Created by Apolo_IV

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	logo: &e[Scenarios]

on load:
	set {scenarios::treedecap::name} to "Timber"
	set {scenarios::treedecap::item} to oak sapling
	set {scenarios::treedecap::lore} to "&b- On break of one log the tree will be destoyed"
	set {scenarios::cutclean::name} to "CutClean"
	set {scenarios::cutclean::item} to bonemeal
	set {scenarios::cutclean::lore} to "&b- All the items will be automatically cooked up"
	set {scenarios::bows::name} to "Bowless"
	set {scenarios::bows::item} to bow
	set {scenarios::bows::lore} to "&b- There isn't bow in the game"
	set {scenarios::switcheroo::name} to "Switcheroo"
	set {scenarios::switcheroo::item} to ender pearl
	set {scenarios::switcheroo::lore} to "&b- On shoot you will ||&b be swapped with the adversary"
	set {scenarios::diamondless::name} to "Diamondless"
	set {scenarios::diamondless::item} to diamond ore
	set {scenarios::diamondless::lore} to "&b- There isn't Diamond in the game"
	set {scenarios::horses::name} to "Horseless"
	set {scenarios::horses::item} to saddle
	set {scenarios::horses::lore} to "&b- There isn't horses in the game"
	set {scenarios::blooddiamond::name} to "BloodDiamonds"
	set {scenarios::blooddiamond::item} to rose red
	set {scenarios::blooddiamond::lore} to "&b- On mine of Diamond ore ||&b you will be damaged by 1/2 hearts"
	set {scenarios::timebomb::name} to "Timebomb"
	set {scenarios::timebomb::item} to chest
	set {scenarios::timebomb::lore} to "&b- On player death the inventory will ||&b be in a chest this chest after ||&b 30 seconds will be destroyed"
	set {scenarios::fire::name} to "Fireless"
	set {scenarios::fire::item} to fire charge
	set {scenarios::fire::lore} to "&b- There isn't fire damage in the game"
	set {scenarios::tripleore::name} to "Triple Ores"
	set {scenarios::tripleore::item} to iron ore
	set {scenarios::tripleore::lore} to "&b- All ores get triplicated, ||&b This can be combined with Cutclean"
	set {scenarios::webcage::name} to "WebCage"
	set {scenarios::webcage::item} to 30
	set {scenarios::webcage::lore} to "&b- When a player dies a web cage ||&b is summon at the death location"
	set {scenarios::potentialhearts::name} to "Potential Hearts"
	set {scenarios::potentialhearts::item} to golden apple
	set {scenarios::potentialhearts::lore} to "&b- Give you possibility to have 10 + hearts"
	set {scenarios::selectfire::name} to "Select Fire"
	set {scenarios::selectfire::item} to nether star
	set {scenarios::selectfire::lore} to "&b- With left click with a bow you can select ||&b from Trow ignited arrows, ||&b tnt, creepers and Fireballs"
	set {scenarios::vanilla+::name} to "Vanilla +"
	set {scenarios::vanilla+::item} to flint
	set {scenarios::vanilla+::lore} to "&b- 1 porcent chance of obtain flint and 0,75 porcent ||&b that the oak leaves drop apples"
	set {scenarios::goldenhead::name} to "Golden Heads"
	set {scenarios::goldenhead::item} to golden apple
	set {scenarios::goldenhead::lore} to "&b- On player death you can use ||&b him head for make powerful's Golden Apples"
	set {scenarios::killswitch::name} to "Kill Switch"
	set {scenarios::killswitch::item} to eye of ender
	set {scenarios::killswitch::lore} to "&b- On player death all drop get ||&b teleported to the location of the killer"
	set {scenarios::bats::name} to "Bats"
	set {scenarios::bats::item} to bat spawn egg
	set {scenarios::bats::lore} to "&bWhen you kill bat you'll recieve a golden apple with 5 Percent of chance of die..."
	set {scenarios::rodless::name} to "Rodless"
	set {scenarios::rodless::item} to fishing rod
	set {scenarios::rodless::lore} to "&bThere is no fishing rods on this game..."
