
Created by Unknown

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#<==========Arrow Perms==========>
#V E R S I O N			0 . 2
#M A D E 	B Y 	H O L W
#<=========Arrow Perms===========>
#    <===|CAPABILITIES|===>
#  		 PermissionsEX
#		   LuckPerms
#M O R E   C O M I N G   S O O N	

	noperm: &4You do not have permission to do this command
	made: &6Arrow Perms made by Holw
	prefix: &7[&bArrowPerms&7]

	#<=====Permission System=====>
#Change to "true" or "false" if you want to use that permission plugin or are using a specificly 
	PEX: true 
	LuckPerms: false 

on script load:
	message "{@prefix} &6Arrow Perms &fhas been &aEnabled!&f | &cMade by Holw for setting up permissions easy." to the console

command /arpload:
	permission message: {@noperm}
	permission: arrowp.reload
		execute console command "skript reload Arrow Perms"

command /arp <text>:
	aliases: /arrowp
	permission: arrowp.generalc
	executable by: console
	permission message: {@made}
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arp help &7or &a/arrrowp help
		if arg 1 contain "help":
			message "&9==============&2<&6Help&2>&9=============="
			message "&3/arpcreate <group_name> - Creates a new group/rank"
			message "&3/arpdel <group_name> - Removes the group/rank"
			message "&3/arpadd <group_name> <permission> - Adds a permission to the group/rank"  
			message "&3/arpremove <group_name> <permission> - Removes a permission from the group/rank" 
			message "&3/arpprefix <group_name> <new_prefix> - Gives your group/rank a prefix"
			message "&3/arpsuffix <group_name> <new_suffix> - Gives your group/rank a suffix"
			message "&3/arpparents <group_name> <parents> - Sets parrent(s) for the group/rank"
			message "&3/arpuser <set/remove> <player> <group_name> - Sets/remove user form the group/rank"
			message "&3/arpuserp <add/remove> <player> <group_name> - Adds/remove permission form the user"
			message "&9==============&2<&6Help&2>&9=============="

#\PermissionEX Commands\

command /arpcreate <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpcreate
	permission: arrowp.create
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpcreate {group} &7or &a/arrowpcreate {group}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 1 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% create"
				message "&cGroup ""%arg 1%"" has been created"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 is set:
				execute console command "lp creategroup %arg 1%"
				message "&cGroup ""%arg 1%"" has been created"

command /arpdel <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpdel
	permission: arrowp.del
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpdel {group} &7or &a/arrowpdel {group}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 1 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% delete"
				message "&cGroup ""%arg 1%"" has been deleted"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 is set:
				execute console command "lp deletegroup %arg 1%"
				message "&cGroup ""%arg 1%"" has been deleted"

command /arpadd <text> <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpadd
	permission: arrowp.add
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpadd {group} {permission} &7or &a/arrowpcreate {group} {permission}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% add %arg 2%"
				message "&cAdded the permission ""%arg 2%"" to ""%arg 1%"""
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 is set:
				execute console command "lp group %arg 1% permission set %arg 2%"
				message "&cAdded the permission ""%arg 2%"" to ""%arg 1%"""

command /arpremove <text> <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpremove
	permission: arrowp.remove
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpremove {group} {permission} &7or &a/arrowpremove {group} {permission}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% remove %arg 2%"
				message "&cRemoved the permission ""%arg 2%"" from ""%arg 1%"""
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "lp group %arg 1% permission unset %arg 2%"
				message "&cRemoved the permission ""%arg 2%"" from ""%arg 1%"""

command /arpprefix <text> <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpprefix
	permission: arrowp.fixxes
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpprefix {group} {prefix} &7or &a/arrowpprefix {group} {prefix}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% prefix %arg 2%"
				message "&cSet prefix for group ""%arg 1%"" to ""%arg 2%"""
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "/lp group %arg 1% meta addprefix %arg 2%"
				message "&cSet prefix for group ""%arg 1%"" to ""%arg 2%"""

command /arpsuffix <text> <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpsuffix
	permission: arrowp.fixxes
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpsuffix {group} {suffix} &7or &a/arrowpsuffix {group} {suffix}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% suffix %arg 2%"
				message "&cSet suffix for group ""%arg 1%"" to ""%arg 2%"""
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "/lp group %arg 1% meta addsufffix %arg 2%"
				message "&cSet suffix for group ""%arg 1%"" to ""%arg 2%"""

command /arpparents <text> <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpparents
	permission: arrowp.parrent
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpparents {group} {parrent(s)} &7or &a/arrowpparents {group} {parrent(s)}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "pex group %arg 1% parents set %arg 2%"
				message "&cGroup %arg 1% inheritance updated"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 2 is set:
				execute console command "/lp group %arg 1% parent set %arg 2%"
				message "&cGroup %arg 1% inheritance updated"

command /arpuser <text> [<offline player>] <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpuser
	permission: arrowp.usergroup
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpuser {"set","remove"} {player} {group} &7or &a/arrowpuser {"set","remove"} {player} {group}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "set":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "pex user %arg 2% group add %arg 3%"
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "remove":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "pex user %arg 2% group remove %arg 3%"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "set":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "lp user %arg 2% parent add %arg 3% global"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "remove":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "lp user %arg 2% parent remove %arg 3% global"

command /arpuserp <text> [<offline player>] <text>:
	aliases: /arrowpuserp
	permission: arrowp.userperms
	usage: &7Correct usage: &a/arpuserp {"add","remove"} {player} {permission} &7or &a/arrowpuserp {"add","remove"} {player} {permission}
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "add":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "pex user %arg 2% add %arg 3%"
		if {@PEX} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "remove":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "pex user %arg 2% remove %arg 3%"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "add":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "lp user %arg 2% permission set %arg 3%"
		if {@LuckPerms} is true:
			if arg 1 contain "remove":
				if arg 2 is set:
					execute console command "lp user %arg 2% permission unset %arg 3%"