
Created by _Vlad1101_

Just so you know, we don't know the file format for every file. If it's just a bunch of random characters, it's probably a .zip or .jar.

command /chatcolor [<text>]:
	aliases: colorchat, changecolor
		if player does not have permission "chatcolor.color":
			message "&8&m-+----------+-&r"
			message "&a&lChatColor1101 &f&oV1.0"
			message "&7By &f_Vlad1101_"
			message ""
			message "&8&m-+----------+-"
		else if arg 1 is not set:
			wait 3 ticks
			open chest with 4 rows named "&f&l%player% &a&lChatColor1101" to player
			format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&f&l%player%" with lore "&aChangeColor" to be unstealable
			format slot 19 of player with Red Wool named "&c&lRed &fColor" with lore "" to close then run [make player execute command "/___change___color__ red"]
			format slot 21 of player with Light Blue Wool named "&b&lBlue &fColor" with lore "" to close then run  [make player execute command "/___change___color__ blue"]
			format slot 23 of player with Yellow Wool named "&e&lYellow &fColor" with lore "" to close then run  [make player execute command "/___change___color__ yellow"]
			format slot 25 of player with Magenta Wool named "&d&lPink &fColor" with lore "" to close then run  [make player execute command "/___change___color__ pink"]
		else if arg-1 is "reload":
			if player does not have permission "chatcolor.admin"
				execute console command "/sk reload chatcolor"
				wait 1 second
				send player title "&2&lRELOAD" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				wait 0.2 seconds
				send player title "&a&lR&2&lELOAD" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				wait 0.2 seconds
				send player title "&a&lRE&2&lLOAD" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				wait 0.2 seconds
				send player title "&a&lREL&2&lOAD" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				wait 0.2 seconds
				send player title "&a&lRELO&2&lAD" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				wait 0.2 seconds
				send player title "&a&lRELOA&2&lD" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				wait 0.2 seconds
				send player title "&a&lRELOAD&2&l" with subtitle "&aThe skript has been reloaded." for 0.3 seconds
				message "&aChatColor1101 &7- &fYou to no have permission."
command /___change___color__ [<text>]:
		if arg 1 is "red":
			if {delay} is set:
				message "&aChatColor1101 &7- &fPlease wait &c5 &fminutes."
			else if {delay} is not set:
				set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&c"
				message "&fYour chat color has been changed to &cRed"
				set {delay} to player
				wait 5 minutes
				delete {delay}
		if arg 1 is "blue":
			if {delay} is set:
				message "&aChatColor1101 &7- &fPlease wait &b5 &fminutes."
			else if {delay} is not set:
				set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&b"
				message "&fYour chat color has been changed to &bBlue"
				set {delay} to player
				wait 5 minutes
				delete {delay}
		if arg 1 is "yellow":
			if {delay} is set:
				message "&aChatColor1101 &7- &fPlease wait &e5 &fminutes."
			else if {delay} is not set:
				set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&e"
				message "&fYour chat color has been changed to &eYellow"
				set {delay} to player
				wait 5 minutes
				delete {delay}
		if arg 1 is "pink":
			if {delay} is set:
				message "&aChatColor1101 &7- &fPlease wait &d5 &fminutes."
			else if {delay} is not set:
				set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&d"
				message "&fYour chat color has been changed to &dPink"
				set {delay} to player
				wait 5 minutes
				delete {delay}
on chat:
	loop {online::*}:
		message "%player's display name% &c» %{chatcolor.%player%}%%message%" to loop-value
		cancel event
on join:
	add player to {online::*}
on quit:
	remove player from {online::*}