Created by FokaStudio

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on load:
    set {_lb} to player head named "&6Lucky Block"
    set line 1 of lore of {_lb} to "&fPlace down and break!"
    add "{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-1209863671,61164294,-1096935103,-1854381602],Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTE5ZDI4YTg2MzJmYTRkODdjYTE5OWJiYzJlODhjZjM2OGRlZGQ1NTc0NzAxN2FlMzQ4NDM1NjlmN2E2MzRjNSJ9fX0=""}]}}}" to the nbt of {_lb}
    register new shaped recipe for {_lb} using gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot, dispenser, gold ingot, gold ingot, gold ingot and gold ingot with id "lucky_block"
#!                    ENTITY LIST
on skript load:
    clear {lb.entities::*}
    add "bat" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "cat" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "chicken" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "cod" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "cow" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "donkey" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "fox" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "horse" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "mooshroom" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "mule" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "ocelot" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "parrot" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "pig" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "piglin" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "polar bear" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "rabbit" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "salmon" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "sheep" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "skeleton horse" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "snow golem" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "squid" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "strider" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "tropical fish" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "turtle" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "villager" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "wandering trader" to {lb.entities::*}

    add "bee" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "cave spider" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "dolphin" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "enderman" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "iron golem" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "llama" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "panda" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "pufferfish" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "spider" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "wolf" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "zombified piglin" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "blaze" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "creeper" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "drowned" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "elder guardian" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "endermite" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "evoker" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "ghast" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "guardian" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "hoglin" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "husk" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "magma cube" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "phantom" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "piglin brute" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "pillager" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "ravager" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "shulker" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "silverfish" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "skeleton" to {lb.mobs::*}
    add "slime" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "stray" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "vex" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "vindicator" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "witch" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "wither skeleton" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "zoglin" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "zombie" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "zombie villager" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "zombie horse" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "illusioner" to {lb.entities::*}
    add "giant" to {lb.entities::*}

on place of player head or player wall-mounted head:
    if name of player's tool = "&6Lucky Block":
        add location of event-block to {lb::*}

on break of player head or player wall-mounted head:
    if {lb::*} contains event-location:
        cancel drops
        remove event-location from {lb::*}
        set {_lb.random} to a random integer between 0 and 55
