Created by poomuk

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on rightclick:
  if clicked block is brewing_stand:
    if {SodaEnabled::%player%} is "true":
      cancel event
      send "&eSay the soda name in chat &cCost: %{sodaprice}% coins"
      set {soda::%player%} to "true"
      wait 10 seconds
      set {soda::%player%} to ""
      send "&7Soda entry timed out"
on chat:
  if {soda::%player%} is "true":
    set {_sodaname} to message
    if player's balance is greater than {sodaprice}:
      remove {sodaprice} from player's balance
      send "&aTransaction sucessful"
      give player water bottle named {_sodaname}
      set {soda::%player%} to ""
      send "&aYou have gotten your soda"
      cancel event
      send "&cPayment declined, please try again later"
command /sodaprice <number>:
  permission: op
    set {sodaprice} to arg-1
    send "done"
command /enablesoda:
    set {SodaEnabled::%player%} to "true"
    send "&aYou will now receive soda upon right click of brewing stands"
command /disablesoda:
    set {SodaEnabled::%player%} to ""
    send "&aYou will now no longer receive soda upon right click of brewing stands"