
Created by GamingCarmelo

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#    AutoSmelt: GamingCarmelo
#    Version 0.1

# Features:
# Fortune Compatibility
# Works with 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
# Help? Contact me on discord GamingCarmelo#9988
# This is used on my server

# Rules:
# You may not redistribute this skript without permission
# You may not remove my credits

# This skript is still in beta so dm me on discord GamingCarmelo#9988 if you run into any problems!
# Feel free to support me

#Permissions: (Player enable/disable), (Access to /as check <player>)
#Commands: /autosmelt, /as

# Commands (Feel free to change any commands) 
# Default commands: /autosmelt & /as          

	ver: 0.1 #AutoSmelt Version
	prefix: &6[&9AutoSmelt&r&6] #Name that pops up in chat
	dev: GamingCarmelo #AutoSmelt Creator (Do not change)

command /autosmelt [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]:
	aliases: /as
		if player has permission "":
			if {autosmeltedgold::%arg-2's uuid%} is not set:
				set {autosmeltedgold::%arg-2's uuid%} to 0
			if {autosmeltediron::%arg-2's uuid%} is not set:
				set {autosmeltediron::%arg-2's uuid%} to 0
			if {autosmelt::%player's uuid%} is not set:
				set {autosmelt::%player's uuid%} to "disabled"
			if arg-1 is not set:
				execute player command "as help"
			if arg-1 is "on":
				set {autosmelt::%player's uuid%} to "enabled"
				send "&a{@prefix} &aSuccessfully enabled AutoSmelt" to player
			if arg-1 is "off":
				set {autosmelt::%player's uuid%} to "disabled"
				send "&a{@prefix} &cDisabled AutoSmelt" to player
			if arg-1 is "help":
				send "&e-----------{@prefix}&e-------------" to player
				send "&f/as help &e- Open up this menu" to player
				send "&f/as on &e- Enable AutoSmelt" to player
				send "&f/as off &e- Disable AutoSmelt" to player
				send "&f/as check &e- Check if AutoSmelt is on or off" to player
				send "&f/as info &e- Check AutoSmelt info" to player
				send "&f/as stats <player> &e- Check how much items a player has AutoSmelted" to player
				send "&f/as reset <player> &e- Reset a player's stats" to player
			if arg-1 is "info":
				send "&e--------------------------------" to player
				send "&e{@prefix}" to player
				send "&eCreator: {@dev}" to player
				send "&eVersion: {@ver}" to player
			if arg-1 is "check":
				send "{@prefix} &eAutoSmelt is currently &f%{autosmelt::%player's uuid%}%"
			if arg-1 is "stats":
				if player has permission "":
					if arg-2 is not set:
						send "{@prefix} &cCould not find player" to player
						send "&e-----------{@prefix}&e------------" to player
						send "&a%arg-2% &aAutoSmelted Gold: %{autosmeltedgold::%arg-2's uuid%}%" to player
						send "&a%arg-2% &aAutoSmelted Iron: %{autosmeltediron::%arg-2's uuid%}%" to player
						send "&e--------------------------------" to player
			if arg-1 is "reset":
				if player has permission "":
					if arg-2 is not set:
						send "{@prefix} &cCould not find player" to player
						set {autosmeltedgold::%arg-2's uuid%} to 0
						set {autosmeltediron::%arg-2's uuid%} to 0
						send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully reset %arg-2%&a's AutoSmelt Stats" to player
			send "&cYou do not have permission to use this command!" to player

# Main Skript vvvv
on mine of gold ore:
	if player has permission "":
		if {autosmelt::%player's uuid%} is "enabled":
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1:
					player's tool is a pickaxe
					add 1 to {autosmeltedgold::%player's uuid%}
					chance of 66%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 1 gold ingot
					chance of 33%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 2 gold ingot
					cancel event
					set block to air
					drop 1 gold ingot
				if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2: #fortune 2
					player's tool is a pickaxe
					add 1 to {autosmeltedgold::%player's uuid%}
					chance of 50%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 1 gold ingot
					chance of 25%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 2 gold ingot
					chance of 25%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 3 gold ingot
					cancel event
					set block to air
					drop 1 gold ingot
				if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3: #fortune 3
					player's tool is a pickaxe
					add 1 to {autosmeltedgold::%player's uuid%}
					chance of 40%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 1 gold ingot
					chance of 20%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 2 gold ingot
					chance of 20%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 3 gold ingot
					chance of 20%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 4 gold ingot
					cancel event
					set block to air
					drop 1 gold ingot
on mine of iron ore:
	if player has permission "":
		if {autosmelt::%player's uuid%} is "enabled":
			if player's gamemode is survival:
				if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 1:
					player's tool is a pickaxe
					add 1 to {autosmeltediron::%player's uuid%}
					chance of 66%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 1 iron ingot
					chance of 33%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 2 iron ingot
					cancel event
					set block to air
					drop 1 iron ingot
				if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 2: #fortune 2
					player's tool is a pickaxe
					add 1 to {autosmeltediron::%player's uuid%}
					chance of 50%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 1 iron ingot
					chance of 25%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 2 iron ingot
					chance of 25%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 3 iron ingot
					cancel event
					set block to air
					drop 1 iron ingot
				if player's tool is enchanted with fortune 3: #fortune 3
					player's tool is a pickaxe
					add 1 to {autosmeltediron::%player's uuid%}
					chance of 40%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 1 iron ingot
					chance of 20%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 2 iron ingot
					chance of 20%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 3 iron ingot
					chance of 20%:
						cancel event
						set block to air
						drop 4 iron ingot
					cancel event
					set block to air
					drop 1 iron ingot