
Created by Etho

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Static Anticheat
# Most Cheat Detections ever
# By frogsmasha

# Dependencies
# Skript 2.2-dev36
# SkQuery 3.6.0
# MundoSK 1.8.5
# Ersatz 1.0
# Tuske 1.8.2 Patch-3

# Features
# Automaticaly tells you when it needs to be updated
# Detection Logs
# Reports
# VPN Blockage
# Static GUI

# Anticheat Detections

# Log Creation
# Sneak
# Flight
# Flight2
# Flight Stop
# Speed
# Speed2
# Speed Stop
# AntiKB1
# AntiKB2
# Fast Place
# AutoSteal
# NoFall v1
# NoFall v2
# Regen
# Bhop
# Bhop Speed
# Jesus
# MultiAura
# No Slowdown
# Anti-VPN
# AutoClicker
# FastBow
# AutoTool
# FastEat
# Regen
# Criticals
# AutoBlock
# InventoryMove
# Blink
# Report
# Static GUI
# AntiCactus
# Vclip
# Reach (# ~ God Level Reach Detection ~ #) (1.8 - 1.12.2 TESTED)
# Killaura (# ~ Semi-God Level Aura Detection ~ #) (1.8 - 1.12.2 TESTED)
# Clear (# ~ Clear For Reach/Aura ~ #)

	# Don't touch this.

	# Static Version
	DownloadWebsite: ReplaceWebsiteDownHere
	APIVersion: {Static.API.version}
	Version: 1.28
	#Kicks Player
	kick: true
	command: antivpn
	#admin permissions
	permission: antivpn.admin
	#list of databases used, set to false to disable them
	iphub: true
	stopforumspam: true
	# Report Permission
	reportperm: Report.player
	#Main World. Reminder this is very important to set
	world: world

	# Autoclicker
	# Minimum CPS
	min cps: 15
	# Static GUI
	# Command for the GUI
	command2: Static

# Log Creation
on load:
	wait 5 seconds
	set {Static.API.version} to text from "{@PasteBinAPI}"
	log "Succsesfully Started to load version {@Version} of StaticAntiCheat!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Version.log"
	log "Succsesfully Started to load version {@Version} of StaticAntiCheat!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
	log "Succsesfully Started to load version {@Version} of StaticAntiCheat!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Reports.log"
	broadcast "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &ASuccessfully loaded all files/APIs!"
	if {Static.API.version} is "{@Version}":
		broadcast "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &ASuccessfully up to date!"
		broadcast ""
		broadcast "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &cWarning a update of &3StaticAntiCheat &cis &aavailable &cat {@DownloadWebsite}"
		broadcast ""
command /staticcheck:
		message "%{Static.API.version}%"

# Sneak
on inventory open:
	wait 6 tick
	if player is sneaking:
		kick player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Sneak Cheat Detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}

# Sneak
on chat:
	wait 3 tick
	if player is sneaking:
		kick player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Sneak Cheat Detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}

# Sneak
on inventory click:
	wait 6 tick
	player's gamemode is not creative
	if player is sneaking:
		kick player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Sneak Cheat Detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Sneak
on sign change:
	wait 6 tick
	if player is sneaking:
		kick player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Sneak Cheat Detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using sneak!" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Flight
every 3 seconds:
	loop all players:
		if {flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
			if {e.flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
				loop-player is not flying
				loop-player's gamemode is not creative
				set {y.%loop-player%} to the y location of loop-player
				wait 1 seconds
				set {y2.%loop-player%} to the y location of loop-player
				wait 1 ticks
				if difference between {y.%loop-player%} and {y2.%loop-player%} is greater than 7:
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					# kick loop-player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Fly Cheat Detection" # Disabld For False Detections
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%loop-player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Flight2
every 3 seconds:
	loop all players:
		if {flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
			if {e.flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
				loop-player is not flying
				loop-player's gamemode is not creative
				set {x.%loop-player%} to the y location of loop-player
				wait 1 seconds
				set {x2.%loop-player%} to the y location of loop-player
				wait 1 ticks
				if difference between {x.%loop-player%} and {x2.%loop-player%} is greater than 7:
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					# kick loop-player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Fly Cheat Detection" # Disabld For False Detections
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%loop-player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Flight Stop

