Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

	positiveEffectGain: "&c❤ &8| &aYou gained a random positive effect by killing a player!" # When you gain a positive effect from killing someone
	negativeEffectRemoval: "&c✔ &8| &aYou lost your negative effect by killing a player!" # When you lose a negative effect from killing someone
	negativeEffectGain: "&c☠ &8| &cYou gained a negative effect by dying to a player!" # When you gain a negative effect from dying to someone
	version: 1.2 # DO NOT MODIFY

on load:
	delete {pe::*}
	delete {ne::*}
	add "Strength" to {pe::*}
	add "Speed" to {pe::*}
	add "Fire Resistance" to {pe::*}
	add "Dolphins Grace" to {pe::*}
	add "Regeneration" to {pe::*}
	add "Water Breathing" to {pe::*}
	add "Luck" to {pe::*}
	add "Saturation" to {pe::*}
	add "Weakness" to {ne::*}
	add "Slowness" to {ne::*}
	add "Mining Fatigue" to {ne::*}
	add "Jump Boost" to {ne::*}
	add "Feather Falling" to {ne::*}
	add "Hunger" to {ne::*}
	add "Bad Luck" to {ne::*}

command /infuse-help:
	aliases: /infuse-smp, /infuse, /infusesmp, /jos, /developer, /dev, /infuser, /effects
		send "" to player
		send formatted "<##e78284>❇ Infuse SMP Plugin ❇" to player
		send formatted "<##ea999c>&7» <##ea999c>&7&n<link:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/infuse-smp-skript-free-drag-drop.103749/>Plugin Download&7 (Click Me!)" to player
		send "" to player
		send formatted "<##81c8be>☕ Commission Discord » <##81c8be>&n<link:https://discord.gg/7H2THJNBQX>https://discord.gg/7H2THJNBQX" to player
		send "" to player
		send formatted "<##eebebe>&e⚡ Plugin made by SkipTurn &7(Dank JosBot##1001)" to player
		send "" to player

every 8 seconds:

	loop all players:
		if {_doNotModify} is not set:
			loop {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*}:
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Weakness":
					remove Weakness from loop-player
					apply potion of Weakness of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Slowness":
					remove Slowness from loop-player
					apply potion of Slowness of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Mining Fatigue":
					remove Mining Fatigue from loop-player
					apply potion of Mining Fatigue of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Jump Boost":
					remove Jump Boost from loop-player
					apply potion of Jump Boost of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Feather Falling":
					remove Slow Falling from loop-player
					apply potion of Slow Falling of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Hunger":
					remove Hunger from loop-player
					apply potion of Hunger of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Bad Luck":
					remove Bad Luck from loop-player
					apply potion of Bad Luck of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Strength":
					remove strength from loop-player
					apply potion of strength of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Speed":
					remove Speed from loop-player
					apply potion of Speed of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Fire Resistance":
					remove Fire Resistance from loop-player
					apply potion of Fire Resistance of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Dolphins Grace":
					remove Dolphins Grace from loop-player
					apply potion of Dolphins Grace of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Regeneration":
					remove Regeneration from loop-player
					apply potion of Regeneration of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Water Breathing":
					remove Water Breathing from loop-player
					apply potion of Water Breathing of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Luck":
					remove Luck from loop-player
					apply potion of Luck of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds
				if {effect::%uuid of loop-player%::*} contains "Saturation":
					remove Saturation from loop-player
					apply potion of Saturation of tier 1 to the loop-player for 20 seconds

command /infuse-debug [<text>]:
		if player has permission "infuse.debug":
			if arg-1 is "messages":
				send {@positiveEffectGain} to player
				send {@negativeEffectRemoval} to player
				send {@negativeEffectGain} to player
			else if arg-1 is "effectReset":
				send "&aWiped all effects!" to player
				delete {effect::*}
				set {lastEffectReset} to now
			else if arg-1 is "debug":
				send "" to player
				send formatted "<##e78284>❇ Infuse SMP Plugin ❇" to player
				send formatted "<##ea999c>&7» <##ea999c>&7&n<link:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/infuse-smp-skript-free-drag-drop.103749/>Plugin Download&7 (Click Me!)" to player
				send "" to player
				send formatted "<##81c8be>☕ Commission Discord » <##81c8be>&n<link:https://discord.gg/7H2THJNBQX>https://discord.gg/7H2THJNBQX" to player
				send "" to player
				send formatted "<##eebebe>&e⚡ Plugin made by SkipTurn &7(Dank JosBot##1001)" to player
				send "" to player
				send "&6Debug Information" to player
				set {_ver} to {@version}
				send "&cVersion&8 »&7 %{_ver}%" to player
				loop all players:
					add size of {effect::%uuid of loop-player%} to {_size}
				if {_size} is set:
					send "&cLoaded Effects&8 » &7%{_size}%" to player
					send "&cLoaded Effects&8 » &70" to player
				send "&cLoaded Messages &8»" to player
				send {@positiveEffectGain} to player
				send {@negativeEffectRemoval} to player
				send {@negativeEffectGain} to player
				if {lastEffectReset} is set:
					send "&cLast Effect Reset&8 » &7%{lastEffectReset}%" to player
					send "&cLast Effect Reset &7(/infuse-debug effectReset)&8 » &7Never" to player
				send "" to player
				send "&cThis is not a valid arguement! Valid arguements are &7messages&c, &7effectReset&c, &7debug" to player
			send "&cYou cannot do this! &7(infuse.debug)" to player

on death:
	if victim is a player:
		if attacker is a player:
			if {effectneg::%uuid of attacker%} is not set:
				set {_effect} to random element out of {pe::*}
				add {_effect} to {effect::%uuid of attacker%::*}
				send {@positiveEffectGain} to attacker
				send "&7You gained %{_effect}%&7!" to attacker
				delete {effectneg::%uuid of attacker%}
				delete {effect::%uuid of attacker%::*}
				send {@negativeEffectRemoval} to attacker
			loop {effect::%uuid of victim%::*}:
				if {pe::*} contains loop-value:
					set {_val} to true
			if {_val} is set:
				loop 25 times:
					set {_effect} to random element out of {effect::%uuid of victim%::*}
					if {ne::*} does not contain {_effect}:
						remove {_effect} from {effect::%uuid of victim%::*}
						wait 1 ticks
						send "&7You lost %{_effect}%&7!" to victim
						exit loop

				set {_effect} to random element out of {ne::*}
				add {_effect} to {effect::%uuid of victim%::*}
				set {effectneg::%uuid of victim%} to true
				set {_effect} to random element out of {ne::*}
				add {_effect} to {effect::%uuid of victim%::*}
				set {effectneg::%uuid of victim%} to true
			set {respawnMessage::%uuid of victim%} to {_effect}
on respawn:
	if {respawnMessage::%uuid of player%} is set:
		wait 1 ticks
		send {@negativeEffectGain} to player
		send "&7You gained %{respawnMessage::%uuid of player%}%&7!" to player
		delete {respawnMessage::%uuid of player%}