Created by Azternaut

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

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on first join:
	set metadata value "bot" of player to player's location

on join:
	set metadata value "bot" of player to player's location

on chat:
	if metadata value "bot" of player is set:
		if metadata value "bot" of player = player's location:
			send "&cPlease move from the initial location to begin chat!"
			cancel event
			delete metadata value "bot" of player

on command:
	if metadata value "bot" of player is set:
		if command is not "login" or "l" or "authme:login" or "authme:l":
			if metadata value "bot" of player = player's location:
				send "&cPlease move from the initial location to begin use commands!"
				cancel event
				delete metadata value "bot" of player

on quit:
	delete metadata value "bot" of player