	set {scenarios::meleefun::name} to "MeleeFun"
	set {scenarios::meleefun::item} to pufferfish
	set {scenarios::meleefun::lore} to "&bthere is no delay between hits..."
	set {scenarios::bedbomb::name} to "BedBomb"
	set {scenarios::bedbomb::item} to tnt
	set {scenarios::bedbomb::lore} to "&bBeds explode in every world, ||&bincluding the overworld and the End..."
	set {scenarios::fastsmelt::name} to "FastSmelt"
	set {scenarios::fastsmelt::item} to furnace
	set {scenarios::fastsmelt::lore} to "&bSmelting time is reduced...."
on join:
	if {scenarios::meleefun} is true:
		set maximum damage delay of player to 0.1 seconds
		set maximum damage delay of player to 1 seconds
on right click on bed:
	if {scenarios::bedbomb} is true:
		{uhc.start} is true
		cancel event
		set event-block to air
		create explosion of force 3 at event-block
on craft of fishing rod:
    {scenarios::rodless} is true
    cancel event
    message "&4Fishing rods are disabled!"
on fuel burn:
    if {scenarios::fastsmelt} is true:
        if tag "CookTime" of nbt of event-block is 0:
            add "{CookTime:180s}" to nbt of event-block
        wait 1 tick
        set {_burnTime} to tag "BurnTime" of nbt of event-block
        set {_burnTime} to {_burnTime} / 10
        add "{BurnTime:%{_burnTime}%s}" to nbt of event-block
on smelt:
    if {scenarios::fastsmelt} is true:
        add "{CookTime:180s}" to nbt of event-block
command /currentscenarios [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			set {_slot} to -1
			open virtual chest inventory with size 2 named "&bScenarios for this game" to player
			create a gui slot 17 of player with wool:14 named "&aClose" to close
			loop {scenarios::*}:
				if loop-value is true:
					add 1 to {_slot}
					create a gui slot {_slot} of player with {scenarios::%loop-index%::item} named "&a%{scenarios::%loop-index%::name}%" with lore "&b%{scenarios::%loop-index%::lore}%" to close
		if arg 1 is "menu":
			if arg 2 is not set:
				if player has permission "":
					open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&6&lYourServer &8- &aPage 1" to player
					create a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 0 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 1 of player with nether star named "&aPrevius Page" to close
					create a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 3 of player with stained glass:5 named "&aEnable All" to run console command "currentscenario all true"
					create a gui slot 4 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 5 of player with stained glass:14 named "&cDisable All" to run console command "currentscenario all false"
					create a gui slot 6 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 7 of player with nether star named "&aNext Page" to run player command "currentscenarios menu 2"
					create a gui slot 8 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 9 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 10 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 11 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 12 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 13 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 14 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 15 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 16 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 17 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 18 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 19 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario cutclean2 true %player%"
					create a gui slot 20 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario timber true %player%"
					create a gui slot 21 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario diamondless true %player%"
					create a gui slot 22 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario timebomb true %player%"
					create a gui slot 23 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario blooddiamond true %player%"
					create a gui slot 24 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario switcheroo true %player%"
					create a gui slot 25 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario tripleore true %player%"
					create a gui slot 26 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 27 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 28 of player with bonemeal named "&aCutClean" to close
					create a gui slot 29 of player with oak sapling named "&aTimber" to close
					create a gui slot 30 of player with diamond named "&aDiamondless" to close
					create a gui slot 31 of player with 30 chests named "&aTimeBomb" to close
					create a gui slot 32 of player with rose red named "&aBloodDiamonds" to close
					create a gui slot 33 of player with ender pearl named "&aSwitcheroo" to close
					create a gui slot 34 of player with 3 iron ore named "&aTriple Ores" to close
					create a gui slot 35 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 36 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 37 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario cutclean2 false %player%"
					create a gui slot 38 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario timber false %player%"
					create a gui slot 39 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario diamondless false %player%"
					create a gui slot 40 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario timebomb false %player%"
					create a gui slot 41 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario blooddiamond false %player%"
					create a gui slot 42 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario switcheroo false %player%"
					create a gui slot 43 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario tripleore false %player%"
					create a gui slot 44 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 45 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 46 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 47 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 48 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 49 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 50 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 51 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 52 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 53 of player with stained glass:7 to close
				if player does not have permission "":
					send "&cYou dont have the enough permissions!"