on join:
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
	set {e.flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
on death of player:
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "true"
	wait 3 seconds
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"

on teleport:
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "true"
	wait 2 seconds
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
on world change:
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "true"
	wait 1 second
	set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
every 2 seconds:
	loop all players:
		if loop-player is wearing elytra:
			if {e.flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
				set {e.flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} to "true"
			set {e.flight.cancel.check.%loop-player%} to "false"
on rightclick:
	player's tool is a enderpearl:
		set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "true" 
		wait 10 seconds
		set {flight.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"

# Speed
every 3 seconds:
	loop all players:
		loop-player's gamemode is not creative
		loop-player is not flying
		set {speed.xlocation.%loop-player%} to the x location of loop-player
		wait 2 seconds
		set {speed.xlocation2.%loop-player%} to the x location of loop-player
		if {speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
			if {e.speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
				if difference between {speed.xlocation.%loop-player%} and {speed.xlocation2.%loop-player%} > 20:
					kick loop-player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Speed/Flight Cheat Detection"
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%loop-player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Speed2
every 3 seconds:
	loop all players:
		loop-player's gamemode is not creative
		loop-player is not flying
		set {speed.zlocation.%loop-player%} to the z location of loop-player
		wait 2 seconds
		set {speed.zlocation2.%loop-player%} to the z location of loop-player
		if {speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
			if {e.speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
				if difference between {speed.zlocation.%loop-player%} and {speed.zlocation2.%loop-player%} > 20:
					kick loop-player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Speed/Flight Cheat Detection"
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using speed/flight" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%loop-player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Speed Stop
on join:
	set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
	set {e.speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
on rightclick:
	player's tool is a enderpearl:
		set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "true" 
		wait 10 seconds
		set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
on world change:
	set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "true"
	wait 1 second
	set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
on death of player:
	set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "true"
	wait 3 seconds
	set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
every 2 seconds:
	loop all players:
		if loop-player is wearing elytra:
			if {e.speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} is "false":
				set {e.speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} to "true"
			set {e.speed.cancel.check.%loop-player%} to "false"

on teleport:
	set {speed.cancel.check.%player%} to "true"
	wait 2 seconds
	set {soeed.cancel.check.%player%} to "false"
# AntiKB1
on any movement:
	loop all players:
		set {AntiKB1.%loop-player%} to placeholder "player_ping"

on damage of a player:
	if victim's gamemode is survival or adventure:
		if damage was caused by fall:
		if damage was caused by potion:
		if block behind victim is not air:
		if attacker is a player:
			set {_loc1} to location of victim
			wait 10 ticks
			set {_loc2} to location of victim
			block at victim is not cobweb:
				victim is not riding:
					distance between {_loc1} and {_loc2} = 0:
						if {AntiKB1.%victim%} < 125:
							add 3 to {knockback.%victim%}
							if {kbtimer.%victim%} is less than 1:
								send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %victim% may be using AntiKB1 v1.1" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
								add 10 to {kbtimer.%victim%}
						if {AntiKB1.%victim%} > 125:
							add 1 to {knockback.%victim%}
							if {kbtimer.%victim%} is less than 1:
								send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %victim% may be using AntiKB1 v1.2" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
								add 10 to {kbtimer.%victim%}
# AntiKB2
			attacker is an entity
			victim is a player
			victim's gamemode is survival or adventure
			victim doesn't have regeneration
			block at victim is not a barrier
			set {_loc} to victim's location
			wait 10 ticks
			push victim backwards with force 0.01
			wait 5 ticks
			if distance between {_loc} and location of victim is 0:
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %victim% may be using AntiKB2 v1.1" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
				kick the victim due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AntiKB2 Cheat Detetion"
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%victim% may be using AntiKB2 v1.1" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
				add "%victim%" to {Static.violations::*}				
			if distance between {_loc} and location of victim is 0.05:
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %victim% may be using AntiKB2 v1.2" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
				kick the victim due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AntiKB2 Cheat Detetion"
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%victim% may be using AntiKB2 v1.2" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
				add "%victim%" to {Static.violations::*}

