Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.
# What should the name of your resource world be?
world: resource_world
# Skript file name (resourceworld.sk)
# Every time a new resource world is created, we reload this file,
# so newly created world can be recognized by Skript. If you rename
# "resourceworld.sk" to something else, you must do that here as well!
filename: resourceworld.sk
# Minimum X & Z coordinates.
minimumxz: -1000
# Maximum X & Z coordinates.
maximumxz: 1000
# Reset timer (in seconds)
# How ofter should we reset the resource world?
# 24 hours: 86400 seconds,
# 3 days: 259200 seconds,
# 1 week: 604800 seconds etc...
resettimer: 86400
# Specify blocks to avoid from being dropped on. It is highly recommended to not
# remove default values, unless you want players drowning in lava.
# Valid blocks that can be blacklisted: https://github.com/SkriptLang/skript-aliases/blob/master/building.sk
blockblacklist: lava or water or cactus or bamboo or stone or any leaves
# How many times should we attempt to randomly teleport a player before giving up?
# This depends on blacklisted blocks. For example, if first location attempt
# is lava (assuming lava is under "blockblacklist"), then we increase attempt amount by 1 and try
# to find a new location for the player. Recommended and probably the most appropriate value is 20.
maxattempts: 20
# How long should the delay (in ticks) between teleportation attempts be?
# Lower value means faster teleportation attempts, but possible lag.
# It is recommended to keep this set to 5 (meaning max 4 attempts per second)
# 20 ticks = 1 second
attemptdelay: 5
# Warmup message
# Let players know that they are getting teleported to resource world.
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
warmupmessage: "&aHang tight... Looking for a safe spot!"
# Drop-off message
# Let players know that they were successfully teleported to resource world.
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
dropoffmessage: "&aYou have been dropped off at %location at player%"
# Resource world reset message
# Should we announce that resource world is about to reset?
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
announceresetmessage: "&aIts time for a new resource world, resetting now!"
# Console Post-reset command
# This is completely optional, but pretty useful in some cases.
# Post command is executed 1 second after resource world is reset.
# Set this to "none" if you don't wish to use post a command.
# -
# Useful examples?
# postresetcommand: "/eco give * 100"
# postresetcommand: "/heal *"
# postresetcommand: "/effect give @a minecraft:glowing 10"
# postresetcommand: "/tell * Hello World"
# postresetcommand: "/broadcast Everyone sees this!"
postresetcommand: "none"
# Console Post-TP command
# Same as Post-reset command... but executed every time a player teleports to resource world.
# Use %player% if you want to run a command specifically with that player's name. For example,
# if a player by the name of "Bob" teleports to resource world while Post-TP command is set to
# "/kick %player%", then Bob gets kicked.
posttpcommand: "none"
# Dedicated command
# Just in case you don't want players constantly typing /rw tp.
# This can be set to any non-existent command.
dedicatedcommand: /rworld
# Command cooldown (in seconds)
# Set this to 0 for no cooldown.
rwcooldown: 120
# Decreased command cooldown (in seconds)
# Possible donator perk? Players with permission "resourceworld.decreasedcooldown" will be
# cooled down for amount of seconds specified here, instead of regular "rwcooldown".
# Set this to 0 for no cooldown.
rwdecreasedcooldown: 20
# Cooldown message
# Players will be presented with this message when they try to randomly teleport while on cooldown.
# Only works if cooldowns are enabled.
# %{rwcooldown.%player%}% is the placeholder to show remaining seconds.
cooldownmessage: "&cYou are on cooldown, %{rwcooldown.%player%}%&c seconds remain!"
# Particle mode
# Particles are summoned at player's location once successfully teleported to resource world.
# Valid switches: none, ball, splash
# -
# none: Disable particles
# ball: Particles summoned in a 'ball'-a-like shape
# splash: Particles summoned beneath the player
particlesmode: "ball"
