Created by King_Creeperz

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /calculate <string> [<integer>] [<integer>]:
    if arg-1 is "+":
      set {_f} to arg-2
      set {_s} to arg-3
      set {_a} to {_f}+{_s}
      send "&aThe answer is %shortcuter({_a})%" to player
    if arg-1 is "-":
      set {_f} to arg-2
      set {_s} to arg-3
      set {_a} to {_f}-{_s}
      send "&aThe answer is %shortcuter({_a})%" to player
    if arg-1 is "*":
      set {_f} to arg-2
      set {_s} to arg-3
      set {_a} to {_f}*{_s}
      send "&aThe answer is %shortcuter({_a})%" to player
    if arg-1 is "/":
      set {_f} to arg-2
      set {_s} to arg-3
      set {_a} to {_f}/{_s}
      send "&aThe answer is %shortcuter({_a})%" to player
    if arg-1 is not set:
      send "&6Calcalator Help" to player
      send "&a/calculate + <number> <number> adds the numbers together" to player
      send "&a/calculate - <number> <number> subtracts the numbers" to player
      send "&a/calculate * <number> <number> muliples it by the first and second number" to player
      send "&a/calculate / <number> <number> divides the first number out of the second number" to player
    if arg-1 is "help":
      send "&6Calcalator Help" to player
      send "&a/calculate + <number> <number> adds the numbers together" to player
      send "&a/calculate - <number> <number> subtracts the numbers" to player
      send "&a/calculate * <number> <number> muliples it by the first and second number" to player
      send "&a/calculate / <number> <number> divides the first number out of the second number" to player
Function shortcuter(Number: Number) :: String:
  Set {_shortcuter} to {_Number}
  If {_shortcuter} is less than 1000:
    Return "%{_shortcuter}%"
  Else if {_shortcuter} is greater or equal to 1000:
    Set {_short} to "%{_shortcuter}/1000%"
    Set {_symbol} to "K"
    If {_shortcuter} is greater or equal to 1000000:
      Set {_short} to "%{_shortcuter}/1000000%"
      Set {_symbol} to "M"
      If {_shortcuter} is greater or equal to 1000000000:
        Set {_short} to "%{_shortcuter}/1000000000%"
        Set {_symbol} to "B"
  Return "%{_short}%%{_symbol}%"