
Created by Funky

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Made by Funky
# Version 1.3
	version: 1.3
on skript load:
	if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/cells/cells.yml" doesn't exist:
		create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/cells/cells.yml"
		send a request to "https://pastebin.com/raw/iJwdx1Bp" with headers "User-agent: SkriptDocBot"
		set {_body} to the last received http web response's body
		set {_body::*} to {_body} split at "||"
		loop size of {_body::*} times:
			write "%{_body::%loop-num%}%" at line loop-num to file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/cells/cells.yml"
	if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/jetpacks.yml" doesn't exist:
		create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/jetpacks.yml"
		send a request to "https://pastebin.com/raw/4UdHgXuM" with headers "User-agent: SkriptDocBot"
		set {_body} to the last received http web response's body
		set {_body::*} to {_body} split at "||"
		loop size of {_body::*} times:
			write "%{_body::%loop-num%}%" at line loop-num to file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/jetpacks.yml"
	if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/items.yml" doesn't exist:
		create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/items.yml"
		send a request to "https://pastebin.com/raw/W3kSDy9s" with headers "User-agent: SkriptDocBot"
		set {_body} to the last received http web response's body
		set {_body::*} to {_body} split at "||"
		loop size of {_body::*} times:
			write "%{_body::%loop-num%}%" at line loop-num to file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/items.yml"
	load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/items.yml" as "Items"
	wait 10 ticks
	load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/cells/cells.yml" as "Cells"
	wait 10 ticks
	load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/jetpacks.yml" as "Jetpacks"
on skript unload:
	save yaml "Cells"
	unload yaml "Cells"
	save yaml "Items"
	unload yaml "Items"
	save yaml "Jetpacks"
	unload yaml "Jetpacks"
on join:
	wait 1 ticks
	if player is op:
		if text from "https://pastebin.com/raw/e2yQjsAK" is not "{@version}":
			send "&6[Energistics] &fYou are not running the newest version of &3Energistics!"
			send "&6[Energistics] &fYou can update here &fwww.com"
		send "&6[Energistics] &fYou are currently running the newest version of &3Energistics"
	send "&6[Energistics] &fRunning version &9{@version}"
on piston extend:
	if the moved blocks where [{cells::%location of block input%::*} is set] is set:
		cancel event
on piston retract:
	if the moved blocks where [{cells::%location of block input%::*} is set] is set:
		cancel event
on inventory click:
	if (player's current inventory).getType().name() is "furnace":
		{cells::%{energistics::%player%::lastused}%::*} is set
		if name of clicked item contains "&aEnergy":
			cancel event
		if clicked item is gray glass pane named " ":
			if cursor is not air:
				if lore of cursor contains "&aEnergy":
					slotzeroset(player,{energistics::%player%::lastused},clicked slot)
				cancel event
			cancel event
		if clicked slot is 0:
			{cells::%{energistics::%player%::lastused}%::*} is set
			if cursor is air:
				slotzerotake(player,{energistics::%player%::lastused},clicked slot)
			cancel event
	if name of player's current inventory is "&a&lEnergistics":
		if clicked item is iron block named "&b&lCells":
		if clicked item is diamond pickaxe named "&9&lItems":
		if clicked item is leather chestplate named "&a&lJetpacks":
	if name of player's current inventory is "&7&lCells":
		if clicked item is barrier named "&c&lBACK":
			close player's inventory
			make player execute command "e"
		else if clicked inventory is not player's inventory:
			cancel event
			if player is op:
				give player clicked item
	if name of player's current inventory is "&7&lItems":
		if clicked item is barrier named "&c&lBACK":
			close player's inventory
			make player execute command "e"
		else if clicked inventory is not player's inventory:
			cancel event
			if player is op:
				give player clicked item
	if name of player's current inventory is "&7&lJetpacks":