        if {_lb.random} = 0:
            loop (random integer between 4 and 7) times:
                drop 1 of mushroom stew or rabbit stew
        if {_lb.random} = 1:
            drop 14 obsidian
        if {_lb.random} = 2:
            drop stick
        if {_lb.random} = 3:
            drop 1 cake
        if {_lb.random} = 4:
            drop 1 pufferfish
        if {_lb.random} = 5:
            spawn pig at event-location
            loop 10 times:
                set {_lb.pig} to last spawned pig
                spawn pig at event-location
                make last spawned pig ride {_lb.pig}
            set {_lb.pig} to last spawned pig
            spawn villager at event-location
            make last spawned villager ride {_lb.pig}
        if {_lb.random} = 6:
            drop 2 ender chests
        if {_lb.random} = 7:
            spawn creeper at event-location
            strike lightning at last spawned creeper
        if {_lb.random} = 8:
            loop 16 times:
                spawn sheep at event-location
                add "{Color:%loop-number%b}" to nbt of last spawned sheep
                set name of last spawned sheep to "&cM&6r&e. &aR&ba&9i&dn&cb&6o&ew"
        if {_lb.random} = 9:
            drop 1 bow or crossbow
            drop 16 arrows
        if {_lb.random} = 10:
            loop (random integer between 7 and 19) times:
                drop potato or baked potato or poisonous potato
        if {_lb.random} = 11:
            drop 8 hay bale
        if {_lb.random} = 12:
            drop 1 end portal frames
        if {_lb.random} = 13:
            drop (random integer between 2 and 5) of sponges
        if {_lb.random} = 14:
            drop 1 enchanting table
        if {_lb.random} = 15:
            drop 1 poppy named "&cRomantic Rose"
        if {_lb.random} = 16:
            drop 8 paintings
        if {_lb.random} = 17:
            loop (random integer between 3 and 6) times:
                drop water bucket or lava bucket or milk bucket or bucket
        if {_lb.random} = 18:
            loop (random integer between 8 and 13) times:
                drop carrot or golden carrot
        if {_lb.random} = 19:
            drop (random integer between 8 and 13) of droppers or dispensers
        if {_lb.random} = 20:
            drop 1 fishing rod
            loop (random integer between 3 and 8) times:
                drop raw cod or pufferfish or raw salmon or tropical fish
        if {_lb.random} = 21:
            set {_lb.yaw} to player's yaw
            set {_lb.yaw} to (180+{_lb.yaw})
            summon armor stand at event-location
            add "{Rotation:[%{_lb.yaw}%f]}" to the nbt of last spawned armor stand
            add "{NoBasePlate:1b,ShowArms:1b,Small:1b,CustomNameVisible:1b}" to the nbt of last spawned armor stand
            set helmet of last spawned armor stand to player head with nbt "{SkullOwner:%player%}"
            set chestplate of last spawned armor stand to leather chestplate
            set leggings of last spawned armor stand to leather leggings
            set boots of last spawned armor stand to leather boots
            set tool of last spawned armor stand to stone sword or stone pickaxe
            set offhand tool of last spawned armor stand to shield or lantern
            set name of last spawned armor stand to "Baby %player%"
        if {_lb.random} = 22:
            summon tnt at event-location
        if {_lb.random} = 23:
            loop 30 times:
                summon tnt at event-location
                push last spawned tnt upwards with speed 1.5
                wait 0.1 seconds
        if {_lb.random} = 24:
            create explosion with force 5 at event-location
        if {_lb.random} = 25:
            push player upwards with speed 10
            send title "Up in the sky you go!" with subtitle "&bHave fun, stay safe!" to player for 2 seconds
        if {_lb.random} = 26:
            chance of 25%:
                drop 1 chain helmet
                drop 1 chain leggings
                drop 1 chain chestplate
                drop 1 chain boots
            chance of 25%:
                drop 1 iron helmet
                drop 1 iron leggings
                drop 1 iron chestplate
                drop 1 iron boots
            chance of 25%:
                drop 1 gold helmet
                drop 1 gold leggings
                drop 1 gold chestplate
                drop 1 gold boots
            drop 1 leather helmet
            drop 1 leather leggings
            drop 1 leather chestplate
            drop 1 leather boots
        if {_lb.random} = 27:
            loop 30 times:
                summon tnt at event-location
                push last spawned tnt upwards with speed 10
                wait 0.1 seconds
        if {_lb.random} = 28:
            loop 10 times:
                drop 1 iron ingot or gold ingot or diamond or emerald
        if {_lb.random} = 29:
            drop 1 red mushroom named "&4Only Hope"
            send "&7&oPlayerInDistress whispers to you: Listen, %player%&7&o. You are in grave danger. You need to run. Now. Take this mushroom, it is your only hope."
