Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.
# EcoBounty - made by WolfyGameYT
prefix: &6&lEcoBounty &e&l»
pm: &6&lEcoBounty &e&l» &4You can't do that!
startingbal: 0 #Change the amount of money people start with here!
# -+-/ Permissions \-+-
# - ecobounty.balance | /balance (shows player's balance)
# - ecobounty.admin | /ecobounty (admin commands such as setting a player's balance to $754565)
# - ecobounty.pay | /pay (pays money to other players)
# - ecobounty.bounty | /bounty (check or add to someone's bounty)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
on join:
if {bal::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {bal::%player's uuid%} to {@startingbal}
if {bounty::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {bounty::%player's uuid%} to 0
every second:
loop all players:
if {bal::%loop-player's uuid%} < 0:
set {bal::%loop-player's uuid%} to 0
if {bounty::%loop-player's uuid%} < 0:
set {bounty::%loop-player's uuid%} to 0
command /balance [<offline player>]:
usage: {@prefix} &cUsage: /balance <player>
aliases: /bal
permission: ecobounty.balance
permission message: {@pm}
if arg-1 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &7%player%&7's Balance: &8$%{bal::%player's uuid%}%"
if arg-1 is set:
send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1%&7's Balance: &8$%{bal::%arg-1's uuid%}%"
command /ecobounty <text> <text> <player> <number>:
usage: {@prefix} &cUsage: /ecobounty <balance/bounty> <set/add/remove> <player> <amount>
permission: ecobounty.admin
permission message: {@pm}
if arg-1 is not "balance" or "bounty":
send "{@prefix} &cPlease put &c&lbalance &cor &c&lbounty &conly!"
if arg-1 is "balance":
if arg-4 is set:
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-2 is not "set" or "add" or "remove":
send "{@prefix} &cPlease put &c&lset&c, &c&ladd&c, or &c&lremove &conly!"
if arg-2 is "set":
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-4 < 0:
send "{@prefix} &cYou can't set the player's money lower then $0!"
if arg-4 >= 0:
set {bal::%arg-3's uuid%} to arg-4
send "{@prefix} &8%player% &7set you're balance to &8$%arg-4%" to arg-3
send "{@prefix} &7You set &8%arg-3%&8&8's &7balance to &8$%arg-4%" to player
if arg-2 is "add":
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-4 is set:
add arg-4 to {bal::%arg-3's uuid%}
send "{@prefix} &8%player% &7added &8$%arg-4% &7to you're balance" to arg-3
send "{@prefix} &7You added &8$%arg-4% &7to &8%arg-3%&8's &7balance" to player
if arg-2 is "remove":
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-3 is set:
if {bal::%arg-3's uuid%} <= 0:
send "{@prefix} &cYou can't remove money from a player with no money!"
subtract arg-4 from {bal::%arg-3's uuid%}
send "{@prefix} &8%player% &7removed &8$%arg-4% &7from you're balance" to arg-3
send "{@prefix} &7You removed &8$%arg-4% &7from &8%arg-3%&8's balance" to player
if arg-1 is "bounty":
if arg-2 is not "set" or "add" or "remove":
send "{@prefix} &cPlease put &c&lset&c, &c&ladd&c, or &c&lremove &conly!"
if arg-2 is not set:
if arg-3 is not set:
if arg-4 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &cUsage: /ecobounty <balance/bounty> <set/add/remove> <player> <amount>"
if arg-2 is "set":
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-4 < 0:
send "{@prefix} &cYou can't set the player's bounty lower then $0!"
if arg-4 >= 0:
set {bounty::%arg-3's uuid%} to arg-4
send "{@prefix} &8%player% &7set you're bounty to &8$%arg-4%" to arg-3
send "{@prefix} &7You set &8%arg-3%&8&8's &7bounty to &8$%arg-4%" to player
if arg-2 is "add":
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-4 is set:
add arg-4 to {bounty::%arg-3's uuid%}
send "{@prefix} &8%player% &7added &8$%arg-4% &7to you're bounty" to arg-3
send "{@prefix} &7You added &8$%arg-4% &7to &8%arg-3%&8's &7bounty" to player
if arg-2 is "remove":
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-3 is set:
if {bounty::%arg-3's uuid%} <= 0:
send "{@prefix} &cYou can't remove money from a player with no bounty!"
subtract arg-4 from {bounty::%arg-3's uuid%}
send "{@prefix} &8%player% &7removed &8$%arg-4% &7from you're bounty" to arg-3
send "{@prefix} &7You removed &8$%arg-4% &7from &8%arg-3%&8's bounty" to player
command /pay <player> <number>:
usage: {@prefix} &cUsage: /pay <player> <amount>
permission: ecobounty.pay
permission message: {@pm}
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-1 is not player:
if {bal::%player's uuid%} <= 0:
send "{@prefix} &cYou don't have enough money!"
if {bal::%player's uuid%} >= arg-2:
subtract arg-2 from {bal::%player's uuid%}
send "{@prefix} &8%arg-1% &7paid you &8$%arg-2%" to arg-1
send "{@prefix} &7You paid &8$%arg-2% &7to &8%arg-1%" to player
if arg-1 is player:
send "{@prefix} &cYou can't pay yourself!"
command /bounty <player> [<number>]:
usage: {@prefix} &cUsage: /bounty <player> <amount>
permission: ecobounty.bounty
permission message: {@pm}
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-1 is not player:
if {bal::%player's uuid%} < arg-2:
send "{@prefix} &cYou don't have enough money to bounty %arg-2% &c$%arg-1%"
else if {bal::%player's uuid%} >= arg-2:
subtract arg-2 from {bal::%player's uuid%}
add arg-2 to {bounty::%arg-1's uuid%}
broadcast "{@prefix} &8%arg-1% &7was just bountied &8$%arg-2% &7by &8%player%&7!"
else if arg-1 is player:
send "{@prefix} &cYou can't bounty yourself!"
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &8%arg-1%&7's bounty is &8$%{bounty::%arg-1's uuid%}%"
on death:
if victim is a player:
if attacker is a player:
if victim is not attacker:
if {bounty::%victim's uuid%} > 0:
add {bounty::%victim's uuid%} to {bal::%attacker's uuid%}
broadcast "{@prefix} &8%attacker% &7got &8%victim%&7's bounty of &8%{bounty::%victim's uuid%}%&7!"
wait 4 ticks
set {bounty::%victim's uuid%} to 0
# This is here to set the amount of lines to 160 :D - WolfyGameYT (creator of this script)