		if arg 1 is "menu":
			if arg 2 is "2":
				if player has permission "":
					open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&6&lYourServer &8- &aPage 2" to player
					create a gui slot 0 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 1 of player with nether star named "&aPrevius Page" to run player command "currentscenarios menu"
					create a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 3 of player with stained glass:5 named "&aEnable All" to run console command "currentscenario all true"
					create a gui slot 4 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 5 of player with stained glass:14 named "&cDisable All" to run console command "currentscenario all false"
					create a gui slot 6 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 7 of player with nether star named "&aNext Page" to run player command "currentscenarios menu 3"
					create a gui slot 8 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 9 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 10 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 11 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 12 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 13 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 14 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 15 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 16 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 17 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 18 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 19 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario webcage true %player%"
					create a gui slot 20 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario potentialhearts true %player%"
					create a gui slot 21 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario longshot true %player%"
					create a gui slot 22 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario doubleornothing true %player%"
					create a gui slot 23 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario killswitch true %player%"
					create a gui slot 24 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario goldenhead true %player%"
					create a gui slot 25 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario bats true %player%"
					create a gui slot 26 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 27 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 28 of player with 30 named "&aWeb Cage" to close
					create a gui slot 29 of player with golden apple named "&aPotential Hearts" to close
					create a gui slot 30 of player with bow named "&aLong Shot" to close
					create a gui slot 31 of player with 2 gold ore named "&aDouble or Nothing" to close
					create a gui slot 32 of player with eye of ender named "&aKill Switch" to close
					create a gui slot 33 of player with player head named "&aGolden Heads" to close
					create a gui slot 34 of player with bat spawn egg named "&aBats" to close
					create a gui slot 35 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 36 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 37 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario webcage false %player%"
					create a gui slot 38 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario potentialhearts false %player%"
					create a gui slot 39 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario longshot false %player%"
					create a gui slot 40 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario doubleornothing false %player%"
					create a gui slot 41 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario killswitch false %player%"
					create a gui slot 42 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario goldenhead false %player%"
					create a gui slot 43 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario bats false %player%"
					create a gui slot 44 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 45 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 46 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 47 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 48 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 49 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 50 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 51 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 52 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 53 of player with stained glass:7 to close
				if player does not have permission "":
					send "&cYou dont have the enough permissions!"
		if arg 1 is "menu":
			if arg 2 is "3":
				if player has permission "":
					open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&6&lYourServer &8- &aPage 3" to player
					create a gui slot 0 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 1 of player with nether star named "&aPrevius Page" to run player command "currentscenarios menu 2"
					create a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 3 of player with stained glass:5 named "&aEnable All" to run console command "currentscenario all true"
					create a gui slot 4 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 5 of player with stained glass:14 named "&cDisable All" to run console command "currentscenario all false"
					create a gui slot 6 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 7 of player with nether star named "&aNext Page" to run player command "currentscenarios menu 4"
					create a gui slot 8 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 9 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 10 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 11 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 12 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 13 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 14 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 15 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 16 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 17 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 18 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 19 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario bows true %player%"
					create a gui slot 20 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario horses true %player%"
					create a gui slot 21 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario fire true %player%"
					create a gui slot 22 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario notchapples true %player%"
					create a gui slot 23 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario hunger true %player%"
					create a gui slot 24 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario luckyleaves true %player%"
					create a gui slot 25 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario rodless true %player%"
					create a gui slot 26 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 27 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 28 of player with bow named "&aBowless" to close
					create a gui slot 29 of player with horse spawn egg named "&aHorseless" to close
					create a gui slot 30 of player with fire charge named "&aFireless" to close
					create a gui slot 31 of player with golden apple:1 named "&aNotch Apples" to close
					create a gui slot 32 of player with cooked beef named "&aHunger" to close
					create a gui slot 33 of player with leaves named "&aLucky Leaves" to close
					create a gui slot 34 of player with fishing rod named "&aRodless" to close
					create a gui slot 36 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 37 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario bows false %player%"
					create a gui slot 38 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario horses false %player%"
					create a gui slot 39 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario fire false %player%"
					create a gui slot 40 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario notchapples false %player%"
					create a gui slot 41 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario hunger false %player%"
					create a gui slot 42 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario luckyleaves false %player%"
					create a gui slot 43 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario rodless false %player%"
					create a gui slot 44 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 45 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 46 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 47 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 48 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 49 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 50 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 51 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 52 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 53 of player with stained glass:7 to close
				if player does not have permission "":
					send "&cYou dont have the enough permissions!"