# Particle effect radius
# Only applies if you have particles set to "ball" or "splash".
particleradius: 2
# Particle type
# List of valid particles: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/particle_list_pc.php
# -
# Make sure to exclude underscores! For example, if you are setting your particle to
# enchanted_hit, remove _, having the final value set as: enchanted hit
particlestype: happy villager
# Sound effect
# List of valid sounds: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/sound_list_pc.php
# Set this to "none" if you don't wish to use sound effects.
# -
# Make sure to reaplce all dots with underscores! For example, if you are setting your sound effect
# to "BLOCK.BEEHIVE.SHEAR", replace all . with _, having the final value set as: "BLOCK_BEEHIVE_SHEAR"
# Smart location search
# When teleporting to resource world, the location which you are dropped off at is truly random...
# ...however servers tend to become laggy when chunks attempt to load out of the blue, especially
# on higher player counts.
# -
# Enabling smartsearch fixes this issue by storing exactly 32 safe locations and picking one
# where we then drop off the player. This will 100% fix chunk lag in case you are experiencing
# it when teleporting to the resource world.
# -
# Chunk lag is greatly decreased when players walk/fly into an unloaded chunk rather than getting
# teleported directly into it.
smartsearch: false
# Permission to use /resourceworld (and alias) administrative commands.
# Keep in mind that "resourceworld.use" is still needed no matter if
# player already has superuser "resourceworld.superuser" permission.
# Administrative commands: /rw reset, /rw setspawn
superuserpermission: resourceworld.superuser
# Permission to use /resourceworld (and alias) commands.
cmdpermission: resourceworld.use
# Should we enable debug mode?
# This will play unnecessary, but useful chat messages to the player.
# Valid switches: true/false
debug: false
# Resource world options bellow
# World difficulty
# Valid switches: peaceful, easy, normal, hard
rwdifficulty: hard
# Daylight cycle
# Valid switches: true/false
rwdaylightcyctle: true
# Weather cycle
# Valid switches: true/false
rwweathercyctle: true
# Mob spawning
# Valid switches: true/false
rwmobs: true
# PVP state
# Valid switches: true/false
rwpvp: true
# Keep inventory
# Valid switches: true/false
rwkeepinventory: false
command /resourceworld [<text>]:
permission: {@cmdpermission}
permission message: &cNo permission!
aliases: /rw, /resw
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is "setspawn":
if executor has permission "{@superuserpermission}":
set {rw.setspawn} to location at player
send "&aPlayers that are in resource world at time of reset will now be teleported to X: %player's x coordinate%&a, Y: %player's y coordinate%&a, Z: %player's z coordinate%&a in world %player's world%&a!" to player
if arg-1 is "reset" or "create":
if executor has permission "{@superuserpermission}":
if {@announceresetmessage} is not "none":
broadcast {@announceresetmessage}
send "&a&l[Resource World] &aCleaning up..."
set {maxlocations} to 32
delete {possiblexz::*}
set {rw.timer} to {@resettimer}
loop all players:
if loop-player's world is "{@world}":
teleport loop-player to {rw.setspawn}
wait 5 ticks
send "&a&l[Resource World] &aDeleting current resource world..."
execute console command "/mv delete {@world}"
wait 10 ticks
execute console command "/mv confirm"
wait 10 ticks
send "&a&l[Resource World] &aCreating a new resource world..."
execute console command "/mv create {@world} normal"
wait 2 seconds
send "&aDone!"
send "&r"
send "&eThe following settings were applied:"
execute console command "/mvm set diff {@rwdifficulty} {@world}"
send "&8- &fDifficulty: &a{@rwdifficulty}"
wait 1 tick
if {@rwdaylightcyctle} is false:
execute console command "/mvrule doDaylightCycle false {@world}"
send "&8- &fDaylight cycle: &cdisabled"
send "&8- &fDaylight cycle: &aenabled"
wait 1 tick
if {@rwweathercyctle} is false:
execute console command "/mvrule doWeatherCycle false {@world}"
send "&8- &fWeather cycle: &cdisabled"
send "&8- &fWeather cycle: &aenabled"
wait 1 tick
if {@rwmobs} is false:
send "&8- &fMob spawning: &cdisabled"
send "&8- &fMob spawning: &aenabled"
wait 1 tick
if {@rwpvp} is false:
send "&8- &fPVP: &cdisabled"
send "&8- &fPVP: &aenabled"
wait 1 tick
if {@rwkeepinventory} is false:
send "&8- &fKeep inventory: &cdisabled"
