secondary_color" or "temp" or "header" or "title" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color":
				if arg-2 is set:
					if arg-3 is set:
						if arg-1 is "template" or "temp":							
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if (arg-3 parsed as number) is a number:
									if (arg-3 parsed as number) is 1, 2 or 3:
										set {tab-template-number} to arg-3
										reply with "Successfully set template number to %{tab-template-number}%"
										reply with "Please choose a number from 1 to 3"
									reply with "The third argument must be an integer."
								reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "name" or "header" or "title":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									set {tab-server-name} to uncolored arg-3
									reply with "Successfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'"
									reply with "The third argument must be a text"
								reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "line_2" or "line2" or "second_line" or "2line":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									set {tab-line-2} to uncolored arg-3
									reply with "Successfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'"
									reply with "The third argument must be a text"
								reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "last_line" or "final_line" or "lastline":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:		
									set {tab-last-line} to uncolored arg-3
									reply with "Successfully set tab name to '%uncolored arg-3%&a'"
									reply with "The third argument must be a text."
								reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."						
						if arg-1 is "primary_color" or "color" or "maincolor" or "primarycolor" or "main_color":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									if arg-3 starts with "&":
										if length of arg-3 is 2:
											set {tab-primary-color} to arg-3
											reply with "Successfully set color to ' %{tab-primary-color}%▶&r&a '"
											reply with "The lenght must be 2 characters."
										reply with "A minecraft color code starts with a '&'"
									reply with "The third argument must be a text"
								reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						if arg-1 is "secondary_color":
							if arg-2 is "set":
								if arg-3 is a text:
									if arg-3 starts with "&":
										if length of arg-3 is 2:
											set {tab-secondary-color} to arg-3
											reply with formatted "Successfully set color to ' %{tab-secondary-color}%▶&r&a '"
											reply with "The lenght must be 2 characters."
										reply with "A minecraft color code starts with a '&'"
									reply with "The third argument must be a text"
								reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
						reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
					reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."
			reply with "!tab {action} {set} {string} &7&oUse /tab help for more help."