# Fast Place
on place:
	if {fastplace.%player%} is bigger than 3:
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using fast place" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using fast place" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
		delete {fastplace.%player%}
		cancel event
	add 1 to {fastplace.%player%}
	wait 5 tick
	delete {fastplace.%player%}
# AutoSteal
every 2 seconds:
	loop all players:
		clear {_Autosteal}
		clear {_Autosteal2}

on inventory click:
	set {} to placeholder "player_ping"
	add 1 to {_Autosteal}
	add 1 to {_Autosteal2}
	if {_Autosteal} is greater than 8:
		if {_Autosteal2} is greater than 10:
			if {} is greater than 50 and 8000000:
				if {} is greater than 200:
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% may be using AutoSteal ping: [&3&l%{}%&7] &3[Non-Kick]" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using AutoSteal ping: [&3&l%{}%&7] &3[Non-Kick]" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
				if {} is less than 150:
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% may be using AutoSteal ping: [&3&l%{}%&7] &3[Kick]" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AutoSteal Cheat Detetion"
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using AutoSteal ping: [&3&l%{}%&7] &3[Kick]" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# NoFall v1
on any movement:
	{ttme.%player%} is not set
	player's gamemode is Adventure or Survival
	player is on ground
	block at player is air
	block under player is air
	set {_nofallcount} to 0
	loop all blocks in radius 3 around player:
		if loop-block is stairs:
		if loop-block is slab:
	loop all blocks in radius 2 around player:
		if loop-block is not air:
			add 1 to {_nofallcount}
	if {_nofallcount} < 1:
		loop all players:
			loop-player is op:
				kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] Nofall Cheat Detection&9(V 1.1)"
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Nofall &9(V 1.1)" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
				add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
	if {_nofallcount} > 0:
# Nofall v2
every 1 second:
	loop all players:
		loop-player's gamemode is Adventure or Survival
		loop-player is on ground
		loop all blocks in radius 3 around loop-player:
			if loop-block is stairs:
			if loop-block is slab:
		block under loop-player is air
		set {_y} to loop-player's y-location
		wait 0.5 second
		loop-player is on ground
		set {_y2} to loop-player's y-location  
		set {_yresult} to {_y} - {_y2}
		if {_yresult} > 1:
			loop all players:
				loop-player-2 is op:
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %loop-player-1% may be using Nofall&9(V 1.2)" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player-1% may be using Nofall &9(V 1.2)" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%loop-player-1%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Regen
on heal:
	set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
	set {_playerping} to placeholder "player_ping"
	if {_playerping} < {_mp}:
		if player doesn't have permission "anticheat.bypass":
			if player has regeneration:
				set {_dif} to difference between {heal.%player%} and now
				if {_dif} is less than 0.45 seconds:
					cancel event
					set {heal.%player%} to now
					loop all players:
						if loop-player has permission "anticheat.notify":
							if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
								send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% may be using Regen" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
								log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Regen" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
								add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
				set {heal.%player%} to now
# Bhop
on any movement:
	set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
	set {_playerping} to placeholder "player_ping"
	if {_playerping} < {_mp}:
		if player is not riding:
			if player doesn't have permission "anticheat.bypass":
				if player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
					if player's flight mode is false:
						if player has speed:
							set {_blocks} to {speedblocks} parsed as number
						if block under player is not air:
							set {} to true
							set {_bhp1x} to x-coordinates of player
							wait 1 second
							set {_bhp2x} to x-coordinates of player
							wait 1 tick
							if {} is not set:
								if block under player is not ice:
									if {t.bhp.lastcheck} is not set:
										set {t.bhp.lastcheck} to now
									set {_t} to difference between {_bhp1x} and {_bhp2x}
									set {_t2} to difference between {_bhp1y} and {_bhp2y}
									if {_t} > {_blocks}:
										add 1 to {bhp.%player%}
										set {_p} to placeholder "player_ping"
										clear {}
										if difference between now and {t.bhp.lastcheck} is higher than 3 seconds:
											loop all players:
												if loop-player has permission "anticheat.notify":
													if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
														set {t.bhp.lastcheck} to now
														send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% may be using bhop &6V1.1" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
														log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using bhop &6V1.1" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
														add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
									if {_2} > {_blocks}:
										add 1 to {bhp.%player%}
										set {_p} to placeholder "player_ping"
										if difference between now and {t.bhp.lastcheck} is higher than 3 seconds:
											loop all players:
												if loop-player has permission "anticheat.notify":
													if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
														set {t.bhp.lastcheck} to now
														send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% may be using bhop &6V1.2" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
														log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using bhop &6V1.2" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
														add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
									if {bhp.%player%} > 30:
										remove 10 from {bhp.%player%}
										kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] Bhop Cheat Detection"
# Bhop Speed
on teleport:
	if {} is true:
		clear {}