			if arg 2 is "4":
				if player has permission "":
					open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "&6&lYourServer &8- &aPage 4" to player
					create a gui slot 0 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 1 of player with nether star named "&aPrevius Page" to run player command "currentscenarios menu 3"
					create a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 3 of player with stained glass:5 named "&aEnable All" to run console command "currentscenario all true"
					create a gui slot 4 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 5 of player with stained glass:14 named "&cDisable All" to run console command "currentscenario all false"
					create a gui slot 6 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 7 of player with nether star named "&aNext Page" to close
					create a gui slot 8 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 9 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 10 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 11 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 12 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 13 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 14 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 15 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 16 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 17 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 18 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 19 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario meleefun true %player%"
					create a gui slot 20 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario bedbomb true %player%"
					create a gui slot 21 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to run console command "currentscenario fastsmelt true %player%"
					create a gui slot 22 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to close
					create a gui slot 23 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to close
					create a gui slot 24 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to close
					create a gui slot 25 of player with wool:5 named "&aEnable" to close
					create a gui slot 26 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 27 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 28 of player with pufferfish named "&aMeleeFun" to close
					create a gui slot 29 of player with tnt named "&aBedbomb" to close
					create a gui slot 30 of player with furnace named "&aFastSmelt" to close
					create a gui slot 36 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 37 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario meleefun false %player%"
					create a gui slot 38 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario bedbomb false %player%"
					create a gui slot 39 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to run console command "currentscenario fastsmelt false %player%"
					create a gui slot 40 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to close
					create a gui slot 41 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to close
					create a gui slot 42 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to close
					create a gui slot 43 of player with wool:14 named "&cDisable" to close
					create a gui slot 44 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 45 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 46 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 47 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 48 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 49 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 50 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 51 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 52 of player with stained glass:7 to close
					create a gui slot 53 of player with stained glass:7 to close
				if player does not have permission "":
					send "&cYou dont have the enough permissions!"
