
Created by EsrDee

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#                     Typhon by EsrDee
#                     @EsrDee on spigot 
# You are 'NOT' allowed to repost or claim this as your own SKRIPT!
# Replace 'TyphonServer' to your server name!
# use permissionsex or group manager to get prefixs done.
on script load:
	message "&cTyphon> &7Enabled! Developed by : &c&o@EsrDee" to the console
	message "&cTyphon> &7Version: 3.4! Developed by : &c&o@EsrDee" to the console
on unload:
	message "&cTyphon> &7Disabled! Developed by : &c&o@EsrDee" to the console
	message "&cTyphon> &7Version: 3.4! Developed by : &c&o@EsrDee" to the console
	#Leave this part alone, Author credit needs.
	version: 4.1
	author: EsrDee	
	#Server Infomation (For your server)
	servername: TyphonServer
	website: www.YOURSITE.com
	forums: forums.YOURSITE.com
	store: YOURSTORE.buycraft.net
	joinmessage: &c%player% &7Joined the server!
	quitmessage: &c%player% &7Left the server!
	deathmessage: &cDeath &8&l» &7%player%!
	prefix: &cTyphon &8&l»
	noswear: &cPLEASE DO NOT SWEAR!
	noadvertise: &cPLEASE DO NOT ADVERTISE!
	#World Forms
	world: world
	Terrain: hub
	placeholderapi: true
	scoreboardapi: true
	#Permission Messages/perms
	permissionmsg: &7%player% &cYou don't have permissions for this event!
	permstaff: typhon.staff
	permban: typhon.ban
	permmute: typhon.mute
	permkick: typhon.kick
	permunban: typhon.unban
	permpvp: typhon.pvp
	permworld: typhon.world.*
	permcmd: typhon.commands
	permhat: typhon.hat
	permreport: typhon.report
	permemojis: typhon.chatemojis
	permparticaltexts: typhon.particaltexts
	permhacker: typhon.hackercheck
	PermissionsEX: true 
	broadcastRankset: true 
	defaulttabcolor: typhon.default.tabcolor
	admintabcolor: typhon.admin.tabcolor
	#Staff Online messages
	staffonline: &7&lStaff online: &c&l%{_online staff::*}%
	staffoffline: &c&lNo staff are currently online!
	#Tip time(#time selected below)
	messagetime: 100
	#Tip time[hours/seconds/minutes]
	timeout: seconds
	#Tip messages
	tip1: &c&lTIP &8&l» &7Our Store is now open!
	tip2: &c&lTIP &8&l» &7You can switch around servers with the compass!
	tip3: &c&lTIP &8&l» &7Do &c/help&7 for commands that you don't know exists yet!
	tip4: &c&lTIP &8&l» &7Got any suggestions of what we should add to the server?
	#tablist (Header/Footer/color)
	header: &cTyphon&7Server &fLobby
	footer: &fVisit our store with /store, Buy &cRanks/perks &f& more!
	admincolor: &c
	defaultcolor: &7
#              TyphonCODE #DON'T EDIT ANYTHING HERE

every 5 minutes:
	execute console command "/save-on"
	execute console command "/save-all"
	broadcast "{@prefix}&7 World saved!"

#OnJoin MOTD Message/joinmessage eventset
on join:
	message ""
	message "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
	message ""
	message "&cWelcome to &f{@servername}"
	message ""
	message "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
	message ""
	set join message to "{@joinmessage}"
	message "{@prefix} &7This server is using &cTyphon &7{@version}"
	teleport player to {spawn}
	launch creeper firework colored red at player timed 1
	wait 1 tick
#tablistname colors
on join:
	if player has permission "{@admintabcolor}":
	set the player's tablist name to "{@admincolor}"
on join:
	if player has permission "{@defaulttabcolor}":
	set the player's tablist name to "{@defaultcolor}"	
on join:
	send player title "&c&l{@servername}" with subtitle "&7Hello&c %player%" for 5 seconds