# Jesus
on any movement:
	set {_mp} to {maxping} parsed as number
	set {_playerping} to placeholder "player_ping"
	if {_playerping} < {_mp}:
		if player is not riding:
			if player doesn't have permission "anticheat.bypass":
				if player's gamemode is survival or adventure:
					if player is not sneaking:
						if block above player is air:
							set {_b} to block under player
							if block under {_b} is water:
								set {_y1} to y-coordinates of player
								set {_x1} to x-coordinates of player
								set {_z1} to z-coordinates of player
								set {_loc} to location of player
								if block behind {_b} is water:
									if block 1 meter south of {_b} is water:
										if block 1 meter west of {_b} is water:
											if block 1 meter east of {_b} is water:
												if block 1 meter north of {_b} is water:
													wait 5 ticks
													set {_y2} to y-coordinates of player
													set {_x2} to x-coordinates of player
													set {_z2} to z-coordinates of player
													set {_loc2} to location of player
													if {_y1} = {_y2}:
														if {_loc} = {_loc2}:
															if difference between {_x2} and {_x1} is less than 1:
																if difference between {_z2} and {_z1} is less than 1:
															if difference between {_z2} and {_z1} is less than 1:
																if difference between {_x2} and {_x1} is less than 1:
																add 1 to {jesus.%player%}
																if {t.jesus.lastcheck} is not set:
																	set {t.jesus.lastcheck} to now
																set {_p} to placeholder "player_ping"
																if difference between now and {t.jesus.lastcheck} is higher than 1.5 seconds:
																	loop all players:
																		if loop-player has permission "anticheat.notify":
																			if {recieve.%loop-player%} is true:
																				set {t.jesus.lastcheck} to now
																				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% may be using jesus" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
																				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using jesus" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
																				add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
																		if {jesus.%player%} > 10:
																			remove 5 from {jesus.%player%}
																			kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] Bhop Cheat Detection"
																			log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using jesus" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
																			add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}

# MultiAura
on damage:
	if attacker is a player:
		if victim is not a player:
			add 1 to {mobaura.%attacker%}
			if {mobaura.%attacker%} >= 20:
				if difference between {lastmobauracheck.%attacker%} and now is greater than 5 seconds:
					set {lastmobauracheck.%attacker%} to now
					add 1 to {killAuraB.%attacker%}
					add 3 to {killAuraB.%attacker%.combined}
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%attacker% hit multiple entities: &e%{mobaura.%attacker%}% &a(&eVL %{killAuraB.%attacker%.combined}%" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		if victim is a player:
			add 1 to {multiaura.%attacker%}
			if {multiaura.%attacker%} >= 20:
				if difference between {lastmultiauracheck.%attacker%} and now is greater than 5 seconds:
					set {lastmultiauracheck.%attacker%} to now
					add 1 to {killAuraB.%attacker%}
					add 3 to {killAuraB.%attacker%.combined}
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%attacker% hit multiple entities: &e%{multiaura.%attacker%}% &a(&eVL %{killAuraB.%attacker%.combined}%" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]