		if clicked item is barrier named "&c&lBACK":
			close player's inventory
			make player execute command "e"
		else if clicked inventory is not player's inventory:
			cancel event
			if player is op:
				give player clicked item
on rightclick:
	if {cells::%location of event-block%::*} is set:
		if player is holding stick:
			player is sneaking
			drop event-block named "%{cells::%location of event-block%::name}%" with lore "&aEnergy: &7%{cells::%location of event-block%::energy}%/%{cells::%location of event-block%::maxenergy}%" at event-block
			set event-block to air
			delete {cells::%location of event-block%::*}
		player's tool is not stick
		player's tool is not daylight sensor named "&6Solar Panel"
		cancel event
		set {energistics::%player%::lastused} to location of event-block
on armor equip:
	wait 1 tick
	while name of player's helmet is "&bEnergy Helmet":
		wait 10 ticks
		set {_data::*} to uncolored lore of player's helmet parsed as "Energy: %number%/%number%"
		subtract 1 from {_data::1}
		if {_data::1} is -1:
		set lore of player's helmet to "&aEnergy: &7%{_data::1}%/%{_data::2}%"
on sneak toggle:
	player is sneaking
	if {fly::%player%} is true:
		name of player's chestplate contains "Jetpack"
		lore of player's chestplate contains "&aEnergy"
		if fly state of player is true:
			send "&cFlight Disabled" to player
			set fly state of player to false
			set {_data::*} to uncolored lore of player's chestplate parsed as "Energy: %number%/%number%"
			if {_data::1} > 0:
				send "&aFlight Enabled" to player
				set fly state of player to true
		set {fly::%player%} to true
		wait 10 ticks
		delete {fly::%player%}
function updatebattery(p:player,l:location):
	while name of {_p}'s current inventory is "%{cells::%{_l}%::name}%":
		wait 10 ticks
		name of {_p}'s current inventory is "%{cells::%{_l}%::name}%"
		set slot 1 of {_p}'s current inventory to sunflower named "&aEnergy: &7%{cells::%{_l}%::energy}%/%{cells::%{_l}%::maxenergy}%"
		if slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory is not gray glass pane:
			set {_charging} to {cells::%{_l}%::charging}
			set lore of {_charging} to "&aEnergy: &7%{cells::%{_l}%::charging.energy}%/%{cells::%{_l}%::charging.maxenergy}%"
			set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to {_charging}
function charge(l:location):
	while {cells::%{_l}%::charging} is set:
		wait 5 ticks
		if {cells::%{_l}%::energy} > 0:
			if {cells::%{_l}%::charging.energy} is {cells::%{_l}%::charging.maxenergy}:
			add 1 to {cells::%{_l}%::charging.energy}
			subtract 1 from {cells::%{_l}%::energy}
function slotzeroset(p:player,l:location,i:integer):
	set {_item} to slot {_i} of {_p}'s current inventory
	set {_item} to {_p}'s cursor
	wait 1 tick
	set {_p}'s cursor slot to air
	set {_data::*} to uncolored lore of slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory parsed as "Energy: %integer%/%integer%"
	set {cells::%{_l}%::charging} to slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory
	set {cells::%{_l}%::charging.energy} to {_data::1}
	set {cells::%{_l}%::charging.maxenergy} to {_data::2}
	set {cells::%{_l}%::charging.name} to name of slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory
function slotzerotake(p:player,l:location,i:integer):
	set {_item} to slot {_i} of {_p}'s current inventory
	wait 1 tick
	set {_p}'s cursor to {_item}
	set slot {_i} of {_p}'s current inventory to gray glass pane named " "
	delete {cells::%{_l}%::charging::*}
	delete {cells::%{_l}%::charging}
function gui(p:player,t:text):
	if {_t} is "Cells" or "Items" or "Jetpacks":
		close {_p}'s inventory
		set {_list::*} to all yaml nodes of "%{_t}%" where [string input parsed as "%text%.%text%.%text%" is set]
		set {_size} to ceiling(size of {_list::*} / 36)
		set {_c} to chest with {_size} + 1 row named "&7&l%{_t}%"
		set {_set::1} to 4
		set {_set::2} to 1
		set {_set::3} to 2
		set {_set::4} to 3
		loop size of {_list::*} / 5 times:
			set {_item::%loop-num%} to yaml value "%{_list::%{_set::1}%}%" from "%{_t}%"
			set {_name::%loop-num%} to yaml value "%{_list::%{_set::2}%}%" from "%{_t}%"
			set {_energy::%loop-num%} to yaml value "%{_list::%{_set::3}%}%" from "%{_t}%"