#Quit/Death Event
# how to edit quit/death/join message?!
# >>> Go to the top to 'options:' and go to '#Server Infomation (For your server)' <<<
on quit:
	broadcast "{@quitmessage}"
on death of player:
	broadcast "{@deathmessage}"	

every 30 seconds:
	loop all players:
		if loop-player is flying:
			play mobspawner flames 0.2 meter above loop-player	
# how to edit chatform?!
# Go to 'broadcast "%colored player's prefix%&7%player% &8» &f%colored message%"' > now edit how you would like it
# ( player = %player% / prefix = %colored player's prefix% )	
on chat:
	if {chat} is not set:
		set {chat} to true
	cancel event
	if {chat} = true:
		if {chat.rank.default.%player%} = true:
			broadcast "%colored player's prefix%&7%player% &8» &f%colored message%"
			stop trigger	
on chat:
	if {mute.chat} is true:
		message "{@prefix} &7The chat has currently been &cLocked!"
		cancel event			

#Tip AutoAnnouncer Messages		
every {@messagetime} seconds:
    if {msg} is not set:
        set {msg} to 2
        broadcast "{@tip4}"
    else if {msg} is 1:
        set {msg} to 2
        broadcast "{@tip1}"
    else if {msg} is 2:
        set {msg} to 3
        broadcast "{@tip2}"
    else if {msg} is 3:
        set {msg} to 4
        broadcast "{@tip3}"
    else if {msg} is 4:
        set {msg} to 1
        broadcast "{@tip4}"		

#commandspy oncommandSK
on command:
	if sender is a player:
		loop all players:
			if {cs::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
				if "%player%" is not "%loop-player%":
					send "{@prefix} &7%player% executed the command &c&o/%complete command%!" to loop-player
# how to edit?!
# Only really need to do is change '"set name of sidebar of {_p} to "'YOURSERVERNAME' &8&l»"'
function scoreboard(p: player, t: text):
	{_t} is "start":
		wipe {_p}'s sidebar
		set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&cTyphon&7CORE &8&l»" #change '&cTyphon&7CORE' to your server name!
		set score "&a" in sidebar of {_p} to 12
		set score "&7NAME&8" in sidebar of {_p} to 11
		set score "&8» &f%{_p}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 10
		set score "&b&c" in sidebar of player to 9
		set score "&7COINS&8" in sidebar of {_p} to 8
		set score "&8» &c%{coins::%arg-1%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 7
		set score "&b" in sidebar of {_p} to 6
		set score "&7STORE&8" in sidebar of {_p} to 5
		set score "&8» &f/store" in sidebar of {_p} to 4
		set score "&f" in sidebar of {_p} to 3
		set score "&7WEBSITE&8" in sidebar of {_p} to 2
		set score "&8» &f/website" in sidebar of {_p} to 1	
	{_t} is "stop":
		wipe {_p}'s sidebar

on join:
	while player is online:
		wait 2 ticks
		Scoreboard(player, "start")
		wait 2 seconds	
on first join:
	set {totalkills.%player%} to 0
	set {totaldeaths.%player%} to 0
	set {currentkillstreak.%player%} to 0
	set {bestkillstreak.%player%} to 0		

# how to change the header/footer?! 
# >>> Go to the top where the 'options:' are @ '#tablist (Header/Footer)' <<<
# Messages should be there		
on join:
	set tab header to "{@header}" and footer to "{@footer}" for player
on first join:
	set tab header to "{@header}" and footer to "{@footer}" for player
# how to add more items!? >
#     Add "set slot 'slotnumber' of player's inventory to 1 'id/item' named "&citemname" to player"

on join:
	set slot 5 of player's inventory to 1 compass named "&c&lServers Selector" to player
#Serverselector GUI	
# How to make more GUIS for items?! >
# copy & paste this same code below, Somewhere and change "gui name", "'row number' '#5'", "format"
# >>> Make sure the 'on rightclick with "something else than compass here":' <<<