# No Slowdown
on any movement:
	if {%player%.moving} is not set:
		set {%player%.moving} to true
		wait 10 ticks
		delete {%player%.moving}
	if {%player%.jumping} is not set:
		set {%player%.alty} to player's altitude
		wait 2 ticks
		if {%player%.alty} is less than player's altitude:
			set {%player%.jumping} to true
			wait 10 ticks
			delete {%player%.jumping}
	block under player is not air:
		block at player's position is not air:
			set {%player%.groundpos} to player's position
	block under player is soul sand:
		player has potion of speed:
		player's walking speed is bigger than or equal to 0.3:
			kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6NoSlowDown Cheat Detection"
			send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%player% may be using NoSlowDown Cheats" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
			log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using NoSlowDown" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
			add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# GuiMovement
on inventory open:
	wait 4 ticks
	player's gamemode is not creative	
	if player's flight mode is false:
		if {%player%.moving} is "true":
			kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6GuiMovement Cheat Detection"
			send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%player% may be using GuiMovement Cheats" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
			log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using GuiMoveMent" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
			add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# AntiVPN
on join:
	if {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%player%} is set:
	if {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%ip of player%} is set:
	if {@iphub} is true:
		$ thread
		set {_info} to text from " of player%&showtype=4"
		set {_info::*} to {_info} split at ",""proxy"":"
		set {_info} to {_info::2}
		replace all "}" with "" in {_info}
		if {_info} is "1":
			if {@kick} is true:
				kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6VPN Detection"
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using a VPN" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
				set join message to ""
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player%&a was kicked for using a &6&lVPN!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
	if {@stopforumspam} is true:
		$ thread
		set {_info} to text from " of player%"
		set {_info::*} to {_info} split at "<appears>"
		set {_info} to {_info::2}
		set {_info::*} to {_info} split at "</appears>"
		set {_info} to {_info::1}
		if {_info} is "yes":
			if {@kick} is true:
				kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6VPN Detection"
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using a VPN" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
				set join message to ""
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player%&a was kicked for using a &6&lVPN!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
command /{@command} [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@permission}
		if arg-1 is "add":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%} is not set:
					set {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%} to true
					send "&aAdded &c%arg-2%&a to VPN Bypass list!"
					send "&aThat player is already on the VPN Bypass list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} add <player>"
		else if arg-1 is "addip":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%} is not set:
					set {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%} to true
					send "&aAdded &c%arg-2%&a to VPN Bypass IP list!"
					send "&aThat IP is already on the VPN Bypass list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} addip <ip>"
		else if arg-1 is "remove":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%} is set:
					delete {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::%arg-2%}
					send "&aRemoved &c%arg-2%&a from VPN Bypass list!"
					send "&aThat player is not on the VPN Bypass list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} remove <player>"
		else if arg-1 is "removeip":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%} is set:
					delete {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::%arg-2%}
					send "&aRemoved &c%arg-2%&a from VPN Bypass IP list!"
					send "&aThat player is not on the VPN Bypass IP list!"
				send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} removeip <ip>"
		else if arg-1 is "list":
			if arg-2 is not set:
				if (size of {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::*}) is greater than 8:
					send "&aVPNBypass List:"
					send "&a%{_Temp::*}%"
					send "&aVPNBypass List:"
					loop {AntiVPN::VPNBypass::*}:
						send "&a%loop-index%"
			else if arg-2 is "ip":
				if (size of {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::*}) is greater than 8:
					send "&aVPNBypass IP List:"
					send "&a%{_Temp::*}%"
					send "&aVPNBypass IP List:"
					loop {AntiVPN::VPNBypassIP::*}:
						send "&a%loop-index%"
			send "&a[] &2= &aOptional &2| &a<> &2= &aRequired"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} add <player> &2| &aAdds a players to the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} remove <player> &2| &aRemoves a player from the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} addip <ip> &2| &aAdds an IP to the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} removeip <ip> &2| &aRemoves an IP from the bypass list"
			send "&cUsage: &a/{@command} list [ip] &2| &aLists users [IPs] on the bypass list"