        if {_lb.random} = 30:
            summon rabbit at event-location
            add "{RabbitType:99}" to the nbt of last spawned rabbit
        if {_lb.random} = 31:
            loop 10 times:
                summon bottle of enchanting at event-location
                push last spawned bottle of enchanting upwards with speed 1
        if {_lb.random} = 32:
            loop 10 times:
                summon chicken at event-location
                push last spawned chicken upwards with speed 20
        if {_lb.random} = 33:
            loop (random integer between 5 and 13) times:
                drop raw beef or cooked beef
        if {_lb.random} = 34:
            loop (random integer between 5 and 13) times:
                drop raw beef or cooked beef
        if {_lb.random} = 35:
            loop (random integer between 5 and 13) times:
                drop raw porkchop or cooked porkchop
        if {_lb.random} = 36:
            loop (random integer between 5 and 13) times:
                drop raw chicken or cooked chicken
        if {_lb.random} = 37:
            loop (random integer between 5 and 13) times:
                drop raw mutton or cooked mutton
        if {_lb.random} = 38:
            loop (random integer between 8 and 12) times:
                drop ender pearl or ender eye
        if {_lb.random} = 39:
            set block at player to lava
        if {_lb.random} = 40:
            set block 15 meters above player to damaged anvil
        if {_lb.random} = 41:
            loop 15 times:
                spawn bat at event-location
            spawn witch at event-location
            apply potion of blindness to player for 5 seconds
        if {_lb.random} = 41:
            loop 10 times:
                spawn bat at event-location
                apply potion of invisibility of tier 1 to last spawned bat for 999 days
                spawn blaze at event-location
                force last spawned blaze to ride last spawned bat
        if {_lb.random} = 42:
            apply potion of weakness of tier 1 to player for 15 seconds
            apply potion of blindness of tier 1 to player for 15 seconds
            give 1 wooden sword to player
            loop 20 times:
                spawn husk or zombie or drowned or skeleton or stray or spider or cave spider or silverfish or endermite or guardian
        if {_lb.random} = 43:
            ignite the player for 10 seconds
            poison the player for 10 seconds
        if {_lb.random} = 44:
            spawn zombie at event-location
            set name of last spawned zombie to "&e&lBob"
            add "{Attributes:[{Name:""zombie.spawnReinforcements"",Base:1f}],HandItems:[{id:""minecraft:netherite_sword"",tag:{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:5},{id:knockback,lvl:2},{id:fire_aspect,lvl:2}]},Count:1},{}],ArmorItems:[{tag:{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:feather_falling,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:thorns,lvl:3},{id:depth_strider,lvl:3},{id:frost_walker,lvl:2},{id:soul_speed,lvl:3}]},id:""minecraft:netherite_boots"",Count:1},{tag:{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:thorns,lvl:3}]},id:""minecraft:netherite_leggings"",Count:1},{tag:{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:thorns,lvl:3}]},id:""minecraft:netherite_chestplate"",Count:1},{id:""minecraft:netherite_helmet"",Count:1,tag:{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:fire_protection,lvl:4},{id:blast_protection,lvl:4},{id:projectile_protection,lvl:4},{id:respiration,lvl:3},{id:aqua_affinity,lvl:1},{id:thorns,lvl:3}]}}],ActiveEffects:[{Id:1,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:3,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:5,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:8,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:10,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:11,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:12,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647},{Id:24,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}]}" to the nbt of last spawned zombie
        if {_lb.random} = 45:
            loop 15 times:
                spawn horse or zombie horse or skeleton horse at event-location
                add "{Tame:1b}" to the nbt of last spawned entity
        if {_lb.random} = 46:
            chance of 25%:
                drop stone pickaxe
                drop stone shovel
                drop stone axe
                drop stone hoe
                drop stone sword
            chance of 25%:
                drop iron pickaxe
                drop iron shovel
                drop iron axe
                drop iron hoe
                drop iron sword
            chance of 25%:
                drop gold pickaxe
                drop gold shovel
                drop gold axe
                drop gold hoe
                drop gold sword
            drop wood pickaxe
            drop wood shovel
            drop wood axe
            drop wood hoe
            drop wood sword
        if {_lb.random} = 47:
            loop 10 times:
                summon egg at event-location
                push last spawned egg upwards with speed 1
        if {_lb.random} = 48:
            drop 1 jukebox
            loop (random integer between 2 and 5) times:
                drop any music disc
        if {_lb.random} = 49:
            set {_entity} to a random object out of {lb.entities::*}
            spawn ({_entity} parsed as entity type) at event-location
        if {_lb.random} = 50:
            drop random item out of all items
        if {_lb.random} = 51:
            spawn giant at event-location
        if {_lb.random} = 52:
            play sound "" with volume 2 and pitch 1 at event-location
            loop 20 times:
                spawn evoker or illusioner or pillager or witch or ravager or vindicator
        if {_lb.random} = 53:
            set event-block to bedrock
            send "&7Well, here's your problem..." to player
        if {_lb.random} = 54:
            strike lightning at player
        if {_lb.random} = 55:
            loop 20 times:
                drop quartz or quartz ore or quartz block