on rightclick with compass:
	wait 2 ticks
	open chest with 5 row named "&c&lServers Selector" to player
	wait 3 ticks
	format slot 11 of player with apple named "&c&lSG" with lore "&fJump into a game of &cSG||" to close then run [do [execute player command "/server sg"]]
	format slot 13 of player with chest named "&c&lLobby" with lore "&fGo Back to The &cLobby||" to close then run [do [execute player command "/lobby"]]
	format slot 15 of player with redstone block named "&c&lSkywars" with lore "&fJump into a game of &cSkywars||" to close then run [do [execute player command "/server skywars"]]		

on step on pressure plate:
	push player forwards with force 4
	push player upwards with force 3

on walk on pressure plate:
	push player forwards with force 4
	push player upwards with force 3

on quit:
	if {testhack.%player%} is true:
		set {testhack.%player%} to false
		subtract 1 from {testhack.number}
		clear player's inventory

#HackerCheck AC (elements)	
on rightclick on player with emerald:
	if {testhack.%player%} is true:
		if player has permission "{@permhacker}":
			player is holding a emerald named "&c&lPlayer Info"
			cancel event
			message "" to player
			message "&7Playername: &7%clicked player%" to player
			message "&7Nickname (if set): &7%clicked player's display name%" to player
			message "&7Gamemode: &7%clicked player's gamemode%" to player
			message "&7Player location: &7%clicked player's location%" to player
			message "&7Health: &7%health of clicked player%" to player
			message "&7Food: &7%food of clicked player%" to player
			message "&7UUID: &7%UUID of clicked player%" to player
			loop all items in the clicked player's inventory:
				set {_inventory.%clicked player%::*} to items in the clicked player's inventory
			message "&7Items in inventory: &7%{_inventory.%clicked player%::*}%" to player
			message "" to player
on rightclick on player with string:
	if {testhack.%player%} is true:
		if player has permission "{@permhacker}":
			player is holding a string named "&c&lForcefield/Aimbot Test"
			cancel event
			remove invisibility from the player
			set {_gamemode} to player's gamemode
			set player's gamemode to survival
			apply regeneration 100 to the player for 2 seconds
			teleport player behind clicked player
			wait 1.5 seconds
			set player's gamemode to {_gamemode}
			apply invisibility 1 to the player for 10 days
			message "{@prefix} &7If player swung while you were behind them, or they instantly turned to the direction of you, they may have a forcefield or aimbot hack, try double checking for better results" to player
on rightclick on player with stick:
	if {testhack.%player%} is true:
		if player has permission "{@permhacker}":
			player is holding a stick named "&c&lKnockback Test"
			cancel event
			push the clicked player upwards at speed 0.5
			wait a tick
			push the clicked player backwards at speed 0.5
			message "{@prefix} &7If player didnt move up and backwards, they might have Anti-Knockback (Hack)" to player
on rightclick on player with chest:
	if {testhack.%player%} is true:
		if player has permission "{@permhacker}":
			player is holding a chest named "&c&lCheck inventory"
			cancel event
			open the clicked player's inventory for the player
			message "{@prefix} &7Opening &7%clicked player%'s &7inventory" to player
on rightclick on player with feather:
	if {testhack.%player%} is true:
		if player has permission "{@permhacker}":
			cancel event
			set {_health} to health of clicked player
			message "{@prefix} &7Player's health before &c%{_health}%" to player
			player is holding a feather named "&b&lnoFall"
			push the clicked player upwards at speed 1.5
			wait 2 seconds
			set {_health} to health of clicked player
			message "{@prefix} &7Player's health after &c%{_health}%" to player
			if clicked player's boots is enchanted:
				message "{@prefix} &c&lNote: &cThis player does have enchanted boots, check the enchantments on that" to player
				message "{@prefix} &cIf player's health has not changed, check their enchantments on the boots then deside if they have noFall" to player
			message "{@prefix} &7If player's health has not changed, check if a plugin has disabled it, if not then consider this player to have noFall (Falling hacks)" to player
#                        TyphonCOMMANDS