# Autoclicker

on any movement:
	loop all players:
		set {server.tps} to placeholder "server_tps"

on leftclick:
	{click.cooldown.%player%} is not true
	add 1 to {click.cps.%player%}
	if {click.cps.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@min cps}:
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %player% might be using a autoclicker TPS: &6[&3%{server.tps}%&6]" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AutoClicker Cheat Detection"
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using a AutoCliker" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
		set {click.cooldown.%player%} to true
		wait 5 seconds
		clear {click.cooldown.%player%}
	wait 1 second
	clear {click.cps.%player%}
# FastBow
on any movement:
	set {fastbow.tps} to placeholder "server_tps"
on any movement:
	loop all players:
		set {} to placeholder "player_ping"

on shoot:
	if projectile is an arrow:
		if {fastbow.tps} is above 17:
			if {} is below 250:
				if difference between {fastbow.lastshot.%shooter%} and now is less than 0.5 seconds:
					add 1 to {fastbow.detect.%shooter%}
					if {fastbow.detect.%shooter%} = 6:
						kick shooter due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] FastBow Cheat Detection"
						send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%shooter% might be using FastBow" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
						log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%shooter% may be using FastBow" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
						add "%shooter%" to {Static.violations::*}
					set {fastbow.lastshot.%shooter%} to now
every 1.0 seconds:
	loop all players:
		remove 1 from {fastbow.detect.%loop-player%}

# AutoTool
on tool change:
	set {_autotool} to true
	wait 1.55 ticks
	clear {_autotool}
on left click:
	wait 1 tick
	if {_autotool} is true:
		kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AutoTool cheat detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using autotool!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using AutoTool" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
		clear {_autotool}
on right click:
	wait 1 tick
	if {_autotool} is true:
		kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AutoTool cheat detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using autotool!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using AutoTool" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
		clear {_autotool}
# FastEat
every 1.25 seconds:
	remove 1 from {_fasteast}

on consume:
	add 1 to {_fasteat}
	if {_fasteat} is above 5:
		kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6FastEat Cheat detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using FastEat!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using FastEat" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}

# Regen
on heal:
	set {_regen} to player's health
	if difference between {regen.%player%.last} and now is less than 3 ticks:
		if {} is not set:
			set {} to player's health
		if difference between {} and {_regen} > 4:
			cancel event
			set {regen.%player%.last} to now
			send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Regen!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
			log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Regen" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
			add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
			add 1 to {regen.%player%.warn}
		set {regen.%player%.last} to now
		delete {}
every second:
	loop all players:
		if {regen.%loop-player%.warn} is 5:
			kick the loop-player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Regen cheat detection"
			log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using Regen" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
			add "%loop-player%" to {Static.violations::*}

# AutoBlock
on leftclick:
	set {_autoblock} to true
	wait 14 ticks
	clear {_autoblock}
on rightclick:
	wait 1 tick
	if {_autoblock} is true:
		kick the player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Autoblock cheat detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Autoblock!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Autoblock" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
		clear {_autoblock}
# InventoryMove
on inventory open:
	set {} to "true"

on inventory close:
	set {} to "false"

on inventory click:
	wait 10 ticks
	if {} is "true":
		kick player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6InventoryMove Cheat Detection"
		send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%player% may be using InventoryMove Cheats" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
		log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using InventoryMove" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
		add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
# Blink
on any movement:
	if difference between {blink.last.%player%} and now is less than 2 seconds:
		set {server.tps.blink} to placeholder "server_tps"
		player's gamemode is not creative
		player's fly mode is false
		set {_pos} to location of player
		wait 0.5 seconds
		if {server.tps.blink} is above 15:
			if distance between {_pos} and player is bigger than 5:
				if {blink.count.%player%} is not set:
					set {blink.count.%player%} to 0
				add 1 to {blink.count.%player%}
				if {blink.count.%player%} is greater than 25:
					kick player because "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6Blink Cheat Detection"
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Blink!" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using Blink" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
					add "%player%" to {Static.violations::*}
					delete {blink.count.%player%}
					teleport player to {_pos}
			set {blink.last.%player%} to now

