Created by ForUtoo

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /smelt [<text>]:
	cooldown: 1 seconds
	cooldown message: &cSlow down, you are going to fast, you need to wait 1 seconds!
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-1 is "cobblestone":
				if player has cobblestone:
					message "&3&lSmelting cobblestone.."
					remove 1 cobblestone from player's inventory
					wait 1 second
					message "&3&lSmelted cobblestone!"
					give player 1 stone
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-1 is "iron":
				if player has raw iron:
					message "&3&lSmelting iron.."
					remove 1 raw iron from player's inventory
					wait 1 second
					message "&3&lSmelted iron!"
					give player 1 iron ingot
		if arg-1 is not set:
			message "&cCorrect Syntax: /smelt [cobblestone/iron]"
		if arg-1 is not "raw iron" or "cobblestone":
			message "&cCorrect Syntax: /smelt [cobblestone/iron]"