Created by Proxy Scripts

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

#Main command to change you're nickname.

command /change [<string>]:
	permission: change.use
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
			send "&7[&cChange&7] &7Developed by Proxys Scripts"
			send ""
			send "&7[&cChange&7] &7/Change Nick - Open the Nick GUI"
			send "&7[&cChange&7] &7/AddNick - Add a nick to the random list!"
			send "&7[&cChange&7] &7/RemoveNick - Remove a nick from the list!"
			send "&7[&cChange&7] &7/ListNick - List all the nicknames you added!"
			send "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
		if arg-1 is "nick":
			set {_book} to a new book
			wait 1 tick
			set {_component} to a new text component with "&7Which &cnick &7do you want? You can click &cDisable &7to disable your nick!%nl%"
			wait 1 tick
			set {_component2} to a new text component with "%nl%%nl%&0➤ &7&lRandom"
			wait 1 tick
			add hover event with action SHOW_TEXT with text "&6You'll get a random nick!" to text component {_component2}
			wait 1 tick
			set {_b} to a random element of {names::*}
			add click event with action RUN_COMMAND with execute "/nick %player% %{_b}%" to text component {_component2}
			wait 1 tick 
			set {_component3} to a new text component with "%nl%%nl%&0➤ &a&lCustom"
			wait 1 tick
			add hover event with action SHOW_TEXT with text "&6Custom Nick! once clicked, type the name you want in chat!" to text component {_component3}
			wait 1 tick
			add click event with action RUN_COMMAND with execute "/nickenable %player%" to text component {_component3}
			set {_component4} to a new text component with "%nl%%nl%&0➤ &4&lDisable"
			wait 1 tick
			add hover event with action SHOW_TEXT with text "&6Disable you're nick" to text component {_component4}
			wait 1 tick
			add click event with action RUN_COMMAND with execute "/nick off" to text component {_component4}
			add text component {_component} and {_component2} and {_component3} and {_component4} to book {_book}
			wait 2 tick
			open book {_book}  to player

#Add any nickname you want! This will effect the random nickname option.

command /addnick [<string>]:
	permission: change.add
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&7[&cChange&7] /addnick <Nickname>"
		if arg-1 is set:
			set {_a} to arg-1
			add {_a} to {names::*}
			send "&aAdding: &7%{_a}% to nick list!"

#Remove any nickname that you added and don't want.

command /removenick [<string>]:
	permission: change.remove
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&7[&cChange&7] /removenick <Nickname>"
		if arg-1 is set:
			set {_a} to arg-1
			remove {_a} from {names::*}
			send "&cRemoving: &7%{_a}% to nick list!"

#List the nicknames you added.

command /listnick [<string>]:
	permission: change.list
		if arg-1 is not set:
			loop {names::*}:
				send "&7%loop-value%"

#Custom nickname.

command /nickenable [<player>]:
	permission: change.custom
		if arg-1 is set:
			set {} to true
			send "&7&oEnter the name you want to be nicked as! Color codes can be used."
on chat:
	if {} is true:
		cancel event
		set {_m} to message
		set {} to false
		execute console command "/nick %event-player% %{_m}%"
		send "&aSetting nickname to %colored {_m}%"