
Created by alexistb2904

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

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# By alexistb2904

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    msgorb:&7[&aUP&eORB&7] &eYou have successfully improved %{_orbnum.%player%}%&e items with %{_orbname}%.

#-------------      █             █     air,stone,air       
#   RECIPE          █   PATTERN   █     stone,stick,stone   = air,stone,air,stone,stick,stone,air,stone,air
#-------------      █             █     air,stone,air

    goldorb:air,gold ingot,air,gold ingot,{_orb1},gold ingot,air,gold ingot,air #{_orb1} = Stone Orb
    ironorb:air,iron ingot,air,iron ingot,{_orb2},iron ingot,air,iron ingot,air #{_orb2} = Gold Orb
    diamondorb:redstone torch,diamond,redstone torch,diamond,{_orb3},diamond,redstone torch,diamond,redstone torch #{_orb3} = Iron Orb


on skript load:
    set {_orb1} to stick named "&8Stone Orb" with lore "Right-Click to transform you're Wood Item to Stone Item"
    set {_orb2} to stick named "&eGold Orb" with lore "Right-Click to transform you're Stone Item to Gold Item"
    set {_orb3} to stick named "&7Iron Orb" with lore "Right-Click to transform you're Gold Item to Iron Item"
    set {_orb4} to stick named "&3Diamond Orb" with lore "Right-Click to transform you're Iron Item to Diamond Item"
    register new shaped recipe for {_orb1} using {@stoneorb} with id "stone_orb" in group "upgrade orb"
    register new shaped recipe for {_orb2} using {@goldorb} with id "gold_orb" in group "upgrade orb"
    register new shaped recipe for {_orb3} using {@ironorb} with id "iron_orb" in group "upgrade orb"
    register new shaped recipe for {_orb4} using {@diamondorb} with id "diamond_orb" in group "upgrade orb"

on join:
    unlock custom recipe "stone_orb" for player
    unlock custom recipe "gold_orb" for player
    unlock custom recipe "iron_orb" for player
    unlock custom recipe "diamond_orb" for player

on rightclick with stick:

    if name of tool of player is "&8Stone Orb":
        set {_orbname} to "&8Stone Orb"
        if player has 1 wood pickaxe:
            remove 1 wood pickaxe from player's inventory
            give 1 stone pickaxe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 wood axe:
            remove 1 wood axe from player's inventory
            give 1 stone axe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 wood shovel:
            remove 1 wood shovel from player's inventory
            give 1 stone shovel to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 wood hoe:
            remove 1 wood hoe from player's inventory
            give 1 stone hoe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 wood sword:
            remove 1 wood sword from player's inventory
            give 1 stone sword to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if {_orb.%player%} is true:
            remove 1 stick named "&8Stone Orb" from player's inventory
            send "{@msgorb}" to player

    if name of tool of player is "&eGold Orb":
        set {_orbname} to "&eGold Orb"
        if player has 1 stone pickaxe:
            remove 1 stone pickaxe from player's inventory
            give 1 gold pickaxe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 stone axe:
            remove 1 stone axe from player's inventory
            give 1 gold axe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 stone shovel:
            remove 1 stone shovel from player's inventory
            give 1 gold shovel to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 stone hoe:
            remove 1 stone hoe from player's inventory
            give 1 gold hoe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 stone sword:
            remove 1 stone sword from player's inventory
            give 1 gold sword to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if {_orb.%player%} is true:
            remove 1 stick named "&eGold Orb" from player's inventory
            send "{@msgorb}" to player
    #Iron ORB
    if name of tool of player is "&7Iron Orb":
        set {_orbname} to "&7Iron Orb"
        if player has 1 gold pickaxe:
            remove 1 gold pickaxe from player's inventory
            give 1 iron pickaxe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 gold axe:
            remove 1 gold axe from player's inventory
            give 1 iron axe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 gold shovel:
            remove 1 gold shovel from player's inventory
            give 1 iron shovel to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 gold hoe:
            remove 1 gold hoe from player's inventory
            give 1 iron hoe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 gold sword:
            remove 1 gold sword from player's inventory
            give 1 iron sword to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if {_orb.%player%} is true:
            remove 1 stick named "&7Iron Orb" from player's inventory
            send "{@msgorb}" to player
    #Diamond ORB
    if name of tool of player is "&3Diamond Orb":
        set {_orbname} to "&3Diamond Orb"
        if player has 1 iron pickaxe:
            remove 1 iron pickaxe from player's inventory
            give 1 diamond pickaxe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 iron axe:
            remove 1 iron axe from player's inventory
            give 1 diamond axe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 iron shovel:
            remove 1 iron shovel from player's inventory
            give 1 diamond shovel to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 iron hoe:
            remove 1 iron hoe from player's inventory
            give 1 diamond hoe to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if player has 1 iron sword:
            remove 1 iron sword from player's inventory
            give 1 diamond sword to player
            add 1 to {_orbnum.%player%}
            set {_orb.%player%} to true
        if {_orb.%player%} is true:
            remove 1 stick named "&3Diamond Orb" from player's inventory
            send "{@msgorb}" to player