command /typhon:
		send "{@prefix} &7SKRIPT version!"
		send ""
		send "&cVersion: &7{@version}"
		send "&cAuthor: &7{@author}"
		send "&7You can do &c'/help' &7for commands!"
		send ""
command /help:
		send "{@prefix} &7SKRIPT commands!"
		send ""
		send "&c/typhon &7Shows info about the SKRIPT &cDefault"
		send "&c/msg &7Private message someone &cDefault"
		send "&c/lobby &7Spawn back to the lobby &cDefault"
		send "&c/website &7Shows a message of the servers website &cDefault"
		send "&c/store &7Shows a message of the servers store &cDefault"
		send ""
		send "&fFor &cAdmin &fcommands do /admincmds"

command /admincommands:
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
	executable by: players and console
	aliases: admincmds, acmds, cadmin, ahelp
		send "{@prefix} &7ADMIN commands!"
		send ""
		send "&c/cmdspy &7Spy on players! &cAdmin"
		send "&c/gm &7Change your gamemode &cAdmin"
		send "&c/setlobby &7Set a lobby for players &cAdmin"
		send "&c/announce &7Alerts players a title/message &cAdmin"
command /setlobby:
	description: Set the spawn!
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
	permission: {@permstaff}
	executable by: players
		set {spawn} to location of player
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
		send ""
		send "&cLobby&f has now been set!"
		send ""
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
command /lobby:
	description: Teleport yourself to the lobby!
	executable by: players
		if {spawn} is 0:
			message "{@prefix} &cSpawn has not been set!"
			stop trigger
		teleport player to {spawn}
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
		send ""
		send "&fWelcome back to the &cLobby!"
		send ""
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"

command /store:
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
		send "&c&l           STORE  "
		send "&fBuy this rank at &c{@store}"
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"	
command /website:
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
		send "&c&l          WEBSITE  "
		send "&fBuy this rank at &c{@website}"
		send "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"			
command /sc <text>:
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
	executable by: players and console
	aliases: staffchat, schat
		message "&cStaff chat> &7&o%player%&f %argument%" to console
		loop all players:
			loop-player has the permission "{@permstaff}":
				message "&cStaff chat> &7&o%player%&f %argument%" to loop-player

command /cc:
    description: Clear chat!
    permission: {@permstaff}
    aliases: cc
    permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
    executable by: players and console
        loop 300 times:
            broadcast ""
        loop 1 times:
            broadcast "{@prefix} &fChat has been cleared by &c%player%"
command /msg [<text>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /m, /tell, /pm, /privatemsg
		arg 2 is set:
			set {_online} to 0
			add all players to {_list::*}
			loop {_list::*}:
				loop-value is "%arg 1%":
					message "&c&l&o%arg 1% &8&l» &4&l&o%sender% &f%arg 2%" to sender
					message "&4&l&o%sender% &8&l» &c&l&o%arg 1% &f%arg 2%" to arg 1 parsed as player
					set {lastsender.%arg 1%} to "%sender%"
					set {_online} to 1	
			{_online} is equal to 0:
				message "{@prefix} &cThis player is not online!"
		arg 2 is not set:
			message "{@prefix} &7/msg &c<player> &f<message>" to sender
		arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@prefix} &7/msg &c<player> &f<message>" to sender	
command /announce [<text>]:
    permission: {@permstaff}
    permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
        if argument 1 is set:
            broadcast "&cAnnouncement &8&l» &7%arg-1%"
			send all players title "&cAnnouncement" with subtitle "&7%arg-1%" for 10 seconds
            send "{@prefix} &c/announce [text]"			

command /gm [<player>]:
    permission: {@permstaff}
    permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
        if argument 1 is not set:
            if player's gamemode is survival:
                set the player's gamemode to creative
                send "{@prefix} &7%player% has been set: &9Creative"
                set the player's gamemode to survival
                send "{@prefix} &7%player% has been set: &9Survivial"
            if arg-1's gamemode is survival:
                set the arg-1's gamemode to creative
                send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1% has been set: &9Creative"
                set the arg-1's gamemode to survival
                send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1% has been set: &9Survival"	

command /tp <player>:
	description: Teleport you to a player.
	usage: /tp <target player>.
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
		if player has permission "{@permstaff}":
			teleport player to argument
			message "{@prefix} &7You teleported to: &c&o%argument%"