send "&8- &fKeep inventory: &aenabled"
wait 1 tick
execute console command "/sk reload {@filename}"
if {@postresetcommand} is not "none":
wait 1 second
execute console command {@postresetcommand}
if arg-1 is "tp" or "teleport":
if {rwcooldown.%player%} exists:
send {@cooldownmessage} to player
if {@warmupmessage} is not "none":
send {@warmupmessage} to player
if {@debug} is true:
send "&7&oMaximum location search attempts: {@maxattempts}" to player
loop {@maxattempts} times:
if {@debug} is true:
send "&7&oDelaying location search attempt for: {@attemptdelay}&7&o ticks..." to player
wait {@attemptdelay} ticks
set {_x} to random integer from {@minimumxz} to {@maximumxz}
set {_y} to 50 # Just to avoid most caves
set {_z} to random integer from {@minimumxz} to {@maximumxz}
if {@smartsearch} is true:
if {maxlocations} = 0:
loop {possiblexz::*}:
add 1 to {_total}
if {@debug} is true:
send "&7&oThere are a total of %{_total}%&7&o stored (smart) locations, picking one&7&o..." to player
set {_cords} to random integer from 1 to {_total}
loop {possiblexz::*}:
add 1 to {_count}
if {_count} = {_cords}:
set {_smartlocation} to loop-value-2
if {@debug} is true:
send "&7&oPicked a smart location (%{_cords}%&7&o) %{_smartlocation}%&7&o..." to player
if {_smartlocation} does not exist:
set {_location} to location at ({_x}, {_y}, {_z}) in world "{@world}"
set {_block} to block at {_location}
set {_location} to location at {_smartlocation}
set {_block} to block at {_location}
loop all blocks above {_block}:
if loop-block is air:
if block under loop-block is {@blockblacklist}:
if {@debug} is true:
send "&7&oFailed resource world teleport attempt (blacklisted block: %block under loop-block%&7&o). Retrying..." to player
exit loop
add 1 to {_i}
if {_i} >= 2:
teleport player above loop-block
if {maxlocations} >= 1:
remove 1 from {maxlocations}
add {_location} to {possiblexz::*}
if {@debug} is true:
send "&7&oSafe location %{_location}%&7&o added to the list of safe locations..." to player
if player has permission "resourceworld.decreasedcooldown":
add {@rwdecreasedcooldown} to {rwcooldown.%player%}
add {@rwcooldown} to {rwcooldown.%player%}
if {@dropoffmessage} is not "none":
send {@dropoffmessage} to player
if {rw.setspawn} is not set:
send "&cMissing resource world setup! Tell an Administrator to set resource world reset spawnpoint using /rw setspawn" to player
if {@soundeffect} is not "none":
play sound {@soundeffect} with volume 100 and pitch 1 at player for player
if {@particlesmode} is not "none":
wait 10 ticks
if {@particlesmode} is "ball":
loop all blocks in radius {@particleradius} around player:
play 1 ({@particlestype} with speed 0) at block at loop-block-2
else if {@particlesmode} is "splash":
set {_y} to loop-block's y coordinate
remove 1 from {_y}
loop all blocks in radius {@particleradius} around player:
if loop-block-2's y coordinate is {_y}:
play 1 ({@particlestype} with speed 0) at block at loop-block-2
if {@posttpcommand} is not "none":
wait 1 second
execute console command {@posttpcommand}
set {_timer} to "%{rw.timer}% seconds" parsed as timespan
send "&aResource world will be reset in %{_timer}%&a (or in exactly %{rw.timer}%&a seconds)" to player
command {@dedicatedcommand}:
permission: {@cmdpermission}
permission message: &cNo permission!
execute player command "/rw tp"
every 1 second:
loop all players:
if {rwcooldown.%loop-player%} exists:
if {rwcooldown.%loop-player%} <= 1:
delete {rwcooldown.%loop-player%}
remove 1 from {rwcooldown.%loop-player%}
if {rw.timer} <= 1:
set {rw.timer} to {@resettimer}
execute console command "/rw reset"
remove 1 from {rw.timer}
# Yes... This is the workaround used to disable mob spawning (since "/mvrule doMobSpawning false" didn't seem to work?)
# This was tested and it doesn't affect performance, so it should be fine as of now.
# I've noticed a lot of Multiverse rules don't work... Please let me know on Discord (Sombrerian#0509) if you find a solution.
# -
# All of Skript you see bellow this line serves as workarounds to Multiverse gamerules.
every 2 ticks:
if {@rwmobs} is false:
loop all mobs:
if loop-mob is in world "{@world}":
delete loop-mob
on damage of player:
if victim is in world "{@world}":
cancel event
if attacker is set:
if victim is in world "{@world}":
if {@rwpvp} is false:
send "&cPVP is disabled here!" to attacker
cancel event
on death of player:
if player is in world "{@world}":
if {@rwkeepinventory} is true:
keep inventory