command /currentscenario [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission:, scenarios.cmd
		if arg 1 is "bedbomb":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::bedbomb} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aBedBomb Enabled"
				set {_value} to "bedbomb"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::bedbomb} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cBedBomb Disabled"
				set {_value} to "bedbomb"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "fastsmelt":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::fastsmelt} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aFastSmelt Enabled"
				set {_value} to "fastsmelt"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::fastsmelt} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cFastSmelt Disabled"
				set {_value} to "fastsmelt"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "meleefun":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::meleefun} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aMeleeFun Enabled"
				set {_value} to "meleefun"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
				loop all players:
					set maximum damage delay of loop-player to 0.1 seconds
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::meleefun} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cMeleeFun Disabled"
				set {_value} to "meleefun"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
				loop all players:
					set maximum damage delay of loop-player to 1 second
		if arg 1 is "rodless":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::rodless} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aRodless Enabled"
				set {_value} to "rodless"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::rodless} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cRodless Disabled"
				set {_value} to "rodless"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "bats":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::bats} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aBats Enabled"
				set {_value} to "bats"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::bats} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cBats Disabled"
				set {_value} to "bats"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "luckyleaves":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::luckyleaves} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aLucky Leaves Enabled"
				set {_value} to "luckyleaves"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::luckyleaves} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cLucky Leaves Disabled"
				set {_value} to "luckyleaves"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "goldenhead":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::goldenhead} to true
				register new shapeless recipe for golden apple item "&6Golden Head" with lore "&5Some say that consuming the head from a fallen foe strengthens the blood" using Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, skull, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Gold ingot
				broadcast "{@logo} &aGolden Head Enabled"
				set {_value} to "goldenhead"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				reset all server recipes
				set {scenarios::goldenhead} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cGolden Head Disabled"
				set {_value} to "goldenhead"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "timber":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::treedecap} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aTimber Enabled"
				set {_value} to "timber"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::treedecap} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cTimber Disabled"
				set {_value} to "timber"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "cutclean2":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::cutclean} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aCutClean Enabled"
				set {_value} to "cutclean"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::cutclean} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cCutClean Disabled"
				set {_value} to "cutclean"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "bows":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::bows} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aBowless Enabled"
				set {_value} to "bowless"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::bows} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cBowless Disabled"
				set {_value} to "bowless"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "switcheroo":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::switcheroo} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aSwitcheroo Enabled"
				set {_value} to "switcheroo"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::switcheroo} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cSwitcheroo Disabled"
				set {_value} to "switcheroo"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "diamondless":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::diamondless} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aDiamondless Enabled"
				set {_value} to "diamondless"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::diamondless} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cDiamondless Disabled"
				set {_value} to "diamondless"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "horses":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::horses} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aHorseless Enabled"
				set {_value} to "horseless"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::horses} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cHorseless Disabled"
