
Created by novastosha

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on join:
	add player to {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}
	if {Joined::%ip address of player%} is not set:
		set {Joined::%ip address of player%} to true
		if size of {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*} is bigger than 1:
			loop {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}:
				kick loop-value due to "&cYou have been kicked from the server!%nl%Reason: Logging in with more than 1 account (%size of {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}%)"
		else if size of {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*} is 0:
			clear {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}
			clear {Joined::%ip address of player%}		
on quit:
	remove player from {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}
	if size of {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*} is bigger than 1:
		loop {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}:
			kick loop-value due to "&cYou have been kicked from the server!%nl%Reason: Logging in with more than 1 account (%size of {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}%)"
	else if size of {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*} is 0:
		clear {TempJoined::%ip address of player%::*}
		clear {Joined::%ip address of player%}