
Created by Max094_Reikeb

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#   _____ _         _ _                              
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#  ____) |   < (_| | | | (_) \ V  V /  __/  __/ | | |
# |_____/|_|\_\__,_|_|_|\___/ \_/\_/ \___|\___|_| |_|
# Created by : Max094_Reikeb alias max094reikeb_>~$
# Author : Max094_Reikeb alias max094reikeb_>~$
# On an idea of : Max094_Reikeb alias max094reikeb_>~$
# All rights reserved to : Max094_Reikeb alias max094reikeb_>~$


    MondeHalloween: world #World where people are going to be afraid (to avoid le nether et l'end)

    AlwaysNight: true #Eternal night, set to false if not wanted.

    LightningOnKill: true #A lightning strikes the player if he kills an agressive mob. Set to false if not wanted.

    Prefix: &8&l[&6&lSkalloween&8&l]&r

#Ethernal night
at 24:00:
	if {@AlwaysNight} is true:
		set time to 23:00 

on death:
	#Lightning effect on aggressive mob death
    if victim is a zombie or skeleton or witch or spider or creeper or ghast or drowned or phantom or evoker or vindicator or vex or stray or husk or zombie villager or illusioner:
        if attacker is a player:
            if {@LightningOnKill} is true:
                strike lightning effect at attacker
	#Spawn an agressive ghost (30% de chance)
    if attacker is a player:
        chance of 30%:
            spawn a wither skeleton at the victim
            set name of the last spawned entity to "Angry Ghost"
            delete helmet of last spawned entity
            delete leggings of last spawned entity
            delete boots of last spawned entity
            delete chestplate of last spawned entity
            apply speed 2 to the last spawned entity for 9999 minutes
            apply invisibility to the last spawned entity for 9999 minutes
            apply resistance 1 to the last spawned entity for 9999 minutes
            apply strength 3 to the last spawned entity for 9999 minutes

#Scary effects in Halloween world, every 2 minutes (1% de chance)
every 2 minutes in "{@MondeHalloween}":
	chance of 1%:
		if time of world "{@MondeHalloween}" is night:
			loop all players:
				play sound "ENTITY_GHAST_AMBIENT" with volume 10 and pitch 0.5 to loop-player
				loop 10 times:
					apply blindness 1 to the loop-player for 1 second
					wait 2 ticks
					remove blindness from the loop-player
					wait 1 ticks

every 20 ticks:
	loop all spiders:
		name of loop-spider contains "Invisible spider":
			loop all players:
				distance between loop-spider and loop-player is less than 10
				set target of loop-spider to loop-player
	loop all wolves:
		name of loop-wolf contains "Hell Hound":
			loop all players:
				distance between loop-wolf and loop-player is less than 10
				set target of loop-wolf to loop-player

#System of witch/bat
on damage:
	if attacker is a player:
		if victim is a witch:
			chance of 30%:
				spawn a bat at the victim
				kill the victim
		if victim is a bat:
			spawn a witch at the victim
			launch ball large firework colored orange at last spawned entity timed 1
			kill the victim

on spawn of sheep:
	chance of 50%:
		set the colour of sheep to orange
		set the colour of sheep to black

on spawn of a zombie:
	chance of 2%:
		set name of the zombie to "Headless and horseless horseman"
		set helmet of zombie to pumpkin with name "&rHeadless and horseless horseman's skull"
		delete chestplate of zombie
		delete leggings of zombie
		delete boots of zombie
		apply speed 2 to the zombie for 9999 minutes
		apply resistance 3 to the zombie for 9999 minutes
		apply strength 2 to the zombie for 9999 minutes
	chance of 2%:
		set name of the zombie to "Animated armor"
		set helmet of zombie to chainmail helmet with name "Animated helmet"
		set chestplate of zombie to chainmail chestplate with name "Animated chestplate"
		set leggings of zombie to chainmail leggings with name "Animated leggings"
		set boots of zombie to chainmail boots with name "Animated boots"
		set tool of zombie to stone sword
		apply speed 2 to the zombie for 9999 minutes
		apply resistance 2 to the zombie for 9999 minutes
		apply strength 1 to the zombie for 9999 minutes
		apply invisibility 1 to the zombie for 9999 minutes

on spawn of a spider:
	chance of 2%:
		cancel event
		spawn an undead horse at event-location
		set name of the last spawned entity to "&rHeadless and horseless horseman's horse"
	chance of 2%:
		set name of the spider to "Araignée invisible"
		apply speed 1 to the spider for 9999 minutes
		apply resistance 3 to the spider for 9999 minutes
		apply strength 2 to the spider for 9999 minutes
		apply invisibility 1 to the spider for 9999 minutes

on spawn of a skeleton:
	chance of 2%:
		set name of the skeleton to "Specter"
		set {_p} to "Wither_Skeleton" parsed as offline player
		set the helmet of skeleton to {_p}'s skull
		set chestplate of skeleton to leather chestplate with name "Specter's chestplate"
		set tool of skeleton to wooden hoe
		delete leggings of skeleton
		delete boots of skeleton
		apply speed 2 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
		apply resistance 3 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
		apply strength 2 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes
		apply invisibility 1 to the skeleton for 9999 minutes

on spawn of a creeper:
	chance of 2%:
		cancel event
		spawn an angry wolf at event-location
		set name of the last spawned wolf to "Hell Hound"
		wait 1 tick
		apply health boost 10 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
		wait 1 tick
		heal the last spawned wolf
		apply speed 1 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
		apply resistance 3 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
		apply strength 1 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
		apply fire resistance 1 to the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes
		ignite the last spawned wolf for 9999 minutes

on spawn of an enderman:
	add "{carriedBlockState:{Name:""minecraft:pumpkin""}}" to nbt of event-entity