				set {_value} to "horseless"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "blooddiamond":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::blooddiamond} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aBloodDiamond Enabled"
				set {_value} to "blooddiamond"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::blooddiamond} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cBloodDiamond Disabled"
				set {_value} to "blooddiamond"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "timebomb":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::timebomb} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aTimeBomb Enabled"
				set {_value} to "timebomb"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::timebomb} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cTimeBomb Disabled"
				set {_value} to "timebomb"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "fire":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::fire} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aFireless Enabled"
				set {_value} to "fireless"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::fire} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cFireless Disabled"
				set {_value} to "fireless"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "tripleore":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::tripleore} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aTriple Ores Enabled"
				set {_value} to "tripleore"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::tripleore} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cTriple Ores Disabled"
				set {_value} to "tripleore"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "webcage":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::webcage} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aWeb Cage Enabled"
				set {_value} to "webcage"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::webcage} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cWeb Cage Disabled"
				set {_value} to "webcage"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "potentialhearts":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::potentialhearts} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aPotential Hearts Enabled"
				set {_value} to "potentialhearts"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::potentialhearts} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cPotential Hearts Disabled"
				set {_value} to "potentialhearts"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "selectfire":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::selectfire} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aSelect Fire Enabled"
				set {_value} to "selectfire"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::selectfire} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cSelect Fire Disabled"
				set {_value} to "selectfire"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "longshot":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::longshot} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aLong Shot Enabled"
				set {_value} to "longshot"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::longshot} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cLong Shot Disabled"
				set {_value} to "longshot"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "notchapples":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::notchapples} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aNotch Apples Enabled"
				set {_value} to "notchapples"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::notchapples} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cNotch Apples Disabled"
				set {_value} to "notchapples"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "hunger":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::hunger} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aHunger Enabled"
				set {_value} to "hunger"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::hunger} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cHunger Disabled"
				set {_value} to "hunger"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "doubleornothing":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::doubleornothing} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aDouble or Nothing Enabled"
				set {_value} to "doubleornothing"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::doubleornothing} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cDouble or Nothing Disabled"
				set {_value} to "doubleornothing"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "killswitch":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				set {scenarios::killswitch} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aKill Switch Enabled"
				set {_value} to "killswitch"
				set {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				set {scenarios::killswitch} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cKill Switch Disabled"
				set {_value} to "killswitch"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::%{_value}%}
		if arg 1 is "all":
			if arg 2 is "true":
				loop {scenarios::*}:
					set {scenarios::%loop-index%} to true
				broadcast "{@logo} &aAll Scenarios Enabled"
				set {scenariosEnabled::*} to true
			if arg 2 is "false":
				loop {scenarios::*}:
					set {scenarios::%loop-index%} to false
				broadcast "{@logo} &cAll Scenarios Disabled"
				delete {scenariosEnabled::*}
on break:
	if {scenarios::luckyleaves} is true:
		chance of 0.3%:
			drop 1 golden apple at event-block
on mine of log:
	if {scenarios::treedecap} is true:
		loop blocks upwards:
			if loop-block is wood:
