Created by LimeGlass

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on damage of player:
	damage cause was fall
	{fall::%victim%} is set
	cancel event
	delete {fall::%victim%}

function grapple(player: player, fishinghook: entity):
	set {_pushing} to 2
	push {_player} upwards at speed 0.3
	wait a tick
	push {_player} direction from {_player} to {_fishinghook} at speed {_pushing} + ((distance between {_player} and {_fishinghook}) * 0.01)
	set {fall::%{_player}%} to true

on fishing:
	name of player's tool is "grappling hook"
	if fishing state is in ground:
		grapple(player, fishing hook)
	else if fishing state is reel in:
		loop all armor stands in radius 2 around fishing hook:
			metadata "grappling" of loop-entity is set
			clear loop-entity
			grapple(player, fishing hook)
	else if fishing state is fishing:
		add velocity of fishing hook to velocity of fishing hook

on player tool change:
	wait a tick
	player's tool is not a fishing rod
	loop all armor stands:
		metadata "grappling" of loop-entity is player
		clear loop-entity

command /clearstands:
		loop all armor stands:
			if metadata "grappling" of loop-entity is set:
				clear loop-entity
				add 1 to {_cleared}
		message "%{_cleared}%"

on disconnect:
	loop all armor stands:
		metadata "grappling" of loop-entity is player
		clear loop-entity

on script unload:
	delete {fall::*}
	loop all armor stands:
		metadata "grappling" of loop-entity is set
		clear loop-entity

on projectile hit:
	projectile is a fish hook
	set {_hook} to projectile
	set {_shooter} to shooter
	name of {_shooter}'s tool is "grappling hook"
	set {_location} to event-location
	# The collision was off by a block.
	# This is for cosmetic looks. Rather than having the hook floating in mid air;
	# It'll be right on the side of the block, to simulate being hooked to the block.
	if distance between event-location and event-block is greater than 1.10:
		# Move the collision location closer to the actual block.
		set {_vector} to vector between event-location and event-block
		# Premade values that I think make the hook look like it's on the block.
		set {_div} to vector x of {_vector} / 2.5, y of {_vector} / 2.5, z of {_vector} / 2.5
		set {_vector} to {_vector} ** {_div}
		set {_location} to location {_vector}
	spawn an armor stand at {_location}:
		set passenger of event-entity to {_hook}
		set gravity of event-entity to false
		set armour stand visible of event-entity to false
		set small of event-entity to true
		set arms of event-entity to false
		set marker of event-entity to true
		set base plate of event-entity to false
		set metadata "grappling" of event-entity to {_shooter}
		play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_DIDGERIDOO" at volume 0.5 and pitch 2 for {_shooter}
		{_shooter} is not on the ground
		# Ensure they're not currently ground jumping
		block below below {_shooter} is air
		# While the hook exists.
		while {_hook} is valid:
			wait a tick
			if {_shooter} is not on the ground:
				y-coordinate of {_shooter} is less than y-coordinate of {_hook}
				# Gravity realism
				distance between {_shooter} and {_hook} is greater than 6
				set {_distance} to distance between {_shooter} and {_hook} / 1.4
				set {_velocity} to {_distance} * 0.01
				push {_shooter} upwards at speed {_velocity}
		clear event-entity