
Created by ItsMCB

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.


#    TimeGUI by ItsMCB


#     CONFIG
	version: 1.0
	prefix: §8[§eTime GUI§8]&r§7
	noperm: {@prefix}&8»&r &c&lYou're not allowed to use this command!
	update-link: <link:https://github.com/VexelMedia/TimeGUI/releases>https://github.com/VexelMedia/TimeGUI/releases

on join:
	player has permission "update.notfiy":
		wait 1 second
		message "{@prefix} &5&lChecking for updates..."
		wait 30 tick
		if text from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VexelMedia/TimeGUI/master/version.md" is not "{@version}":
			message "{@prefix} &c&lYour version of {@prefix} &c&lis out of date! Please update it here: &3&l{@update-link}"
			message "{@prefix} &a&lThere are no new updates."
command /timegui:
	aliases: /tg
	permission: admin.timegui
		open chest with 1 row named "{@prefix}" to player
		wait 1 tick
		set {_sunrise} to white wool named "&eSunrise"
		set {_day} to white wool named "&eDay"
		set {_noon} to white wool named "&eNoon"
		set {_sunset} to white wool named "&eSunset"
		set {_night} to white wool named "&eNight"
		set {_midnight} to white wool named "&eMidnight"
		set {_glass} to white stained glass pane named "&f"
		set line 1 of lore of {_wool} to "&fClick to change the time!"
		format gui slot 0 of player with {_sunrise} to close then run player command "/time set sunrise"
		format gui slot 1 of player with {_day} to close then run player command "/time set day"
		format gui slot 2 of player with {_noon} to close then run player command "/time set noon"
		format gui slot 3 of player with {_sunset} to close then run player command "/time set sunset"
		format gui slot 4 of player with {_night} to close then run player command "/time set night"
		format gui slot 5 of player with {_midnight} to close then run player command "/time set midnight"
		format gui slot 6 and 7 of player with {_glass}
		format slot 8 of player with barrier named "&7&lCancle" to close