Created by xd0

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	Prefix: &8[&6&lCAPTCHA&8]
function getCaptcha(p: player) :: string:
	{cx::codelength} is not set:
		set {cx::codelength} to 3
		set {cx::codelength::double} to 6
	{cx::mode} is not set:
		set {cx::mode} to "both"
	loop {cx::codelength} times: # codelength base loop 3x * 2 = double (always doubled no matter what)
		{cx::mode} = "numbers":
			set {_b} to random element of {numbers::*}
			set {_b1} to random element of {numbers::*}
			add "%{_b}%%{_b1}%" to {_d::*} 
		{cx::mode} = "letters":
			set {_c} to random element of {letters::*}
			set {_c1} to random element of {letters::*}
			add "%{_c}%%{_c1}%" to {_d::*}
		{cx::mode} = "both":
			set {_b} to random element of {numbers::*}
			set {_c} to random element of {letters::*}
			add "%{_b}%%{_c}%" to {_d::*}
	{cx::codelength} = 2:
		return "%{_d::1}%%{_d::2}%"
	{cx::codelength} = 3:
		return "%{_d::1}%%{_d::2}%%{_d::3}%"
	{cx::codelength} = 4:
		return "%{_d::1}%%{_d::2}%%{_d::3}%%{_d::4}%"
	{cx::codelength} = 5:
		return "%{_d::1}%%{_d::2}%%{_d::3}%%{_d::4}%%{_d::5}%"
on rightclick with a compass:
	{captcha::enabled::%event-player%} is true:
		cancel event
on join:
	{captcha::enabled::%event-player%} is true:
		set {captcha::location::%event-player%} to player's location
		send "{@Prefix} &cType the code in chat to begin playing!"
		set {captcha::string::%event-player%} to getCaptcha(Player)
		{cx::attempts} is not set:
			set {cx::attempts} to 3
		set {captcha::tries::%event-player%} to {cx::attempts}
		send "&a&l%{captcha::string::%event-player%}%"
		send ""
		send "&cYou have %{captcha::tries::%event-player%}% attempts."
on command:
	{captcha::enabled::%event-player%} is true:
		player has permission "cx.captcha.bypass":
		cancel event
on any movement:
	(distance between player's location and {captcha::location::%event-player%}) >= 1:
		{captcha::enabled::%event-player%} is true:
			cancel event
			wait 5 ticks
			{captcha::move::%event-player%} is not set:
				send "{@Prefix} &cYou cannot move! Please enter captcha!"
				set {captcha::move::%event-player%} to true
			teleport event-player to {captcha::location::%event-player%}
on quit:
	set {captcha::enabled::%event-player%} to true
	delete {captcha::tries::%event-player%}
	delete {captcha::string::%event-player%}
on chat:
	{captcha::enabled::%event-player%} is true:
		{captcha::tries::%event-player%} > 0:
			cancel event
			message = {captcha::string::%event-player%}:
				send "{@Prefix} &7(&a&l!&7)&a Success!"
				delete {captcha::tries::%event-player%}
				delete {captcha::string::%event-player%}
				set {captcha::enabled::%event-player%} to false
			subtract 1 from {captcha::tries::%event-player%}
			send "{@Prefix} &7(&c&lX&7)&c Incorrect captcha! Attempts remaining: %{captcha::tries::%event-player%}%"
		{captcha::tries::%event-player%} = 0:
			kick event-player due to "{@Prefix} &cYou have failed all of your attempts!"
function resetVars(b: boolean):
	delete {numbers::*}
	delete {letters::*}
	loop 10 times:
		add (loop-number - 1) to {numbers::*}
	add "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y" and "z" to {letters::*}
function attemptGUI(p: player):
	open virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}&c Attempts" to {_p}
	loop 3 times:
		create gui slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p} with red wool named "&cDecrease Attempts" with lore "&7Lowest: 1" to run function decrease({_p}, "attempts")
	{cx::attempts} is not set:
		set {cx::attempts} to 3
	create gui slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "&b&lConfirm" with lore "&7Current Amount: %{cx::attempts}%" to close then run {_p} command "/cx settings"
	loop 3 times:        
		create gui slot (9 - loop-number) of {_p} with green wool named "&aIncrease Attempts" with lore "&7Highest: infinite" to run function increase({_p}, "attempts")

function increase(p: player, t: text):
	{_t} = "attempts":
		add 1 to {cx::attempts}
		create gui slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "&b&lConfirm" with lore "&7Current Amount: %{cx::attempts}%" to close then run {_p} command "/cx settings"
	{_t} = "length":
		{cx::codelength} < 5:
			add 1 to {cx::codelength}
			add 2 to {cx::codelength::double}
			create gui slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "&b&lConfirm" with lore "&7Current Amount: %{cx::codelength::double}%" to close then run {_p} command "/cx settings"
		{cx::codelength} = 5:
			send "{@Prefix} &cYou can not go above 10 characters" to {_p}