			set {_maxenergy::%loop-num%} to yaml value "%{_list::%{_set::4}%}%" from "%{_t}%"
			add 5 to {_set::1}
			add 5 to {_set::2}
			add 5 to {_set::3}
			add 5 to {_set::4}
		set {_i} to 0
		loop size of {_list::*} / 5 times:
			set slot {_i} of {_c} to {_item::%loop-num%} parsed as item named "%colored {_name::%loop-num%}%" with lore "&aEnergy: &7%{_energy::%loop-num%}%/%{_maxenergy::%loop-num%}%"
			add 1 to {_i}
		set slot ({_size}*9) of {_c} to barrier named "&c&lBACK"
		open {_c} to {_p}
	if {_t} is "cellinterface":
		open virtual furnace inventory named "%{cells::%{energistics::%{_p}%::lastused}%::name}%" to {_p}
		set {_loc} to {energistics::%{_p}%::lastused}
		if {cells::%{energistics::%{_p}%::lastused}%::charging} is set:
			set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to {cells::%{_loc}%::charging::charging} named "%{cells::%{_loc}%::charging::charging.name}%" with lore "&aEnergy: &7%{cells::%{_loc}%::charging::charging.name}%/%{cells::%{_loc}%::charging::charging.name}%"
			set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to gray glass pane named " "
		set slot 1 of {_p}'s current inventory to sunflower named "&aEnergy: &7%{cells::%{_loc}%::energy}%/%{cells::%{_loc}%::maxenergy}%"
function load(t:text):
	set {_list::*} to all yaml nodes of "%{_t}%" where [string input parsed as "%text%.%text%.%text%" is set]
	loop size of {_list::*} times:
		set {_list::%loop-num-2%} to yaml value "%{_list::%loop-num-2%}%" from "%{_t}%"
	set {_1} to size of {_list::*} - 1
	set {_2} to size of {_list::*}
	set {_list::%{_1}%} to yaml value "%{_list::%{_1}%}%" from "%{_t}%"
	set {_list::%{_2}%} to yaml value "%{_list::%{_2}%}%" from "%{_t}%"
	set {_i5} to 5
	set {_i4} to 4
	set {_i3} to 3
	set {_i2} to 2
	set {_i1} to 1
	loop size of {_list::*} / 5 times:
		set {_req::*} to {_list::%{_i5}%} split at ","
		loop size of {_req::*} times:
			set {_req::%loop-num-2%} to {_req::%loop-num-2%} parsed as item
		set {_list::%{_i4}%} to {_listmhmm\::%{_i4}%} parsed as item
		register new shaped recipe for {_list::%{_i4}%} named "%colored {_list::%{_i1}%}%" with lore "&aEnergy: %{_list::%{_i2}%}%/%{_list::%{_i3}%}%" using {_req::1}, {_req::2}, {_req::3}, {_req::4}, {_req::5}, {_req::6}, {_req::7}, {_req::8}, {_req::9}
		add 5 to {_i5}
		add 5 to {_i4}
		add 5 to {_i3}
		add 5 to {_i2}
		add 5 to {_i1}
function jetpack(p:player):
	while name of {_p}'s chestplate contains "JetPack":
		wait 10 ticks
		if {_p} is flying:
			set {_data::*} to uncolored lore of {_p}'s chestplate parsed as "Energy: %number%/%number%"
			subtract 1 from {_data::1}
			if {_data::1} is 0:
				set lore of {_p}'s chestplate to "&aEnergy: &7%{_data::1}%/%{_data::2}%"
				send "&cFlight Disabled" to {_p}
				set fly state of {_p} to false
			set lore of {_p}'s chestplate to "&aEnergy: &7%{_data::1}%/%{_data::2}%"
command /sp:
		give player daylight sensor named "&6Solar Panel"
command /Energistics [<text>] [<offline player>]:
	aliases: e
		if arg 1 is "help":
			send "&a&m                                                                                "
			send "                          &e&lEnergistics V1.0"
			send " &7- &6/energistics admin &7(opens energistics admin commands)"
			send " &7- &6/energistics &7(opens energistics interface)"
			send " &7- &6/energistics help &7(shows this text)"
			send "&a&m                                                                                "
		if arg 1 is "admin":
			if player has permission "energistics.admin":
				send "&a&m                                                                                "
				send "                    &e&lEnergistics &e&lV1.0 &c&l(ADMIN)"
				send " &7- &6/energistics reset <player> &7(resets a player's progress)"
				send " &7- &6/energistics reload &7(reloads the configs)"
				send " &7- &6/energistics &7(opens energistics interface)"
				send " &7- &6/energistics restart &7(&cDeletes EVERYTHING&7)"
				send " &7- &6/energistics help &7(shows help commands)"
				send " &7- &6/energistics admin &7(shows this text)"
				send "&a&m                                                                                "
				send "&cYou do not have permission to this command!"
