Created by WolfyGameYT

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

# PlayerMaster - made by WolfyGameYT

	pltpitem: clock #The item used to open the player teleporter gui
	pltkitem: compass #The item used to open the player tracker gui

command /pltp:
	permission: playermaster.teleporter
		give 1 of {@pltpitem} named "&1&lPlayer Teleporter" to player
command /pltk [<text>]:
	permission: playermaster.tracker
		if arg-1 is not set:
			give 1 of {@pltkitem} named "&1&lPlayer Tracker" to player
		if arg-1 is set:
			if arg-1 is not "off":
				send "&4You can only put &4&loff&4!"
			if arg-1 is "off":
				if {actionbar.%player%} is true:
					send "&aPlayer tracking has been disabled! &2(The action bar will vanish in 3 seconds)"
					set {actionbar.%player%} to false
				else if {actionbar.%player%} is false:
					send "&cPlayer tracking is already disabled!"

on right click holding a {@pltpitem}:
	if name of held item is "&1&lPlayer Teleporter":
		open virtual chest with 6 rows named "&3&lPlayer Teleporter" to player
		wait 1 tick
		set {_slotspltp} to 0
		loop all players:
			create gui slot {_slotspltp} of player with loop-player's skull named "&b&l%loop-player%" with lore "&9Click to tp to %loop-player%" to close then run console command "/tp %player% %loop-player%"
			add 1 to {_slotspltp}
on right click holding a {@pltkitem}:
	if name of held item is "&1&lPlayer Tracker":
		open virtual chest with 6 rows named "&3&lPlayer Tracker" to player
		wait 1 tick
		set {_slotspltk} to 0
		loop all players:
			create gui slot {_slotspltk} of player with loop-player's skull named "&b&l%loop-player%" with lore "&9Click to track %loop-player%" to close then run console command "/pmactionbar %player% %loop-player%"
			add 1 to {_slotspltk}
command /pmactionbar <player> <player>:
	executable by: console
		set {abpl.%arg-1%} to arg-2
		set {actionbar.%arg-1%} to true

every tick:
	loop all players:
		if {actionbar.%loop-player%} is true:
			send action bar "&6&lPlayer: &e&l%{abpl.%loop-player%}%  &6&lDistance: &e&l%distance between loop-player and {abpl.%loop-player%}%&e&lm" to loop-player
# Susbcribe to me pls! -->