# Report

on join:
	if {report.cooldown.%player%} is not set:
		set {report.cooldown.%player%} to "false"
	if {report.cooldown.timer.%player%} is not set:
		set {report.cooldown.timer.%player%} to 0

command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
	permission: {@reportperm}
	permission message: &4No permission
		if arg-2 is set:
			if {report.cooldown.%player%} is "false":
				set {report.cooldown.%player%} to "true"
				message "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] %arg-1% has been reported for %arg-2%"
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%arg-1% has been reported for %arg-2% by %player%" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%arg-1% has been reported for %arg-2% by %player%" to "StaticAntiCheat/Reports.log"
				set {report.cooldown.timer.%player%} to 60
				message "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] You must wait %{report.cooldown.timer.%player%}% seconds to report someone again"
		if arg-2 is not set:
			message "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] /report player reason"
every second:
	loop all players:
		if {report.cooldown.%loop-player%} is "true":
			remove 1 from {report.cooldown.timer.%loop-player%}
		if {report.cooldown.timer.%loop-player%} is 0:
			set {report.cooldown.%loop-player%} to "false"
			set {report.cooldown.timer.%loop-player%} to 60
			send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] You can now report someone." to loop-player

# AntiCactus
every second:
	loop all players:
		set {_regen.cactus} to loop-player's health
		set {_regen.last} to now
		loop all blocks in radius 0.700 around loop-player:
			if loop-block is cactus:
				wait 3 tick
				if difference between {_regen.cactus} and now is {_regen.last}:
					kick loop-player due to "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &6AntiCactus Cheat Detection"
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%loop-player% may be using AntiCactus Cheats" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
					log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%loop-player% may be using AntiCactus" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"

# Vclip
on teleport:
	set {} to true
	wait 1 second
	set {} to false

on any movement:
	if {} is false:
		if 1 = 1:
			player doesn't have jump boost
			if {%player%.location.last} is not set:
				set {%player%.location.last} to location of player
			if distance between {%player%.location.last} and location of player is less than 35:
				set {_y1} to y-coordinate of {%player%.location.last}
				set {_y2} to y-coordinate of location of player
				set y-coordinate of {%player%.location.last} to {_y2}
				set {_diff} to difference between {_y1} and {_y2}
				loop all players:
					if {Static.message.teleport.%loop-player%} is true:
						send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% moved to fast Last: %{%player%.location.last}% Now: %location of player%" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
				if {_y2} > {_y1}:
					if {} = world of player:
						if {_diff} > 2:
							set {_b} to block at player 
							set {_h} to 0
							while {_b} is 0:0:
								set {_b} to block below {_b} 
								add 1 to {_h}
						teleport player to {_b}
						send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &a%player% may be using VClip/Flight Cheats (y1=%{_y1}%; y2=%{_y2}%; height: %{_h} + 1%)" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
						log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &7%player% may be using VClip/Flight Cheats (y1=%{_y1}%; y2=%{_y2}%; height: %{_h} + 1%)" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"
				set {%player%.location.last} to location of player
				set {} to world of player

# - Reach - #
# ~ God Level Reach Detection ~ #
on damage:
	attacker is a player:
		gamemode of attacker is survival or adventure:
			fly mode of attacker is false:
				attacker is not riding a boat or pig or horse:
					damage wasn't caused by projectile:
						set {_y.a} to y coord of attacker
						set {_y.v} to y coord of victim
						set {_yans} to {_y.v} - {_y.a}
						if {_yans} >= 0.01:
							set {_ans} to distance between location of victim and location of attacker - ({_yans} / 2)
						if {_yans} <= 0:
							set {_ans} to distance between location of victim and location of attacker
						{_ans} is bigger than 4.25:
							add 1 to {%attacker's}
							if {%attacker's} is 3 or above:
								clear {%attacker's}
								send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &3&l[%attacker%] &7Reach Cheat detection &7[&7Y Level: &b%{_yans}% &7Distance: &b%{_ans}%&7]" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
								log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &3&l[%attacker%] &7Reach Cheat detection &7[&7Y Level: &b%{_yans}% &7Distance: &b%{_ans}%&7]" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"

