Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

    #Style Options (&m܅)(|)(❤)(■)(▮)
    Style: &m܅ # The style of choice
    Length: 15 #Length Increases the amount of increments the health bar has
    Height: 0.8 #how high or low the bar is 

on death:
    wait 1 ticks
    if holo object "%entity uuid of victim%" exists:
        set {_uuid} to entity uuid of victim
        delete holo object "%entity uuid of victim%"
on explode:
    #Creepers explode fix
    if holo object "%entity uuid of event-entity%" exists:
        set {_uuid} to uuid of event-entity
        delete holo object "%entity uuid of event-entity%"
function UpdateBar(entity: entity):
    wait 1 ticks
    #We wait a tick to get updated health value's if attacking quickly
    {_entity} is not a player
    {_entity} is not a dropped item
    {_entity} is not a projectile
    {_entity} is not a armor stand
    {_entity} is not a villager
    set {_Euuid} to entity uuid of {_entity}
    set {_Symbol} to "{@Style}"
    set {_H} to hitbox length of {_entity} 
    set {_H} to {_H}+{@Height}

    set {_CurHp} to health of {_entity}
    set {_MaxHp} to max health of {_entity}
    set {_hpAmount} to {_CurHp}/{_MaxHp}*{@Length}
    set {_size} to {_hpAmount}
    if holo object "%{_Euuid}%" exists:
        wait 0 ticks
        #Holo object exists doesnt have does not exists 
        create bound holo object "" with id "%{_Euuid}%" to {_entity} offset by 0, {_h}, 0

    if holo object "%{_Euuid}%" exists:
        loop {_hpAmount} times:
            add {_Symbol} to {_endresult::*}
            add 1 to {_missing}
        if {_endresult::*} isn't set:
            set {_end} to ""
            set {_end} to "%{_endresult::*}%"
        replace every "," with "" in {_end}
        replace every " " with "" in {_end}
        replace every "and" with "" in {_end}
        if {_end} isn't set:
            set {_end} to ""
        set {_missAmount} to {@Length}-{_missing}
        loop {_missAmount} times:
            add {_Symbol} to {_missresult::*}
        if {_missresult::*} isn't set:
            set {_miss} to ""
            set {_miss} to "%{_missresult::*}%"
        replace every "," with "" in {_miss}
        replace every " " with "" in {_miss}
        replace every "and" with "" in {_miss}
        edit holo object "%{_Euuid}%" to "&a%{_end}%&c%{_miss}%" 

#Creative fix for target
on damage:
    if attacker is a player:
        if attacker's gamemode is creative:
            if target of victim isn't set:
                set target of victim to attacker
#Lets other damage update the bar EG : Fire/Poision/Fall Damage
on damage:
    if holo object "%entity uuid of victim%" exists:
#Removes the bar on untarget 
on untarget:
    set {_uuid} to uuid of entity
    wait 5 ticks
    if target of entity is not set:
        delete holo object "%entity uuid of entity%"
#If entiy is targeting a player spawn's the bar 
#Much nicer to see a full health bar then begin to get lower as you attack
on target:
    if target of entity is a player:

#World edit butcher fix for bar's not being removed
on command "/butcher":
    loop all living entities:
        if holo object "%entity uuid of loop-value%" exists:
            set {_uuid} to uuid of loop-value
            delete holo object "%entity uuid of loop-value%"
#Despawn mob's / unloaded chunk removal of health bar's
on chunk unload:
    loop entities of event-chunk:
        loop-value is not a player
        loop-value is not a dropped item
        loop-value is not a projectile
        loop-value is not a armor stand
        loop-value is not a villager
        if holo object "%entity uuid of loop-value%" exists:
            set {_uuid} to uuid of loop-value
            delete holo object "%entity uuid of loop-value%"