
Created by Polarcrafter

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

on place of lava:
	if player is holding 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Cobblestone||&6Costs: &71.000||&6Place Type: &7Air":
		cancel event
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to 1000:
			remove 1000 from player's balance
			send "&c$1000 has been taken from your account."
			set block to cobblestone
			Loop 256 times:
				if block loop-number below event-block is bedrock:
					stop Loop
				if block loop-number below event-block is air:
					wait 20 ticks
					set block loop-number below event-block to cobblestone
					stop Loop
			send "&cYou do not have enough money for this action."
	else if player is holding 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Obsidian||&6Costs: &710.000||&6Place Type: &7Air":
		cancel event
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to 10000:
			remove 10000 from player's balance
			send "&c$10000 has been taken from your account."
			set block to obsidian
			Loop 256 times:
				if block loop-number below event-block is bedrock:
					stop Loop
				if block loop-number below event-block is air:
					wait 20 ticks
					set block loop-number below event-block to obsidian
					stop Loop
			send "&cYou do not have enough money for this action."
	else if player is holding 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Sand||&6Costs: &715.000||&6Place Type: &7Ground":
		cancel event
		if block below event-block is air:
			send "&cYou can only place the Sand Gen Bucket on the Ground"
		if player's balance is greater than or equal to 15000:
			remove 15000 from player's balance
			send "&c$15000 has been taken from your account."
			set block to sand
			Loop 256 times:
				if block loop-number over event-block is bedrock:
					stop Loop
				if block loop-number over event-block is air:
					wait 20 ticks
					set block loop-number over event-block to sand
					stop Loop
			send "&cYou do not have enough money for this action."

command /genbucket:
		open chest with 3 rows named "&7Gen Buckets" to player
		format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 of player with black stained glass named " "
		format gui slot 11 of player with 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Cobblestone||&6Costs: &71.000||&6Place Type: &7Air|| ||&6Click to get a free Gen Bucket||&61k per placing this Gen Bucket"
		format gui slot 15 of player with 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Obsidian||&6Costs: &710.000||&6Place Type: &7Air|| ||&6Click to get a free Gen Bucket||&610k per placing this Gen Bucket"
		format gui slot 13 of player with 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Sand||&6Costs: &715.000||&6Place Type: &7Ground|| ||&6Click to get a free Gen Bucket||&615k per placing this Gen Bucket"

on inventory click:
	if name of player's current inventory is "&7Gen Buckets":
		if lore of event-item is "&6Type: &7Cobblestone||&6Costs: &71.000||&6Place Type: &7Air|| ||&6Click to get a free Gen Bucket||&61k per placing this Gen Bucket":
			if player has 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Cobblestone||&6Costs: &71.000||&6Place Type: &7Air":
				send "&cYou already got a Gen Bucket"
				give player 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Cobblestone||&6Costs: &71.000||&6Place Type: &7Air"
		if lore of event-item is "&6Type: &7Obsidian||&6Costs: &710.000||&6Place Type: &7Air|| ||&6Click to get a free Gen Bucket||&610k per placing this Gen Bucket":
			if player has 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Obsidian||&6Costs: &710.000||&6Place Type: &7Air":
				send "&cYou already got a Gen Bucket"
				give player 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Obsidian||&6Costs: &710.000||&6Place Type: &7Air"
		if lore of event-item is "&6Type: &7Sand||&6Costs: &715.000||&6Place Type: &7Ground|| ||&6Click to get a free Gen Bucket||&615k per placing this Gen Bucket":
			if player has 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Sand||&6Costs: &715.000||&6Place Type: &7Ground":
				send "&cYou already got a Gen Bucket"
				give player 1 of glowing lava bucket named "&4&lGen Bucket" with lore "&6Type: &7Sand||&6Costs: &715.000||&6Place Type: &7Ground"