Created by Sturdy

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.


	prefix: TPP
	perm: enc.user
on rightclick on enchantment table:
	cancel event
	if player has permission "@perm":
		if player's held item is sword:
			open chest with 3 row named "&4&lSword enchantment" to player
			wait 1 tick
			format slot 10 of player with book named "&2&lSHARPNESS" with lore "&aApply &2&lSharpness &ato your sword" to close then run "sudo %player% swordsharpgui"
command /swordsharpgui:
		open chest with 3 row named "&4&lSword enchantment" to player		
		wait 1 tick
		format slot 10 of player with enchanted book named "&5Sharpness &d&lI" with lore "&dRequires &510 &dXP" to close then run "sudo %player% enchant apply Sharpness 1 %player%"
		format slot 13 of player with enchanted book named "&5Sharpness &d&lII" with lore "&dRequires &520 &dXP" to close then run "sudo %player% enchant apply Sharpness 2 %player%"
		format slot 16 of player with enchanted book named "&5Sharpness &d&lIII" with lore "&dRequires &525 &dXP" to close then run "sudo %player% enchant apply Sharpness 3 %player%"
		format slot 20 of player with enchanted book named "&5Sharpness &d&lIV" with lore "&dRequires &530 &dXP" to close then run "sudo %player% enchant apply Sharpness 4 %player%"
		format slot 24 of player with enchanted book named "&eSharpness &6&lV" with lore "&dRequires &535 &dXP" to close then run "sudo %player% enchant apply Sharpness 5 %player%"

command /enchant [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<player>]:
		if arg 1 is "apply":
			if arg 2 is "Sharpness":
				if arg 3 is "1":
					if player-argument's level is less than 10:
						send "&4&lERROR! &5&n(Sharpness &b&lI&b&o) &cYou must have 10 Levels to use this enchant&l!" to arg-4
						reduce the player-argument's level by 10
						enchant the player-argument's tool with sharpness 1
						send "&c&l{@prefix} &8» &dSuccessfully applied &5Sharpness &lI &6to your sword!." to arg-4
				if arg 3 is "2":
					if player-argument's level is less than 20:
						send "&4&lERROR! &5&n(Sharpness &b&lII&b&o) &cYou must have 20 Levels to use this enchant&l!" to arg-4
						reduce the player-argument's level by 20
						enchant the player-argument's tool with sharpness 2
						send "&c&l{@prefix} &8» &dSuccessfully applied &5Sharpness &lII &6to your sword!." to arg-4
				if arg 3 is "3":
					if player-argument's level is less than 25:
						send "&4&lERROR! &5&n(Sharpness &b&lIII&b&o) &cYou must have 25 Levels to use this enchant&l!" to arg-4
						reduce the player-argument's level by 25
						enchant the player-argument's tool with sharpness 3
						send "&c&l{@prefix} &8» &dSuccessfully applied &5Sharpness &lIII &6to your sword!." to arg-4
				if arg 3 is "4":
					if player-argument's level is less than 30:
						send "&4&lERROR! &5&n(Sharpness &b&lIV&b&o) &cYou must have 30 Levels to use this enchant&l!" to arg-4
						reduce the player-argument's level by 30
						enchant the player-argument's tool with sharpness 4
						send "&c&l{@prefix} &8» &dSuccessfully applied &5Sharpness &lIV &6to your sword!." to arg-4
				if arg 3 is "5":
					if player-argument's level is less than 35:
						send "&4&lERROR! &5&n(Sharpness &b&lV&b&o) &cYou must have 35 Levels to use this enchant&l!" to arg-4
						reduce the player-argument's level by 35
						enchant the player-argument's tool with sharpness 5
						send "&c&l{@prefix} &8» &dSuccessfully applied &5Sharpness &lV &6to your sword!." to arg-4