Warning: Undefined variable $http_response_header in /var/www/html/new/skunity/library/skUnity/Util/HTTP.php on line 95


Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	version: 3.0 by zGlowy_ #DO NOT CHANGE!

	{check.%player%} = false

command /controllo [<player>]:
	aliases: check
	description: Esegui il controllo ad un player
	permission: controllo.staff
	permission message: &cNon hai accesso a questo comando.
	executable by: players
		if {controllospawn} is set:
			if argument has permission "controllo.exempt":
				if arg-1 is set:
					message "&9GH Controllo>> &cNon puoi eseguire il controllo a questo player!"
				if arg-1 is set:
					if {check.%argument%} is false:
						set {check.%argument%} to true
						set {controllobackplayer} to location of argument
						set {controllobackstaff} to location of player
						make console execute command "{@AfkAddPerm}"
						wait 2 seconds
						teleport player to {controllospawn}
						teleport argument to {controllospawn}
						message "&9GH Controllo>> &7Hai &ciniziato &7il controllo a &a%argument%"
						broadcast "&8&m                                                                                "
						broadcast "&7Lo staffer &a%player% &7ha deciso di fare un &ccontrollo hack &7a &c%argument% ..."
						broadcast "&8&m                                                                                "
						send "&8&m                                                 " to the argument
						send "                                                     " to the argument
						send "&a%player% &7ha deciso di farti un &ccontrollo hack, " to the argument
						send "&7non &csloggare &7o sarai istantaneamente &cbannato," to the argument
						send "&7accordati con lo staffer fornendo i dati richiesti." to the argument
						sen                                                        " to the argument
						send "&8&m                                                 " to the argument
						wait 1 seconds
						make console execute command "title %argument% title {text:"{@Title}",color:"dark_red"}"
						make console execute command "title %argument% subtitle {text:"{@SubTitle}",color:"red"}}"
						wait 4 seconds
						make console execute command "title %argument% title {text:"{@Title}",color:"gold"}"
						make console execute command "title %argument% subtitle {text:"{@SubTitle}",color:"yellow"}}"
						wait 4 seconds
						make console execute command "title %argument% title {text:"{@Title}",color:"dark_green"}"
						make console execute command "title %argument% subtitle {text:"{@SubTitle}",color:"green"}}"
						wait 4 seconds
						make console execute command "title %argument% title {text:"{@Title}",color:"blue"}"
						make console execute command "title %argument% subtitle {text:"{@SubTitle}",color:"acqua"}}"
						wait 4 seconds
						make console execute command "title %argument% title {text:"{@Title}",color:"dark_gray"}"
						make console execute command "title %argument% subtitle {text:"{@SubTitle}",color:"gray"}}"
						message "&9GH Controllo>> &a%argument% &7e' gia sotto &ccontrollo, non lo puoi controllare in questo momento!"
					message "&9GH Controllo>> &cComando sbagliato! Prova: /controllo <player>"
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &cImposta lo spawn per il controllo prima di farne uno!"

# End a check
command /cfinish [<player>]:
	aliases: checkend
	description: Termina il controllo ad un player
	permission: controllo.staff
	permission message: &cNon hai accesso a questo comando.
	executable by: players
		if {check.%argument%} is true:
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &7Hai appena &cterminato &7il controllo a &a%argument%"
			message "&7Sarai portato alla location precedente in 3 secondi..."
			send "&9GH Controllo>> &aControllo terminato, &7non sei più sotto controllo, puoi sloggare!" to the argument
			send "&7Sarai portato al luogo precedente in 3 secondi..." to the argument
			make console execute command "{@AfkRemovePerm}"
			wait 3 seconds
			delete {check.%argument%}
			teleport argument to {controllobackplayer}
			teleport player to {controllobackstaff}
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &a%argument% &7non e' sotto &ccontrollo!"

# Set check spawn
command /controllosetspawn:
	aliases: checksetspawn
	description: Imposta lo spawn per i controlli hack
	permission: controllo.admin
	permission message: &cNon hai accesso a questo comando
	executable by: players
		if {controllospawn} isn't set:
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &7Hai &aimpostato &7lo spawn per il &acontrollo!"
			set {controllospawn} to location of player
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &c&7Hai appena &acambiato &7lo spawn per il controllo"

# Remove check spawn
command /controllodelspawn:
	aliases: checkdelspawn
	description: Rimuovi lo spawn precedente per il controllo hack
	permission: controllo.admin
	permission message: &cNon hai accesso a questo comando.
	executable by: players
		if {controllospawn} is set:
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &7Hai &arimosso &7lo spawn per il &acontrollo!"
			delete {controllospawn}
			message "&9GH Controllo>> &cNon hai ancora impostato lo spawn per il controllo!"

# Makes the controlled player unable to use commands
on command:
	if player has permission "controllo.exempt.command":
		if {check.%player%} is true:
			uncancel event
		if {check.%player%} is true:
			cancel event
			send "&9GH Controllo>> &cNon puoi eseguire comandi durante il controllo!" to the player

# Makes the player invincible while they're frozen
on damage:
	if {check.%victim%} is true:
		cancel event
		send "&9GH Controllo>> &cNon puoi fare pvp durante il controllo!" to the attacker
	if {check.%attacker%} is true:
		cancel event
		send "&9GH Controllo>> &cNon puoi fare pvp durante il controllo!" to the attacker

# Bans the player while they're controlled if they leave
on quit:
	if {check.%player%} is true:
		delete {check.%player%}
		make console execute command "{@BanCommand}"
		make console execute command "{@AfkRemovePerm}"
# Help Command
command /gdhelp:
	permission message: &cNon hai accesso a questo comando.
	permission: controllo.staff
	executable by: players and console
		if player has permission {controllo.staff}:
			send "&aGoodbyeHackers Control & Report SKRIPT
			send "&aby zGlowy_"
			send "&cLista comandi utili:"
			send "&6/controllosetspawn - Setta il punto di spawn per il controllo."
			send "&6/controllodelspawn - Elimina il punto di spawn per il controllo."
			send "&6/controllo [player] - Controlla un giocatore da te scelto."
			send "&6/controlloend [player] - Finisce il controllo al giocatore in questione."
			send "&6/report [player] - Reporta un player 
			message "&cNon hai accesso a questo comando."
#Report command
command /report <player>:
	aliases: rp
	description: Reporta un player
	executable by: players
		send "&9GH Report>>&6Hai reportato &4 %player argument% &6con successo!"
		send "&6Si prega di attendere un Staffer"
			loop all players:
			if loop-players has permission "controllo.staff"
			send "&9GH Report>> &4 %player argument% &6è stato reportato da &a%player%"