Created by atanasss

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# Zombie
	ZombiePrice: 200000 # The price of the spawner
	ZombieAmount: 1     # How many spawners player's will recieve when buying
# Skeleton
	SkeletonPrice: 650000
	SkeletonAmount: 1
# Creeper
	CreeperPrice: 800000
	CreeperAmount: 1
# Blaze
	BlazePrice: 600000
	BlazeAmount: 1
# Spider
	SpiderPrice: 500000
	SpiderAmount: 1
# CaveSpider
	CaveSpiderPrice: 500000
	CaveSpiderAmount: 1
# Enderman
	EndermanPrice: 500000
	EndermanAmount: 1
# IronGolem
	IronGolemPrice: 1000000
	IronGolemAmount: 1
# Pig
	PigPrice: 100000
	PigAmount: 1
# Cow
	CowPrice: 100000
	CowAmount: 1
# Sheep
	SheepPrice: 100000
	SheepAmount: 1
# Chicken
	ChickenPrice: 100000
	ChickenAmount: 1
# Mooshroom Cow
	MooshroomPrice: 100000
	MooshroomAmount: 1
#	Spawner Shop
function spawnershop(p: player):
  set {_shape::1} to "xaxaxaxax"
  set {_shape::2} to "a1234567a"
  set {_shape::3} to "x89bcdeox"
  set {_shape::4} to "aoooooooa"
  set {_shape::5} to "xaxaxaxax"
  create a gui with id "spawnershop" with virtual chest with 5 rows named "          &c&lSpawner &f&lShop" and shape {_shape::*}:
    make gui "x" with red stained glass pane named " "
    make gui "a" with white stained glass pane named " "

    set {_zombie} to skull of "MHF_Zombie" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_zombie}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_zombie}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@ZombiePrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_zombie}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_zombie}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@ZombieAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_zombie}'s lore to " "
    make gui "1" with {_zombie} named "&c&lZombie Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/zombiespawner"	
    set {_skeleton} to skull of "MHF_Skeleton" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_skeleton}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_skeleton}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@SkeletonPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_skeleton}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_skeleton}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@SkeletonAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_skeleton}'s lore to " "
    make gui "2" with {_skeleton} named "&c&lSkeleton Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/skeletonspawner"

    set {_creeper} to skull of "MHF_Creeper" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_creeper}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_creeper}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@CreeperPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_creeper}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_creeper}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@CreeperAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_creeper}'s lore to " "
    make gui "3" with {_creeper} named "&c&lCreeper Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/creeperspawner"	

    set {_blaze} to skull of "MHF_Blaze" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_blaze}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_blaze}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@BlazePrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_blaze}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_blaze}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@BlazeAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_blaze}'s lore to " "
    make gui "4" with {_blaze} named "&c&lBlaze Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/blazespawner"

    set {_spider} to skull of "MHF_Spider" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_spider}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_spider}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@SpiderPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_spider}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_spider}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@SpiderAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_spider}'s lore to " "
    make gui "5" with {_spider} named "&c&lSpider Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/spiderspawner"

    set {_cavespider} to skull of "MHF_CaveSpider" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_cavespider}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_cavespider}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@CaveSpiderPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_cavespider}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_cavespider}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@CaveSpiderAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_cavespider}'s lore to " "
    make gui "6" with {_cavespider} named "&c&lCave Spider Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/cavespiderspawner"

    set {_enderman} to skull of "MHF_Enderman" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_enderman}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_enderman}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@EndermanPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_enderman}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_enderman}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@EndermanAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_enderman}'s lore to " "
    make gui "7" with {_enderman} named "&c&lEnderman Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/endermanspawner"	

    set {_irongolem} to skull of "MHF_Golem" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_irongolem}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_irongolem}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@IronGolemPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_irongolem}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_irongolem}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@IronGolemAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_irongolem}'s lore to " "
    make gui "8" with {_irongolem} named "&c&lIronGolem Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/irongolemspawner"

    set {_pig} to skull of "MHF_Pig" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_pig}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_pig}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@PigPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_pig}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_pig}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@PigAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_pig}'s lore to " "
    make gui "9" with {_pig} named "&c&lPig Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/pigspawner"	 

    set {_cow} to skull of "MHF_Cow" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_cow}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_cow}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@CowPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_cow}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_cow}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@CowAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_cow}'s lore to " "
    make gui "b" with {_cow} named "&c&lCow Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/cowspawner"	  

    set {_sheep} to skull of "MHF_Sheep" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_sheep}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_sheep}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@SheepPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_sheep}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_sheep}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@SheepAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_sheep}'s lore to " "
    make gui "c" with {_sheep} named "&c&lSheep Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/sheepspawner" 	

    set {_chicken} to skull of "MHF_Chicken" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_chicken}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_chicken}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@ChickenPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_chicken}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_chicken}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@ChickenAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_chicken}'s lore to " "
    make gui "d" with {_chicken} named "&c&lChicken Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/chickenspawner"	

    set {_mooshroom} to skull of "MHF_MushroomCow" parsed as an offline player
    set 1st line of {_mooshroom}'s lore to " "
    set 2nd line of {_mooshroom}'s lore to "&7&lPrice: &f&n{@MooshroomPrice}&a $"
    set 3rd line of {_mooshroom}'s lore to " "
    set 4th line of {_mooshroom}'s lore to "&7&lAmount: &f&n{@MooshroomAmount}"
    set 5th line of {_mooshroom}'s lore to " "
    make gui "e" with {_mooshroom} named "&c&lMooshroom Spawner":
      make gui-player execute command "/mooshroomspawner"	  
  open gui "spawnershop" to {_p}
command /spawnershop:
command /zombiespawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@ZombiePrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@ZombiePrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% zombie {@ZombieAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@ZombiePrice} to buy this spawner"
command /skeletonspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@SkeletonPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@SkeletonPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% skeleton {@SkeletonAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@SkeletonPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /creeperspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@CreeperPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@CreeperPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% creeper {@CreeperAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@CreeperPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /blazespawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@BlazePrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@BlazePrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% blaze {@BlazeAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@BlazePrice} to buy this spawner"
command /spiderspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@SpiderPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@SpiderPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% spider {@SpiderAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@SpiderPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /cavespiderspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@CaveSpiderPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@CaveSpiderPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% cavespider {@CaveSpiderAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@CaveSpiderPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /endermanspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@EndermanPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@EndermanPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% enderman {@EndermanAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@EndermanPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /irongolemspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@IronGolemPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@IronGolemPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% irongolem {@IronGolemAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@IronGolemPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /pigspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@PigPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@PigPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% pig {@PigAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@PigPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /cowspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@CowPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@CowPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% cow {@CowAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@CowPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /sheepspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@SheepPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@SheepPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% sheep {@SheepAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@SheepPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /chickenspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@ChickenPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@ChickenPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% chicken {@ChickenAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@ChickenPrice} to buy this spawner"
command /mooshroomspawner:
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@MooshroomPrice}:
			if player has enough space for spawner:
				remove {@MooshroomPrice} from player's balance
				execute console command "ss give %player% mooshroom {@MooshroomAmount}"
				send "&cPlease empty your inventory"
			send "&cYou need {@MooshroomPrice} to buy this spawner"