Created by AlexMods

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on load:
	if folder "plugins/NovaCraft" doesn't exists:
		create folder "plugins/NovaCraft"
	if folder "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd" doesn't exists:
		create folder "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd"
	if file "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml" doesn't exists:
		create file "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "## Welcome to Motd Skript. By: NovaCraft ##" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf " " to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "## Motd: ##" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "## Use: Yes/No ##" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "## Lines 1 and 2 can contain up to 40 letters ##" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf " " to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "Enable Motd: 'Yes'" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "Line 1: '&b=============== &4[&2local&ahost&4]&b ==============='" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf "Line 2: '&9Thanks for dowload me! By &eNovaCraft'" to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		wf " " to "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		set {Enable Motd::N} to coloured value "Enable Motd" get of "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		set {Line1::N} to coloured value "Line 1" get of "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
		set {Line2::N} to coloured value "Line 2" get of "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
command /Motd [<text>]:
	permission: Motd.use
	permission message: &cYour not have access to command.
	Usage: /motd <text>
		if arg-1 is not set:
			message "&aMOTD: &f/Motd Enable" to sender
			message "&aMOTD: &f/Motd Reload" to sender
			message "&aMOTD: &f/Motd Disable" to sender
		if arg-1 is not "Reload", "Enable" or "Disable":
			message "&aMOTD: &fUse: /motd &afor help." to sender
		if arg-1 is "Enable":
			if {Enable Motd::N} is "No":
				set {Enable Motd::N} to "Yes"
				message "&aMOTD: &fMotd has been enabled" to sender
				set {Enable Motd::N} to "Yes"
		if arg-1 is "Disable":
			if {Enable Motd::N} is "Yes":
				set {Enable Motd::N} to "No"
				message "&aMOTD: &fMotd has been disabled" to sender
				set {Enable Motd::N} to "No"
		if arg-1 is "Enable":
			if {Enable Motd::N} is "Yes":
				message "&aMOTD: &fThis motd was already &aEnabled" to sender
		if arg-1 is "Disable":
			if {Enable Motd::N} is "No":
				message "&aMOTD: &fThis motd was already &aDisabled" to sender
		if arg-1 is "Reload":
			message "&aMOTD: &fReloading..." to sender
			set {Enable Motd::N} to coloured value "Enable Motd" get of "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
			set {Line1::N} to coloured value "Line 1" get of "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
			set {Line2::N} to coloured value "Line 2" get of "plugins/NovaCraft/Motd/Motd.yml"
			message "&aMOTD: &aReloaded!" to sender

on server list ping:
	if {Enable Motd::N} is "Yes":
		set the motd to "%{Line1::N}%%nl%%{Line2::N}%"