Warning: Undefined variable $http_response_header in /var/www/html/new/skunity/library/skUnity/Util/HTTP.php on line 95


Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#Vous avez le droit de modifier ce skript mais en aucun cas la permission de le reposter en ligne à des fins personnelles
#Bonne utilisation ;D
command /cps [<player>]:
		if arg 1 is set:
			if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "Admin" or "Modérateur":
				message "&6[CC] le test est lancé pour : &b%arg 1% &7(5 secondes...)"
				clear {cps.%uuid of arg 1%}
				wait 1 ticks
				set {click.%uuid of arg 1%} to true
				wait 5 seconds
				wait 1 ticks
				if {cps.%uuid of arg 1%} > 70:
					message "&6[CC] Résultat &7(Clique-Gauche) %arg 1%: &b%{cps.%uuid of arg 1%}% CPS &c(JitterClick)"
					message "&6[CC] Item de &b%arg 1%: &2%tool of arg 1%"
					wait 1 ticks
					clear {cps.%uuid of arg 1%}
					wait 1 ticks
					set {click.%uuid of arg 1%} to false
				if {cps.%uuid of arg 1%} > 100:
					message "&6[CC] Résultat &7(Clique-Gauche) %arg 1%: &b%{cps.%uuid of arg 1%}% CPS &c(CHEAT)"
					message "&6[CC] Item de &b%arg 1%: &2%tool of arg 1%"
					wait 1 ticks
					clear {cps.%uuid of arg 1%}
					wait 1 ticks
					set {click.%uuid of arg 1%} to false
				if {cps.%uuid of arg 1%} > 1:
					message "&6[CC] Résultat &7(Clique-Gauche) %arg 1%: &b%{cps.%uuid of arg 1%}% CPS"
					message "&6[CC] Item de &b%arg 1%: &2%tool of arg 1%"
					wait 1 ticks
					clear {cps.%uuid of arg 1%}
					wait 1 ticks
					set {click.%uuid of arg 1%} to false
				if {cps.%uuid of arg 1%} = 0:
					message "&6[CC] Résultat &7(Clique-Gauche) : &b0 CPS"
					message "&6[CC] Item de &b%arg 1%: &2%tool of arg 1%"
					clear  {cps.%uuid of arg 1%}
					wait 1 ticks
					set {click.%uuid of arg 1%} to false
				message "&cErreur: accés refusé"
on left click:
	if {click.%uuid of player%} is set:
		add 1 to {cps.%uuid of player%}