command /tphere <player>:
	description: Teleport a player to yourself
	usage: /tphere <target player>
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
		if player has permission "{@permstaff}":
			message "&e&lTeleported %argument%"
			teleport argument to player
command /hat <material>:
	description: wear a block as helmet/head
	usage: /hat <material>
	permission: {@permhat}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
		id of argument 1 is greater than 255:
			message "{@prefix} &cYou cannot wear an item, only blocks!"
			stop trigger
		player doesn't have argument 1:
			player doesn't have the permission "{@permhat}":
				message "{@prefix} &cYou do not have a %argument 1% you could wear!"
				stop trigger
		helmet slot of player is not empty:
			message "{@prefix} &cYou're already wearing a helmet!"
			stop trigger
		player doesn't have the permission "{@permhat}":
			remove argument 1 from player
		equip player with argument 1	

command /staff:
	description: Shows online staff
		loop all players:
			loop-player has permission "{@permstaff}"
			add loop-player to {_online staff::*}
		size of {_online staff::*} is 0:
			message "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"	
			message "{@staffoffline}"
			message "&7Sorry there arnt any staff online at this time!"
			message "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
			message "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"	
			message "{@staffonline}"
			message "&7If You want to &c&nContact Staff&7 do &c/a"
			message "&c&l>&7&m-----------------------------------&c&l<"
command /TReload:
	description: Reload the plugin
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
		message "{@prefix} &7Typhon Reloaded!"
		console command "skript reload Typhon"	

command /lockchat <text>:
	description: Lock the server chat
	usage: /lockchat <Lock/Unlock>
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
		if argument 1 is "lock":
			broadcast "{@prefix} Chat has been &clocked!"
			set {mute.chat} to true
		if argument 1 is "unlock":
			broadcast "{@prefix} Chat has been &cunlocked!"
			set {mute.chat} to false
		if argument 1 is not "lock" or "unlock":
			message "&eUnknown argument! /lc <lock/unlock>"		
command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@prefix} &cYou must specify player!"	
		if arg 1 is player:
			message "{@prefix} &cYou can't report yourself!"	
		if arg 2 is not set:
			message "{@prefix}  &cYou must specify reason!"
		if arg 2 is set:
			message "{@prefix}  &fReporting &c%arg-1%!"
			wait 15 ticks
			message "{@prefix} &fThank you for reporting &c%arg-1%&7!"
			loop all players:
				loop-player has permission "{@permreport}"
				send "{@prefix} &fPlayer &c%sender% &freported &c%arg-1% &ffor : &c%arg-2%" to loop-player	

command /cmdspy [<player>]:
	aliases: /commandspy, /spycommand, /spycmd
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: {@prefix} {@permissionmsg}
		if arg 1 is not set:
			if {cs::%uuid of player%} is set:
				clear {cs::%uuid of player%}
				send "{@prefix} &7Your cmdspy has been disabled!"
			set {cs::%uuid of player%} to true
			send "{@prefix} &7Your cmdspy has been enabled!"
		if {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} is set:
			clear {cs::%uuid of arg 1%}
			send "{@prefix} &7cmdspy has been disabled for %arg 1%!"
			send "{@prefix} &7Your command spy has been disabled!" to arg 1
		set {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
		send "{@prefix} &7Your command spy has been enabled." to arg 1
		send "{@prefix} &7Command spy has been enabled for %arg 1%!"				

command /setrank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	aliases: /rankset, /rank, /giverank,
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: {@permissionmsg}
		if {@PermissionsEX} is true:
			if argument 1 is not set:
				send "{@prefix} &c...Something is not right?"
				wait a tick
				send "{@prefix} &7/setrank <Player>&c <Rank>"
			if argument 2 is not set:
				send "{@prefix} &c...Something is not right?"
				send "{@prefix} &7/setrank <Player>&c <Rank>"
				wait 2 tick
				make console execute command "pex user %arg-1% group set %arg-2%"
				wait 1 tick
				if {@broadcastRankset} is true:
					broadcast "{@prefix} &7Rank Updated! &c%arg-1%&7's rank is now &c%arg-2%&7!"
				message "{@prefix} &7Rank Success! &c%arg-1%&7's rank is now &c%arg-2%&7!"