function decrease(p: player, t: text):
	{_t} = "attempts":
		{cx::attempts} > 1:
			subtract 1 from {cx::attempts}
			create gui slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "&b&lConfirm" with lore "&7Current Amount: %{cx::attempts}%" to close then run {_p} command "/cx settings"
		{cx::attempts} = 1:
			send "{@Prefix} &cYou can not go lower than 1 attempt." to {_p}
	{_t} = "length": # 2
		{cx::codelength} > 2:
			subtract 1 from {cx::codelength}
			subtract 2 from {cx::codelength::double}
			create gui slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "&b&lConfirm" with lore "&7Current Amount: %{cx::codelength::double}%" to close then run {_p} command "/cx settings"
		{cx::codelength} = 2:
			send "{@Prefix} &cYou can not go lower than 4 characters." to {_p}
function lengthGUI(p: player):
	open virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "{@Prefix}&c Length" to {_p}
	loop 3 times:
		create gui slot (loop-number - 1) of {_p} with red wool named "&cDecrease Length by 2" with lore "&7Lowest: 4" to run function decrease({_p}, "length") # 2 times
	{cx::codelength} is not set:
		set {cx::codelength} to 3
	create gui slot 4 of {_p} with beacon named "&b&lConfirm" with lore "&7Current Amount: %{cx::codelength::double}%" to close then run {_p} command "/cx settings"
	loop 3 times:        
		create gui slot (9 - loop-number) of {_p} with green wool named "&aIncrease Length by 2" with lore "&7Highest: 10" to run function increase({_p}, "length") # 5 times
function switchMode(p: player):
	{cx::mode} = "numbers":
		set {cx::mode} to "letters"
		create gui slot 13 of {_p} with lever named "&6&lChange Captcha Mode" with lore "&7Change the mode of the Captcha system||&e||&7Current Mode:&9 %{cx::mode}%" to run function switchMode({_p})
	{cx::mode} = "letters":
		set {cx::mode} to "both"
		create gui slot 13 of {_p} with lever named "&6&lChange Captcha Mode" with lore "&7Change the mode of the Captcha system||&e||&7Current Mode:&9 %{cx::mode}%" to run function switchMode({_p})
	{cx::mode} = "both":
		set {cx::mode} to "numbers"
		create gui slot 13 of {_p} with lever named "&6&lChange Captcha Mode" with lore "&7Change the mode of the Captcha system||&e||&7Current Mode:&9 %{cx::mode}%" to run function switchMode({_p})
on skript load:
	{cx::attempts} is not set:
		set {cx::attempts} to 3
	{cx::codelength} is not set:
		set {cx::codelength} to 3
		set {cx::codelength::double} to 6
command /cx [<text>] [<text>]:
	aliases: captchax, captcha, cap
		arg-1 is not set:
			send "&8&m----------{@Prefix}&8&m----------"
			send "&c/cx recap <player>&7 - retrieves the active captcha"
			send "&c/cx forcelogin <player>&7 - forces a login"
			send "&c/cx settings&7 - opens the in-game config"
		arg-1 is not "recap", "settings" or "forcelogin":
			send "{@Prefix} &cThat is not a command!"
		arg-1 is "forcelogin":
			player has permission "cx.captcha.admin":
				arg-2 is set:
					set {_b} to arg-2 parsed as player
					{_b} is online:
						{captcha::enabled::%{_b}%} is false:
							send "{@Prefix} &cThat player does not have an active captcha!"
						set {captcha::enabled::%{_b}%} to true
						send "{@Prefix} &eDeleting %{_b}%'s current captcha..."
						send "{@Prefix} &aCaptcha was&b %{captcha::string::%{_b}%}%"
						delete {captcha::string::%{_b}%}
					send "{@Prefix} &cThat player is not online!"
				send "{@Prefix} &cPlease specify a player!"
		arg-1 is "recap":
			arg-2 is set:
				set {_b} to arg-2 parsed as player
				send "{@Prefix} &eRetrieving %{_b}%'s captcha..."
				wait 5 ticks
				{captcha::string::%{_b}%} is not set:
					send "{@Prefix} &cNo captcha was found."
				send "{@Prefix} &aCaptcha retrieved:&b %{captcha::string::%{_b}%}%"
			send "{@Prefix} &cPlease specify a player!"
		arg-1 is "settings":
			player has permission "cx.captcha.admin":
				open virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "{@Prefix}&4&l Settings" to player
				create gui slot 10 of player with bars named "&6&lChange Attempts" with lore "&7Change the amount of attempts a player gets" to close then run function attemptGUI(Player)
				create gui slot 16 of player with redstone named "&6&lChange Captcha Length" with lore "&7Change the length of the Captcha" to close then run function lengthGUI(Player)
				create gui slot 13 of player with lever named "&6&lChange Captcha Mode" with lore "&7Change the mode of the Captcha system||&e||&7Current Mode:&9 %{cx::mode}%" to run function switchMode(Player)