# - Killaura - #
# ~ Semi-God Level Aura Detection ~ #
every tick:
	loop all players:
		set {ac.killaura.infront.%loop-player's UUID%} to location of block 3.78 infront loop-player #3.78
on damage:
	attacker is a player:
		distance between {ac.killaura.infront.%attacker's UUID%} and block 3.78 infront attacker is bigger than 0.4782: # 0.48 #BEST: 0.478
			add 1 to {%attacker's}
			if {%attacker's} is 2 or above:
				clear {%attacker's}
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &l[%attacker%] &7Killaura Cheat detection &7[&7VictimPOS: &b%{ac.killaura.infront.%attacker's UUID%}%&7]" to all players where [player input has permission "AntiCheat.admin"]
				log "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] &l[%attacker%] &7Killaura Cheat detection &7[&7VictimPOS: &b%{ac.killaura.infront.%attacker's UUID%}%&7]" to "StaticAntiCheat/Detections.log"

# - Clear - #
every 15 seconds:
	loop all players:
		clear {%loop-player's}
		clear {%loop-player's}

# Static GUI
command /{@command2}:
	permission: AntiCheat.admin
	permission message: &4No permission
		create a gui with virtual chest named "&c&lStatic GUI" with 6 rows:
			set {_W} to White Stained Glass pane
			set {_C} to Cyan Stained Glass pane
			set {_B} to Blue Stained Glass Pane
			# Left Right
			make gui slot 0 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 8 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 17 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 9 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 18 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 26 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 35 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 27 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 36 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 44 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 53 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 45 with {_C} named "&r"
			# Top Bottom
			make gui slot 46 with {_B} named "&r"
			make gui slot 1 with {_B} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 2 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 47 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 48 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 3 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 4 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 49 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 50 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 5 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 6 with {_W} named "&r"
			make gui slot 51 with {_C} named "&r"
			wait 1 tick
			make gui slot 52 with {_B} named "&r"
			make gui slot 7 with {_B} named "&r"
			# Update
			set {_C} to Chest
			set {_R} to Block of Redstone
			set {_S} to Diamond Sword
			if {Static.API.version} is "{@Version}":
				set {Update.API.GUI} to "&2Updated"
				set {Update.API.GUI} to "&cNeeds Update"
			make gui slot 20 with {_C} named "&6&lUpdate Checker" with lore "||&3&l&m----------||&7Update API: %{Update.API.GUI}%||&7Click to open the website||&3&l&m----------":
				close player's inventory
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] SkUnity Website: {@DownloadWebsite}"
			make gui slot 22 with {_R} named "&6&lStatic Disabling" with lore "||&3&l&m----------||&7Click To Disable Static AntiCheat||&3&l&m----------":
				add 1 to {Static.shutdown}
				if {Static.shutdown} is 1:
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] Are you sure you want to shutdown Static? (Click Again to proceed)"
				if {Static.shutdown} is above 1:
					close player's inventory
					set {Static.shutdown} to 0
					send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] Static AntiCheat Shutting down &7(&cTo Enable Again execute /sk enable Static&7)"
					execute console command "/sk disable Static"	
			make gui slot 24 with {_S} named "&6&lPlayer Violations" with lore "||&3&l&m----------||&7All Player anticheat Violations||&7Click to display||&3&l&m----------":
				close player's inventory
				send "&7[&3&lStatic&6AntiCheat&7] Player Detections: &8(&6&l%{Static.violations::*}%&8)"
		open last gui to the player