		if arg 1 is "reset":
			if player has permission "energistics.admin":
				if arg 2 is not set:
					send "&cPlease specify a player to reset!"
					send "&cAll of %arg 2%'s progress has been reset!"
				send "&cYou do not have permission to this command!"
		if arg 1 is "reload":
			if player has permission "energistics.admin":
				send "&aEnergistics has been reloaded!"
				unload yaml "Cells"
				load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/cells/cells.yml" as "Cells"
				unload yaml "Items"
				load yaml "plugins/Skript/scripts/Energistics/items/items.yml" as "Items"
				send "&cYou do not have permission to this command!"
		if arg 1 is "restart":
			if player has permission "energistics.admin":
				delete {energistics::*}
				delete {cells::*}
				send "&cEVERYTHING has been deleted!"
				send "&cYou do not have permission to this command!"
		else if arg 1 is not set:
			set {_c} to chest with 1 rows named "&a&lEnergistics"
			set slot 0 of {_c} to iron block named "&b&lCells"
			set slot 1 of {_c} to diamond pickaxe named "&9&lItems"
			set slot 2 of {_c} to leather chestplate named "&a&lJetpacks"
			open {_c} to player
command /opp:
		op player
#On place
on place of daylight sensor:
	name of player's tool is "&6Solar Panel"
	if {cells::%location of block below event-block%::*} is set:
		set {sp::%location of event-block%} to true
		while block at event-block is not air:
			if time in world is between 6:00 and 18:00:
				if block below event-block is air:
				if {cells::%location of block below event-block%::energy} is {cells::%location of block below event-block%::maxenergy}:
					wait 10 ticks
					add 1 to {cells::%location of block below event-block%::energy}
			wait 10 tick
on place:
	lore of player's tool contains "&aEnergy"
	set {_data::*} to uncolored lore of player's tool parsed as "Energy: %number%/%number%"
	set {cells::%location of event-block%::name} to name of player's tool
	set {cells::%location of event-block%::energy} to {_data::1}
	set {cells::%location of event-block%::maxenergy} to {_data::2}
#On mine
on break of daylight sensor:
	if {sp::%location of event-block%} is set:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop daylight sensor named "&6Solar Panel" at event-block
		delete {sp::%location of event-block%}
on break:
	if {cells::%location of event-block%::*} is set:
		cancel event
		set block to air
		drop iron block named "%{cells::%location of event-block%::name}%" with lore "&aEnergy: &70/%{cells::%location of event-block%::maxenergy}%" at event-block
		delete {cells::%location of event-block%::*}
	if lore of player's tool contains "&aEnergy":
		set {_data::*} to uncolored lore of player's tool parsed as "Energy: %integer%/%integer%"
		if {_data::1} is 0:
			cancel event
		subtract 1 from {_data::1}
		set {_tdura} to ({_data::1} / {_data::2}) * max durability of player's tool
		set durability of player's tool to max durability of player's tool - {_tdura}
		set lore of player's tool to "&aEnergy: &7%{_data::1}%/%{_data::2}%"