Created by Parrothead

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#Item Break and Repair 1.00
#July 12, 2018
#By Parrothead (
#Need help? post on the thread or PM me on Discord (Parrothead#8885)

#Turn items (specifically ones with low or no durability) into a block that needs to be repaired to use again
#Repair those items with another function, making them work exactly as before
#Protection options to stop custom items with powers from working in destroyed form

#Most versions of Skript should work, if not then let me know
#Maybe more? Let me know if I missed anything

	BROKENITEMMODEL: nether star #What do broken items look like? Set this to a cool head model
	LOCATIONOFCHEST: {itembreakandrepair.chestlocation} #The item is first created in a chest because of Skript bugginess otherwise. Set to a chest that is protected from player interaction (Lockette, LWC, WG) and a location that is always loaded into RAM (i.e. spawn).
	BREAKTEXT: &6&7&6 #This is inserted in the middle of broken item names to break any abilities that you have coded to work off of item names. If that doesn't apply to your server, leave this blank. (Example: 'Explosion Sword' becomes 'Exp&6&7&6losion Sword'. This is reverted on fix.
	BROKENLORE: &c&l✖ BROKEN ✖||&cMust Repair Before Using||&c&m-------------- #This is inserted to the top of the item's lore to show the player it's broken.
	TOTALLORELINES: 3 #How many lore lines above do you have? Put that number here!
function breakItem(item: item, player: player):
	{_item} is not player head
#Looking for empty chest slot
	loop integers from 0 to 26:
		if slot loop-integer of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} is air:
			set {_position} to loop-integer
			exit loop
#Create the item
	set slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to {_item}
	set {_item.type} to type of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
	set {_nbt} to nbt of {_item}
	set slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to {@BROKENITEMMODEL}
	add "%{_nbt}%" to nbt of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
#Add broken notifier to the item's lore
	set {_break.lore} to lore of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
	set {_break.lore} to "{@BROKENLORE}||%{_break.lore}%"
#Add NBT to tell what the item actually is when repaired
	set {_item.type} to "%{_item.type}%" parsed as a string
	replace all " " in {_item.type} with "_"
	add "{ItemType: %{_item.type}%}" to nbt of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
#Jumble the item's name to stop abilities from working that trigger off of the name (unjumbles later with other function)
#Can turn this off / delete if needed
	set {} to name of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
	#---Names starting with lowercase fuck up
	#replace all "a" in {} with "a&r&6"
	#replace all "e" in {} with "e&r&6"
	#replace all "i" in {} with "i&r&6"
	#replace all "o" in {} with "o&r&6"
	#replace all "u" in {} with "u&r&6"
	#replace all "y" in {} with "y&r&6"
	set {_first3} to the first 3 characters of {}
	set {_lastall} to subtext of {} from characters 4 to (the length of {})
	set name of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to "%{_first3}%{@BREAKTEXT}%{_lastall}%"
#Give the player the finished item and remove old one
	set {_item.finished} to slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
	set lore of {_item.finished} to {_break.lore}
	loop items in {_player}'s inventory:
		if loop-item is {_item}:
			delete loop-item
			exit loop
	give {_player} {_item.finished}
	set slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to air #Deleting created broken item
	message "&4&lWARNING » &6&lYour %name of {_item}%&6&l has broke!!" to {_player}
function fixItem(item: item, player: player):
#Looking for empty chest slot
	loop integers from 0 to 26:
		if slot loop-integer of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} is air:
			set {_position} to loop-integer
			exit loop
#Grabbing item type
	set {_item.type} to tag "ItemType" of nbt of {_item}
	replace all "_" in {_item.type} with " "
	set {_item.type} to {_item.type} parsed as an item type
#Creating the item
	set slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to {_item.type}

#Add NBT
	set {_nbt} to nbt of {_item}
	add "%{_nbt}%" to nbt of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
#Remove Broken Lore
	loop {@TOTALLORELINES} times:
		delete line 1 of lore of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
#Fix Broken Name
	set {} to name of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
	#---	Names starting with lowercase fuck up
	replace all "&7&6&7" in {} with ""
	set name of slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to {}	
#Give the player the finished item and remove old one
	set {_item.finished} to slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST}
	loop items in {_player}'s inventory:
		if loop-item is {_item}:
			delete loop-item
			exit loop
	give {_player} {_item.finished}
	set slot {_position} of {@LOCATIONOFCHEST} to air #Deleting created broken item
	message "&aYou have repaired your %name of {_item}%&a!" to {_player}