Created by Steve2210

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

    DELAY: 10 #Delay of Spawning Particles in Ticks [20 Ticks = 1 Second]

command /aura <text>:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            set {_gui} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&bAuras"
            set slot (numbers from 0 to 44) of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named "&f"
            set slot 10 of {_gui} to black dye named "&8Smoke Aura"
            set slot 13 of {_gui} to flint and steel named "&cF&cl&ca&6m&ce &6A&cu&6r&ca"
            set slot 16 of {_gui} to white dye named "&fCloud Aura"
            set slot 28 of {_gui} to water bucket named "&9Water Aura"
            set slot 31 of {_gui} to snowball named "&bSnow Aura"
            set slot 34 of {_gui} to structure void named "&3Clear Aura"
            open {_gui} to player

        else if arg-1 is "gui":
            set {_gui} to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&bAuras"
            set slot (numbers from 0 to 44) of {_gui} to black stained glass pane named "&f"
            set slot 10 of {_gui} to black dye named "&8Smoke Aura"
            set slot 13 of {_gui} to flint and steel named "&cF&cl&ca&6m&ce &6A&cu&6r&ca"
            set slot 16 of {_gui} to white dye named "&fCloud Aura"
            set slot 28 of {_gui} to water bucket named "&9Water Aura"
            set slot 31 of {_gui} to snowball named "&bSnow Aura"
            set slot 34 of {_gui} to structure void named "&3Clear Aura"
            open {_gui} to player

        else if arg-1 is "info" or "creator":  
            send "&b&lAura:%nl%%nl%&bMade by&7: &bSteve2210&7, &bOwner of RogueNW&"

        else if arg-1 is "smoke":
            if player has permission "aura.smoke":
                set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Smoke"
                close player's inventory
                send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bSmoke Aura" to player
                close player's inventory
                send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

        else if arg-1 is "flame":
            if player has permission "aura.flame":
                set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Flame"
                close player's inventory
                send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bFlame Aura" to player
                close player's inventory
                send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

        else if arg-1 is "cloud":
            if player has permission "":
                set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Cloud"
                close player's inventory
                send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bCloud Aura" to player
                close player's inventory
                send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

        else if arg-1 is "water":
            if player has permission "aura.water":
                set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Water"
                close player's inventory
                send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bWater Aura" to player
                close player's inventory
                send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

        else if arg-1 is "snow":
            if player has permission "aura.snow":
                set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "snow"
                close player's inventory
                send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bCloud Aura" to player
                close player's inventory
                send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

        else if arg-1 is "remove" or "clear":
            delete {aura.%player's uuid%}
            close player's inventory
            send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7Cleared your &bAura" to player

on tab complete of "/aura":
    set tab completions for position 1 to "smoke", "cloud", "info", "creator", "flame", "cloud", "water", "snow", "gui", "clear", "remove"

on inventory click:
    name of event-inventory = "&bAuras"
    cancel event
    if index of event-slot = 10:
        if player has permission "aura.smoke":
            set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Smoke"
            close player's inventory
            send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bSmoke Aura" to player
            close player's inventory
            send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

    else if index of event-slot = 13:
        if player has permission "aura.flame":
            set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Flame"
            close player's inventory
            send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bFlame Aura" to player
            close player's inventory
            send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

    else if index of event-slot = 16:
        if player has permission "":
            set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Cloud"
            close player's inventory
            send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bCloud Aura" to player
            close player's inventory
            send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

    else if index of event-slot = 28:
        if player has permission "aura.water":
            set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "Water"
            close player's inventory
            send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bWater Aura" to player
            close player's inventory
            send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

    else if index of event-slot = 31:
        if player has permission "aura.snow":
            set {aura.%player's uuid%} to "snow"
            close player's inventory
            send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7are now Using the &bSnow Aura" to player
            close player's inventory
            send "&cAuras &7| &cYou havent unlocked the Aura" to player

    else if index of event-slot = 34:
        delete {aura.%player's uuid%}
        close player's inventory
        send "&bAuras &7| &bYou &7Cleared your &bAura" to player

every {@DELAY} ticks:
    loop all players:

function Aura(p: player):
    if {aura.%{_p}'s uuid%} is "Smoke":
        loop 360 times:
            set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value-2, pitch 0
            draw 1 of smoke at {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players
    else if {aura.%{_p}'s uuid%} is "Flame":
        loop 360 times:
            set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value-2, pitch 0
            draw 1 of flame at location 0.1 meters above {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players
    else if {aura.%{_p}'s uuid%} is "Cloud":
        loop 360 times:
            set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value-2, pitch 0
            draw 1 of cloud at location 0.3 meters above {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players
            draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(white, black, 3) at {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players
    else if {aura.%{_p}'s uuid%} is "Water":
        loop 360 times:
            set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value-2, pitch 0
            draw 1 of splash at {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players
            draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(light blue, blue, 3) at {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players
    else if {aura.%{_p}'s uuid%} is "Snow":
        loop 360 times:
            set {_v} to spherical vector radius 1, yaw loop-value-2, pitch 0
            draw 1 of snowflake at location 0.3 meters above {_p} ~ {_v} with extra 0 to all players