Created by McAcrylic

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#SetDirection(<entity>, "<Head/RightArm/LeftArm/RightLeg/LeftLeg>", <rotate X>, <rotate Y>, <rotate Z>) 
#SetRotation(<entity>, <yaw>, <pitch>) 
#AddDirection(<entity>, "<Head/RightArm/LeftArm/RightLeg/LeftLeg>", <rotate X>, <rotate Y>, <rotate Z>) 
#AddRotation(<entity>, <yaw>, <pitch>) 
#SetDirection(last spawned entity, "Head", 25, 0, 25) 
#SetRotation(last spawned entity, 25, 1) 
#AddDirection(last spawned entity, "Head", 25, 0, 25) 
#AddRotation(last spawned entity, 25, 1) 

function SetRotation(Entity: entity, AMT.1: number, AMT.2: number):
	set {_loc} to location of {_Entity}
	set yaw of {_loc} to {_yaw}
	set pitch of {_loc} to {_pitch}
	teleport {_Entity} to {_loc}

function SetDirection(Entity: entity, style: text, AMT.1: number, AMT.2: number, AMT.3: number):
	if "%{_AMT.1}%" is "<none>" or "0":
		set {_AMT.1} to 0.01
	if "%{_AMT.2}%" is "<none>" or "0":
		set {_AMT.2} to 0.01
	if "%{_AMT.3}%" is "<none>" or "0":
		set {_AMT.3} to 0.01
	add "{Pose:{%{_style}%:[%{_AMT.1}%f,%{_AMT.2}%f,%{_AMT.3}%f]}}" to nbt of {_Entity}

function AddRotation(Entity: entity, AMT.1: number, AMT.2: number):
	set {_yaw} to yaw of {_Entity}
	set {_yaw} to {_yaw} + {_AMT.1}
	set {_pitch} to pitch of {_Entity}
	set {_pitch} to {_pitch} + {_AMT.2}
	set {_loc} to location of {_Entity}
	set yaw of {_loc} to {_yaw}
	set pitch of {_loc} to {_pitch}
	teleport {_Entity} to {_loc}

function AddDirection(Entity: entity, style: text, AMT.1: number, AMT.2: number, AMT.3: number):
	set {_value} to tag "Pose" of nbt of {_Entity} 
	set {_value} to "%{_value}%"
	replace all "{%{_style}%:[" with "" in {_value}
	replace all "]}" with "" in {_value}
	replace all "0:" with "" in {_value}
	replace all "1:" with "" in {_value}
	replace all "2:" with "" in {_value}
	replace all "f" with "" in {_value}
	set {_value2::*} to {_value} split by ","
	set {_E.1} to 0
	set {_E.2} to 0
	set {_E.3} to 0
	set {_AmtG} to 0
	loop {_value2::*}:
		add 1 to {_AmtG}
		set {_E.%{_AmtG}%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as a number 
		set {_E.%{_AmtG}%} to {_AMT.%{_AmtG}%} + {_E.%{_AmtG}%}
	if "%{_E.1}%" is "<none>" or "0":
		set {_E.1} to 0.01
	if "%{_E.2}%" is "<none>" or "0":
		set {_E.2} to 0.01
	if "%{_E.3}%" is "<none>" or "0":
		set {_E.3} to 0.01
	add "{Pose:{%{_style}%:[%{_E.1}%f,%{_E.2}%f,%{_E.3}%f]}}" to nbt of {_Entity}
command /testam:
		spawn a armor stand at player 
		#set {_Entity} to last spawned entity
		set helmet of last spawned entity to iron ore 
		SetDirection(last spawned entity, "Head", 25, 0, 25) 
		SetRotation(last spawned entity, 25, 1)