				loop blocks in radius 5 around loop-block:	
					if loop-block-2 is leaves:
						drop the loop-block-1 at event-block
						set the loop-block-1 to air
		loop blocks downwards:
			if loop-block is wood:
				loop blocks in radius 5 around loop-block:	
					if loop-block-2 is leaves:
						drop the loop-block-1 at event-block
						set the loop-block-1 to air
on mine of log:1:
	if {scenarios::treedecap} is true:
		loop blocks upwards:
			if loop-block is wood:
				loop blocks in radius 5 around loop-block:	
					if loop-block-2 is leaves:
						drop the loop-block-1 at event-block
						set the loop-block-1 to air
		loop blocks downwards:
			if loop-block is wood:
				loop blocks in radius 5 around loop-block:	
					if loop-block-2 is leaves:
						drop the loop-block-1 at event-block
						set the loop-block-1 to air
on mine of 162:1:
	if {scenarios::treedecap} is true:
		loop blocks in radius 5 around event-block:	
			if loop-block is wood:
				loop blocks in radius 8 around loop-block:	
					if loop-block-2 is leaves:
						drop the loop-block-1 at event-block
						set the loop-block-1 to air
on mine of 162:
	if {scenarios::treedecap} is true:
		loop blocks in radius 5 around event-block:	
			if loop-block is wood:
				loop blocks in radius 8 around loop-block:	
					if loop-block-2 is leaves:
						drop the loop-block-1 at event-block
						set the loop-block-1 to air
on mine of iron ore:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		wait 1 tick
		give 1 iron ingot to player
		drop 1 experience points

on mine of gold ore:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		give 1 gold ingot to player
		drop 2 experience points
on death of a pig:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		clear drops
		drop 3 cooked porkchop at the pig
on death of a sheep:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		clear drops
		drop 1 wool
on death of a cow:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		clear drops
		drop 1 leather at the cow
		drop 3 steak at the cow
on death of a chicken:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		clear drops
		drop 3 cooked chicken at the chicken
		drop 2 feather at the chicken
on mine of gravel:
	if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		drop 1 flint
on craft of bow:
	if {scenarios::bows} is true:
		wait 1 tick
		loop all items in the player's inventory:
			loop-item is bow
			remove loop-item from the player
			give 3 sticks to the player
			give 3 strings to the player
every 1 second:
	if {scenarios::bows} is true:
		loop all players:
			if loop-player has a bow:
				remove all bow from loop-player
on death of skeleton:
	if {scenarios::bows} is true:
		clear drops
		chance of 5%:
			drop 1 bone
on damage:
	if projectile is a arrow or egg or snowball:
		if {scenarios::switcheroo} is true:
			if victim is a player:
				if attacker is a player:
					play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" to victim at volume 2
					play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" to attacker at volume 2
					set {_switcheroo} to location of victim
					teleport victim to attacker
					teleport attacker to {_switcheroo}
on break of diamond ore:
	if {scenarios::diamondless} is true:
		cancel event
		set event-block to stone
on place of diamond ore:
	if {scenarios::diamondless} is true:
		set event-block to air
every 1 second:
	if {scenarios::diamondless} is true:
		loop all players:
			if loop-player have a diamond:
				remove all diamond from loop-player
			if loop-player have a diamond ore:
				remove all diamond ore from loop-player
			if loop-player have a diamond block:
				remove all diamond block from loop-player
on spawn of a horse:
	if {scenarios::horses} is true:
		cancel event
on spawn of a donkey:
	if {scenarios::horses} is true:
		cancel event
on rightclick on horse:
	if {scenarios::horses} is true:
		cancel event
on rightclick on donkey:
	if {scenarios::horses} is true:
		cancel event
on mine of diamond ore:
	if {scenarios::blooddiamond} is true:
		damage player by 1 heart

on eat:
	if player is holding a golden apple named "&6Golden Head" with lore "&5Some say that consuming the head from a fallen foe strengthens the blood":
		cancel event
		apply regeneration 2 to the player for 10 seconds
		apply absorption 1 to the player for 120 seconds
		remove 1 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" with lore "&5Some say that consuming the head from a fallen foe strengthens the blood" from player

on death of player:
	if {scenarios::timebomb} is true:
		clear drops
		set block at location of victim to chest
		set block west of block at location of victim to chest
		set {_deathchest::%block at location of victim%} to victim
		set {_deathchest} to block at location of victim
		add inventory of victim to {_deathchest}
		add helmet of victim to {_deathchest}
		add chestplate of victim to {_deathchest}
		add leggings of victim to {_deathchest}
		add boots of victim to {_deathchest}
		if {scenarios::goldenhead} is true: 
			add 1 golden apple named "&6Golden Head" with lore "&5Some say that consuming the head from a fallen foe strengthens the blood" to {_deathchest}
		wait 29 seconds
		play raw sound "random.orb" at {_deathchest} with pitch 1 volume 0.3
		wait 0.5 seconds
		play raw sound "random.orb" at {_deathchest} with pitch 1 volume 0.3
		wait 0.5 seconds
		set block at location of victim to air
		set block west of block at location of victim to air
		create an explosion of force 6.2 at {_deathchest}
		create a safe explosion of force 5 at {_deathchest}
		strike lightning effect at {_deathchest}
		broadcast "&8[&6Timebomb&8] &e%victim%’s &ccorpse has exploded!"