command /coins [<text>] [<player>] [<int>]:
	description: Help for skCoins.
	usage: /coins (add:remove:set:reset) (player) (value)
	executable by: players and console
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send ""
			send " &c&lCOINS"
			send ""
			send " &8&l» &7/coins add (player) (value) &c- Add player's coins"
			send " &8&l» &7/coins remove (player) (value) &c- Remove player's coins"
			send " &8&l» &7/coins set (player) (value) &c- Set player's coins"
			send " &8&l» &7/coins reset (player) &c- Reset player's coins"
			send ""
		if arg-1 is set:
			if player has permission "{@permstaff}":
				if arg-1 is "add":
					if arg-2 is not set:
						send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins add (player) (value)"
					if arg-2 is set:
						if arg-3 is not set:
							send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins add (player) (value)"
						if arg-3 is set:
							add arg-3 to {coins::%arg-2%}
							send " {@prefix} &7Operation completed successfully!"
							send " {@prefix} &7You have recived &c%arg-3%&7 coins." to arg-2
				if arg-1 is "remove":
					if arg-2 is not set:
						send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins remove (player) (value)"
					if arg-2 is set:
						if arg-3 is not set:
							send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins remove (player) (value)"
						if arg-3 is set:
							remove arg-3 from {coins::%arg-2%}
							send " {@prefix} &7Operation completed successfully!"
							send " {@prefix} &7You have lost &c%arg-3%&7 coins." to arg-2
				if arg-1 is "set":
					if arg-2 is not set:
						send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins set (player) (value)"
					if arg-2 is set:
						if arg-3 is not set:
							send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins set (player) (value)"
						if arg-3 is set:
							set {coins::%arg-2%} to arg-3
							send " {@prefix} &7Operation completed successfully!"
							send " {@prefix} &7You have now &c%arg-3%&7 coins." to arg-2
				if arg-1 is "reset":
					if arg-2 is not set:
						send " &cCorrect Usage: &7/coins reset (player)"
					if arg-2 is set:
						set {coins::%arg-2%} to 0
						send " {@prefix} &7You reset &c%arg-2%&7's coins!"
						send " {@prefix} &7Your coins have been reset." to arg-2
			if player does not have permission "{@permstaff}":
				send "{@prefix} {@permissionmsg}"
command /money [<player>]:
	description: See the player's balance.
	usage: /money <player>
	executable by: players and console
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send " {@prefix} &7Your balance is: &c%{coins::%player%}%&7."
		if arg-1 is set:
			send " {@prefix} &c%arg-1%&7's balance is: &c%{coins::%arg-1%}%&7."

command /shout [<text>]:
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: {@prefix} {@permissionmsg}
	executable by: players
		if arg 1 is set:
				broadcast "&f&l%player% &c&l%arg-2%"
command /title [<text>]:
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: {@prefix} {@permissionmsg}
	executable by: players
		if arg 1 is not set:
			message "{@prefix} &7Use: &c/title <text>"
			stop trigger
			loop all players:
				send loop-player title "%colored arg 1%" for 5 seconds with 2 second fade in and 2 second fade out				
command /hacker <text=noarguments>:
	Aliases: /h
	permission: {@permhacker}
	permission message: {@prefix} {@permissionmsg}
		if arg 1 is "reset":
			set {testhack.number} to 0
			message "{@prefix} &r&7Reset staff in staff mode counter, only works when your staff mode is off"
		if arg 1 is "noarguments":
			if {testhack.%player%} is false:
				set {testhack.%player%.items} to number of items in the player's inventory
				subtract 36 from {testhack.%player%.items}
				if {testhack.%player%.items} is 0:
					if {testhack.number} is not 0:
						message "{@prefix} &7There is &7%{testhack.number}% &7other staff in &7staff mode"
					delete {testhack.%player%.items}
					add 1 to {testhack.number}
					set {testhack.%player%} to true
					apply invisibility 1 to the player for 10 days
					give a feather named "&c&lnoFall" to the player
					give a chest named "&c&lCheck inventory" to the player
					give a string named "&c&lForcefield/Aimbot Test" to the player
					give a stick named "&c&lKnockback Test" to the player
					give a emerald named "&c&lPlayer Info" to the player
					message "{@prefix} &7You're now in &7Staff mode"
					message "{@prefix} &cYou have &7%{testhack.%player%.items}%&c items in your inventory. You must have an empty inventory to use {@prefix}"
					delete {testhack.%player%.items}
				set {testhack.%player%} to false
				subtract 1 from {testhack.number}
				remove invisibility from the player
				message "{@prefix} &cYou're no longer in &7Staff mode"
				clear player's inventory
command /fjoin [<text>]:
	description: fake join.
	usage: {@prefix} &c/fjoin &7<player>
	Aliases: /joinf
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: {@prefix} {@permissionmsg}
		broadcast "&c%arg 1% &7Joined the server!"
command /fleave [<text>]:	
	Aliases: /leavef
	permission: {@permstaff}
	permission message: {@prefix} {@permissionmsg}
		broadcast "&c%arg 1% &7Left the server!"
command /a [<text>]:
	aliases: /admin
		if arg 1 is not set:
			send "{@prefix} &7Corect Usage: &c/a (message)"
			set {_p} to player
			set {_display} to "Player %{_p}%"	
#                        BLOCKED STUFF

command /plugins:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /pl:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /ver:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /version:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /about:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /info:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /bukkit:plugins:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /Bukkit:pl:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /Bukkit:ver:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /Bukkit:version:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"
command /Bukkit:about:
		send "{@prefix} @permissionmsg}"

#                        TyphonENABLING/TOGGLED

on weather change:
	set weather to sunny
on burn:
	cancel event
on damage:
	cancel event
on break:
	cancel event	
on place:
	cancel event
on hunger meter change:
	cancel event
on drop:
	if player doesn't have permission "{@permstaff}":
		if player is in world "{@world}":
			send "{@prefix} &fCant drop items in the lobby!" to player
			cancel event	
#                         TyphonCHATFILTER
on chat:
    if message contains "bitch":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noswear}"
on chat:
    if message contains "fuck":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noswear}"
on chat:
    if message contains "pussy":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noswear}"
on chat:
    if message contains "nigga" or "nigger":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noswear}"
on chat:
    if message contains "shit":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noswear}"
on chat:
    if message contains "dick":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noswear}"
on chat:
    if message contains "www":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noadvertise}"
on chat:
    if message contains ".":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noadvertise}"
on chat:
    if message contains "org":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noadvertise}"
on chat:
    if message contains ",":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noadvertise}"
on chat:
    if message contains ".com":
        cancel event
        message "{@prefix} {@noadvertise}"	

#                         TyphonFUNCHAT
on chat:
	if player has permission "{@permemojis}":
		replace all ":)" in message with "☺"
		replace all ":(" in message with "☹"
		replace all ":-)" in message with "☻"
		replace all "<3" in message with "❤"
		replace all "(sun)" in message with "☼"
		replace all "(star)" in message with "✰"
		replace all "(snow)" in message with "❆"
		replace all "(cloud)" in message with "☁"
		replace all "(peace)" in message with "☮"
		replace all "(music)" in message with "♫♪"
		replace all "(plane)" in message with "✈"
		replace all "(crown)" in message with "♛"
		replace all "(skull)" in message with "☠"
		replace all "*left*" in message with "⇦"
		replace all "<-" in message with "⇦"
		replace all "*right*" in message with "⇨"
		replace all "->" in message with "⇨"
		replace all "*up*" in message with "⬆"
		replace all "*down*" in message with "⬇"
		replace all "*check*" in message with "✔"
		replace all "*x*" in message with "✖"
		replace all "*smileyface*" in message with "☻"
		replace all "*mail*" in message with "✉"
		replace all "*caution*" in message with "⚠"
		replace all "*diamond*" in message with "✦"
		replace all "*dot*" in message with "●"