		if {scenarios::goldenhead} is true: 
			drop victim's skull at victim
every 1 second:
	if {scenarios::fire} is true:
		loop all players:
			apply potion of fire resistance to the loop-player for 10000 days

on damage of player:
	if {scenarios::longshot} is true:
		projectile exists
		projectile is an arrow
		attacker is a player
		set {_dist} to the rounded distance between the victim and the attacker
		{_dist} is more than 29
		if {_dist} is between 30 and 49:
			give attacker 1 iron ingot
			broadcast "&c&l[UHC] &c%attacker% has been Rewarded with 1 iron ingot for a longshot of %{_dist}%"
			play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" to attacker at volume 2
		if {_dist} is between 50 and 99:
			give attacker 1 iron ingot
			give attacker 1 gold ingot
			broadcast "&c&l[UHC] &c%attacker% has been Rewarded with 1 iron ingot and 1 gold ingot for a longshot of %{_dist}%"
			play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" to attacker at volume 2
		if {_dist} is between 100 and 199:
			give attacker 1 iron ingot
			give attacker 1 gold ingot
			give attacker 1 diamond
			broadcast "&c&l[UHC] &c%attacker% has been Rewarded with 1 iron ingot, 1 gold ingot and 1 diamond for a longshot of %{_dist}%"
			play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" to attacker at volume 2
		if {_dist} is greater than 200:
			give attacker 2 iron ingot
			give attacker 3 gold ingot
			give attacker 5 diamonds
			send "&aYou has been Rewarded with &6 2 iron ingots&a, &65 diamonds &aand &63 gold ingots &afor a longshot of &6%{_dist}%" to attacker
			broadcast "&c&l[UHC] &c%attacker% has been Rewarded with 2 iron ingot, 3 gold ingot and 5 diamond for a longshot of %{_dist}%"
			play "ENDERMAN_TELEPORT" to attacker at volume 2
on mine of iron ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		if {scenarios::cutclean} is false:
			set block to air
			cancel event
			wait 1 tick
			drop 3 iron ore
			drop 1 experience points
on mine of gold ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		if {scenarios::cutclean} is false:
			set block to air
			cancel event
			wait 1 tick
			drop 3 gold ore
			drop 2 experience points
on mine of coal ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		drop 3 coal
		drop 2 experience points
on mine of diamond ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		drop 3 diamonds
		drop 6 experience points
on mine of emerald ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		drop 3 emeralds
		drop 6 experience points
on mine of iron ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
			set block to air
			cancel event
			give 2 iron ingot to player
			drop 1 experience points
on mine of gold ore:
	if {scenarios::tripleore} is true:
		if {scenarios::cutclean} is true:
			set block to air
			cancel event
			give 2 gold ingot to player
			drop 2 experience points

on death of player:
	if {scenarios::webcage} is true:
		set {deathpoint::%block at location of victim%} to victim
		set {_deathpoint} to block at location of victim
		loop blocks in radius 4 around {_deathpoint}:
			if loop-block is air:
				add loop-block to {_changed::*}
				add location of loop-block to {_changed-coord::*}
				set loop-block to cobweb
		loop blocks in radius 3 around {_deathpoint}:
			if loop-block is cobweb:
				add loop-block to {_changed::*}
				add location of loop-block to {_changed-coord::*}
				set loop-block to air
every 1 second:
	if {scenarios::potentialhearts} is true:
		loop all players:
			set the maximum health of the loop-player to 20
every 1 second:
	if {scenarios::potentialhearts} is false:
		loop all players:
			set the maximum health of the loop-player to 10
on left click with bow:
	if {scenarios::selectfire} is true:
		add 1 to {bowmode.%player%}
		if {bowmode.%player%} is 1:
			send "&6Flame Mode"
		if {bowmode.%player%} is 2:
			send "&6Normal Mode"
		if {bowmode.%player%} is larger than 2:
			set {bowmode.%player%} to 1
			send "&6Flame Mode"
on shoot:
	if {scenarios::selectfire} is true:
		shooter is a player
		projectile is an arrow
		if {bowmode.%shooter%} is 1:
			ignite the projectile
on death of a chicken:
	if {scenarios::selectfire} is true:
		remove all feathers from drops
on mine of coal ore:
	if {scenarios::selectfire} is true:
		chance of 10%:
			drop 1 arrow at the block
on death of bat:
	if {scenarios::bats} is true:
		drop 1 golden apple at victim
		chance of 5%:
			kill the attacker
on craft:
	if {scenarios::notchapples} is false:
		wait 1 tick
		loop all items in the player's inventory:
			loop-item is golden apple:1
			remove loop-item from the player
			give 8 gold blocks to the player
			give 1 apple to the player
On Hunger MEter Change:
	if {scenarios::hunger} is false:
		cancel event
on mine of diamond ore:
	if {scenarios::doubleornothing} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		chance of 50%:
			drop 2 diamonds
			drop 6 experience points
on mine of gold ore:
	if {scenarios::doubleornothing} is true:
		if {scenarios::cutclean} is false:
			set block to air
			cancel event
			wait 1 tick
			chance of 50%:
				drop 2 gold ore
				drop 2 experience points
on mine of iron ore:
	if {scenarios::doubleornothing} is true:
		if {scenarios::cutclean} is false:
			set block to air
			cancel event
			wait 1 tick
			chance of 50%:
				drop 2 iron ore
				drop 1 experience points
on mine of emerald ore:
	if {scenarios::doubleornothing} is true:
		set block to air
		cancel event
		wait 1 tick
		chance of 50%:			
			drop 2 emeralds
			drop 6 experience points
on death of player:
	if {scenarios::killswitch} is true:
		if attacker is a player:
			set {_drops::*} to drops
			clear drops
			drop {_drops::*} at attacker